John Wayne Picture Game #20

There are 14 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 7,375 times. The latest Post () was by baron von Rassilon.

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  • Who had the best caption on game 19? 0

    1. Arthurarmell (0) 0%
    2. Chester777 (0) 0%
    3. A Girl Named Jen (0) 0%
    4. Chance (0) 0%
    5. Hondo Duke Lane (0) 0%
    6. itdo (0) 0%
    7. Smokey (0) 0%

    Well here it's time for another game. Please remember to vote for who had the best caption in game # 19. I think I remember how to do the poll.

    This time the picture is from "Hellfighters", one of two of my wifes' favorite John Wayne movies (She's a Peter Cushing girl, go figure!)! I'm posting these pics every two weeks now, cause it's harder to get different images. I'm working on some interesting and better pictures for you all.

    Well good luck to all, have fun and remember, WWJWD (What Would John Wayne Do?)!

    [SIZE=3]"Here's to you Duke, untill we meet again."[/SIZE]

  • Buckman: You know, if you hit that ball a little harder you might be able to get Irene to trip on the ball and watch her flip her dress up in the air again.


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • JW: "I once vowed never to be in a picture with dwarfs - it's so hard to hit them! And here I am, playing pool with one! Hey J.C.! I guess that framed picture of an explosion means this is gonna be an action picture?"

    JAY C. FLIPPEN: "Nope - it means it's gonna bomb at the box-office."

    JW: "Do I get to wear my Hondo hat in this one?"

    JC: "Naaw. You'll wear a tin hat!"

    JW: "But I DO get to ride a hoss?"

    JC: "We'll get you a bulldozer to ride."

    JW: "Well how about a love-interest: Do I get to romance a gal?"

    JC: "Well, we have that Graduate-girl for the romantic scenes, you know: the sex-comedy. But you don't get to romance her, Duke. We got Jim Hutton for that part, you know: the one from the sex-comedy The Honeymoon Machine."

    JW: "I get no gal at all?!"

    JC: "Well, we have Vera Miles but she..."

    JW: "Ah! Vera! She always used to chase her men! You know, in Liberty Valance, and in the Searchers, she always..."

    JC: "But this time she ran AWAY from you!"

    JW: "I see... Do I at least get to tear a saloon apart?"

    JC: "No, you'll tear a Chinese bordello apart."

    JW: "Heck. Is there anything in this picture which I'm gonna like at all?"

    JC: "Now maybe you like getting knocked out right at the beginning and spend a half hour's movie time in a hotel bed."

    JW: "Aaaaw Hell!"

    JC: "Nooo. HELL-Fighters."

  • My first one,

    Lomax: I sure would have got it in the hole if it wasn't for that pink elephant, gazing at me.

    Buckman: jeeh, another one who can't hold his liquor.


  • hey guys, I wish to say that I have not had time to post any more pictures lately. I have been working just about every day for the last couple of months. I haven't had much time to post anything at all.
    I am also trying to figure out how to get more picture for the game. I cant find anymore on the web that hasn't been used. If all of you are still interested, I will continue the game, I may have to use some that are not of great quality.
    Again, I enjoy doing this for all of you, I just haven't had much time. (I really need a vacation!).

    [SIZE=3]"Here's to you Duke, untill we meet again."[/SIZE]