Hi JWFan, like IHW says, it's no big deal. I was about 11 or so the first time I ever got on a plane. The fight took only about 30 minutes. I never had time to get used to being on the plane before we landed. The next time I was on a flight we flew through a thunder and lightning storm at night. This flight lasted the same as the first one did years earlier. The first and only time I flew a long flight was when I flew from Corpus Christi, to Dallas then to Frankfurt, Germany. Going over the flight lasted about 11 hours. Coming back was about 10 (to Dallas) I spent the next 10 hours at Dallas waiting for my flight to CC Int'l which should have been at 2:00 pm instead of midnight.
Anyway, I stared out the window more than half of the time on the way over. Leaving in the afternoon I watched until you could not see terreigh features because of nightfall. I still looked out on occasion during the night seeing the lights of cities, and sometimes we were low enough to watch individual cars driving around. I thought it funny to see the Police in action as well. I remember one decent sized town we flew over and saw that the Cops were making traffic stops etc. The experiance of going was most excellent. The staff on the plane I was on were great.
On the way back from Germany was a different deal. We left late, the staff left alot to be desired, and I had someone from Pakistan sitting next to me, this person smelled so bad and must have not bathed for a month. 10 hrs + I had to smell that guy.