Historical Events That Must Be Filmed

There are 62 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 22,960 times. The latest Post () was by The Ringo Kid.

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  • :cowboy: Hi JWFan, like IHW says, it's no big deal. I was about 11 or so the first time I ever got on a plane. The fight took only about 30 minutes. I never had time to get used to being on the plane before we landed. The next time I was on a flight we flew through a thunder and lightning storm at night. This flight lasted the same as the first one did years earlier. The first and only time I flew a long flight was when I flew from Corpus Christi, to Dallas then to Frankfurt, Germany. Going over the flight lasted about 11 hours. Coming back was about 10 (to Dallas) I spent the next 10 hours at Dallas waiting for my flight to CC Int'l which should have been at 2:00 pm instead of midnight.

    Anyway, I stared out the window more than half of the time on the way over. Leaving in the afternoon I watched until you could not see terreigh features because of nightfall. I still looked out on occasion during the night seeing the lights of cities, and sometimes we were low enough to watch individual cars driving around. I thought it funny to see the Police in action as well. I remember one decent sized town we flew over and saw that the Cops were making traffic stops etc. The experiance of going was most excellent. The staff on the plane I was on were great.

    On the way back from Germany was a different deal. We left late, the staff left alot to be desired, and I had someone from Pakistan sitting next to me, this person smelled so bad and must have not bathed for a month. 10 hrs + I had to smell that guy. :wacko::stunned::fear2::dead:

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Hey,Well we have all had our bad experiences...but generally flying is no sweat.Ive had to endure cancelled flights,delayed flights(some up to 8 hours...alone in an airpirt in a strange province is never fun).However,the worst experience i evr had was this past summer flying back down here to go to college....we experienced some very rough weather...thunder and lightening storm (very high winds) we had to get re routed through the united states...i never in my life and encountered such extreme turbulance...it was like it was just what you would see in the movies.... :dead: ,man...scary part in my life but i made it through...however some people around me...the air sickness got to them and they made good use of the .."bags" provided.


  • :uhuh: IHW, I definitely hear ya on that. I was bewildered on some of the things they announced about my flight from DFW to CC Int'l. Get this, I was sitting next to a Preacher and we chatted quite alot that day to pass the time. OK, some of the things they announced about our flights went like this (and I ain't kidding either)

    1) (My flight) Flight "" "" is delayed because the crew has not showed up yet.

    2) Flight "" "" is again delayed because the plane is not yet clean.

    3) Flight "" "" is delayed because we can't find the flight crew, but the plane is now being cleaned.

    4) Flight "" "" is still being delayed because there are no maintenance guys working on it.

    5) Flight "" "" will be delayed at least 2 hrs untill we can find the Pilot.

    6) Flight "" "" is delayed until we can find out why one of it's engines is not working.

    At the announcment for that one, the Preacher and I both looked at each other in astonishment and he said to me: "I have been Preaching for almost 40 years, flying on aircraft wherever I go for the past 30 ++ years, and in all my time flying I never heard anything like this before. I may be a bit closer to GOD and I just might have a bit more "pull" with him but, I don't think my praying about this will help out."

    I told him: "Amen to that."

    Needless to say, he called for a Taxi--cancelling his return flight, went to the bus station taking a bus ride home. Needless to say, I did not blame him.

    When we finally made it aboard our prop job, the M~o~R~o~N who was loading our luggage threw my nice expensive leather bag (which had three Beer Steins I had just bought in Germany) ripping my bag and breaking all three steins. :headbonk::headbonk::headbonk::headbonk::headbonk::headbonk:

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..