Matt Laur, (how-ever you spell it), was asking that question recently and the response was varied. Wow...that is a good question. Very subjective though. Just Who was the greatest American?
Well sir...there are many whom would fit that description. Many of which we all have heard of. Many of which we never heard of that died on some foreign beach fighting for our freedoms. (Well...what's left of them anyway. I digress.) Was it George Washington? He certainly deserves a seat at the head of the table. What about the entire body of the Founding Fathers of this Great Nation. Let's not forget their families whom stood beside them in the aftermath of their declaration to old King George. Many of which paid with their lives and / or personal fortunes for us all.
What about other notable Presidents throughout history. Some quite admirable. Do they rise to this level of notoriety? I don't know. Outside the borders of America do people even remember who they were? Not many, I'm sure.
What about Oprah Winfrey, as was suggested in recent polls? I don't think so. Even though her accomplishments in the business realm of things has been quite documented, She's not whom Id hire to represent America.
......Let's think about that for a moment...The Greatest American wouldn't necessarily have to be a true hero, in the sense of actual record of achievement in those senses. The greatest American could be one that was easily recognizable around the world by a tremendous track record of promoting truth, justice and the American way of life. Someone whom helped show the world what a true American was really made of.
Does that kind of American bring anyone you know to mind?
We miss you John, wish you were hear to receive this award from me.
What do you think? Whom would you add to this list of greatest American's? - Ben
Who Was The Greatest American?
There are 45 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 13,593 times. The latest Post () was by arthurarnell.
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Duke made the top 100 but sadly didn't make the top 25 which is what is being voted on right now.
Even more outragous was that people like Oprah and Clinton are in the top 25. Which can only be attributed to the fact that they are still alive or on TV so much. Heck even Lance Armstrong is in the top 25, but no Duke. I think people have been so dumbed down by the media that they don't realize what a makes a American Great anymore. Here is the link:
Originally posted by BenFerko@Jun 8 2005, 11:44 AM
......Let's think about that for a moment...The Greatest American wouldn't necessarily have to be a true hero, in the sense of actual record of achievement in those senses. The greatest American could be one that was easily recognizable around the world by a tremendous track record of promoting truth, justice and the American way of life. Someone whom helped show the world what a true American was really made of.
Does that kind of American bring anyone you know to mind?
We miss you John, wish you were hear to receive this award from me.
What do you think? Whom would you add to this list of greatest American's? - Ben[snapback]17279[/snapback]
Nothing more to sentiments exactly.
Baby Sis
I haven't watched the show or seen the list, but I'd be happy with any of the founding fathers taking the top five spots. Just put Washington, Madison, Jefferson, Franklin and Adams up there and I'm a happy man. Or maybe Lincoln. With all respect to Duke and company, but we tend to over emphasize celebrities like movie stars' importance in the USA. That fact doesn't keep me from admiring the heck out of John Wayne or James Stewart (who is my all-time favorite actor, btw) but have their accomplishments really made that much of a difference to the nation? They certainly mean a lot to me, but if I had to vote on greatest American, I'd have to go back to those amazing men who started our nation.
Hi all.
I would not presume to add my voice to this little gem. But I look forward to reading all the posts, :lol:
With all respect to Duke and company, but we tend to over emphasize celebrities like movie stars' importance in the USA.
I would agree with you that most of the time actors are put on pedestals that they shouldn't be on. But in Dukes case, he earned it. Over 40 years of making films and promoting the American ideals in both his films and his life. Not to mention the recognition he gets from other countries. I think he is a much better choice then Lance Armstrong, Oprah, and Clinton. He should at the very least, comparing who they have in the top 25, been included in the top 25.
I have no problem with a founding father being a great american but, Oprah? What the heck has she done?
I would think that Audie Murphy deserves some consideration (most decorated soldier in WWII and all).
B5Erik, He would be another wonderful choice that is not there. Good choice!!
Seeing this list, I can only shake my head and say what a joke!
You can't judge this by a popular vote. I bet most of the people on the list was voted by those that didn't know half of them on the list. I am no expert on this and wouldn't vote on this list at all. To list a greatest American you have to break down the reasons why this person is a great American, and just to say I like them is not enough.
I wouldn't vote John Wayne either, but I have a lot of reasons for voting him over Bill Clinton or even Hillary, and that may also go for Michael Jackson or Marilyn Monroe? Give me a break! Elvis and Marilyn committed suicide. Tiger Woods plays golf and he's considered. I Like Jack Nicklaus better. Hugh Hefner conducts nude magazines, what's so great about that? I could go on and on.
It's disappointing when people vote just because they like them. There are some here who are great in one way or another, but to list Michael Moore ahead of Duke just because he campaigned against George W. Bush with a film, beam me up Scottie!
Sorry, this is a joke, and not a fair system. Anyway, my dad and mom as far as I am concerned are the greatest Americans in my opinion.
Cheers B)
Hi BenFerko and all -
You're preaching to the choir on this board! Seriously, though, what would the criteria be for selecting a person. Hondo is right! - this shouldn't be decided by a vote. It's not a case of liking someone. Certainly, John Wayne was a role model for his values and actions (as compared with some of today's so-called role models - he stands head and shoulders above most), and he would be high on a list such as this IMO. But the vagaries of human endeavor would result in a list that constantly changed with the social climates.
Cheers - Jay -
Like emmanuel, I really have to sit this one out!
but I also agree with Hondo, the greatest Americans of all time,
are his Dad and Mom.
And for me ROOSTER COGBURN !!!! -
Something for you to consider.
As a non American I can tell you that in the UK there is a very negative opinion to Americans in general they are sterotyped as been gunsling, loud mouthed, arrogant and uneducated.
Of course this is a nonsense statement but there are Americans high profile who have been portrayed to the UK as so called typical Americans. John Wayne for all his faults displayed to the British public a better and dare I say it true reflextion of what Americans are like such as patriotic, loyal, decent and someone you could rely on that is why the guy is loved over here and that is why he should be considered one of the greatest Americans.
Lets look at his other achivements.
Spoke out about cancer first leading man to do so and by doing so probably inspired many many people.
Was never afraid to support the American way of life and the military.
Tackled the problem of racism via employing a larger than normal amount of non whites to his movies as tackleing the issue through his movies such as Fort Apache, Chisum, Mclintock and of course the searchers.Theres just a few unspectacular maybe but its honest and its true and to say that John Wayne made no contribution or just a small one is being a little silly.
In considering lists like this, one must remember the "generation gap" that exists.
I've noticed the same thing on almost all similar lists. The people voting on these lists are almost always at least 25 or 30 years younger than Chilibill, me and a few other members. Therefore, their preferences for various people, movies, etc. will be different because they're probably not even aware of people, movies, etc. that came along at an earlier age.
And that works both ways. I stopped going to movies 10 or so years ago because [1] I don't like all the filthy language, sex and violence in most of today's movies and [2] the admission and snack prices have become ridiculous. By the same token, I hardly ever listen to music anymore, even though I'm a music lover, because it's just not to my taste. As for people, I don't think too many public figures nowadays are worthy of admiration or respect. However, that's just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions.
Bless you stumpy,
you sound like me!! -
I forgot to mention in my last post that Robbie's vast liking for the Duke is sort of an anomaly. Most people Robbie's age have never even heard of John Wayne, must less admired him.
I am with You, and thank You for not telling everyone that I am older than You!
But when my son and my Grandchildren come to visit I go into my Den to get away from the so called Music and what they watch on T.V.!
You are right I think we are living in the Past.
Now there's an interesting point,
I wonder if any one has thought of listing,
the most senior citizens on this site, and so on
forth downwards!!
I'm sure William, born in 1931, must be up there amongst the most senior?
Jim where are you? I think you're just above me!! -
Originally posted by ethanedwards@Jun 9 2005, 07:15 PM
Now there's an interesting point,
I wonder if any one has thought of listing,
the most senior citizens on this site, and so on
forth downwards!!
I'm sure William, born in 1931, must be up there amongst the most senior?
Jim where are you? I think you're just above me!![snapback]17341[/snapback]
I was born in January 1938, Ethan. I think Bill is the only person on the site who's older than I am.
I am just watching The Greatest Americans on the "Discovery" and Duke is number 30 on their list.
Mohammed Ali beat out The Duke, But that is the way it is today!!!
If you want to read about my only meeting with Ali you can go to Mohammed Ali for the short story.
Hi Stumpy
I agree with you regarding people my age but you simply need to show them a Duke movie for their opinion to change so to an extent it is about advertising.