Who Was The Greatest American?

There are 45 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 13,595 times. The latest Post () was by arthurarnell.

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  • hi robbie

    jerry springer might be an american now but did you know he was born in london england durning ww2 so it does make him english :lol: dont it make you laugh just be glad he aint irish :D

    he left england for america when he was 5 yrs old

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • Shhhhhhhhhhhhh smokey we'll disregard that fact and fob him of still as being American as they say when the legend becomes fact, print the legend.


  • OK, its been awhile since I visited with you but let me add my choice. I would say that Bob Hope ranks right up there. He supported our men and women in uniform giving his time to them to take their minds off the problems and give them pleasure. A man who celebrated Christmas with his family during the summer because he was was out with the troops at Christmas. He gave unconditional support to our men and women in uniform. He was careful to never criticize.

    The only time you bow down to someone is when you bend over to help them up!

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Chisum@Jun 30 2005, 08:02 PM
    OK, its been awhile since I visited with you but let me add my choice. I would say that Bob Hope ranks right up there. He supported our men and women in uniform giving his time to them to take their minds off the problems and give them pleasure. A man who celebrated Christmas with his family during the summer because he was was out with the troops at Christmas. He gave unconditional support to our men and women in uniform. He was careful to never criticize.


    Very good choice, Chisum. As a retired GI, I naturally thought old Bob was the greatest for his dedication to the military. Although he was UK-born, I'd definitely vote for him as one of the greatest Americans.

    Another great Britisher who was an honorary American at least was Winston Churchill.

    De gustibus non est disputandum