General age of the fans who love Duke

There are 199 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 107,784 times. The latest Post () was by Kevin.

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  • Welcome GW McLintock to the John Wayne Message Board - Hope you find it as rewarding, inspiring and addictive as I have. Lots of friendly people here, so enjoy. Looking forward to your posts.
    Cheers - Jay :D

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Hi,

    I am new to this sight and enjoying it very much. Have been ajohn Wayne fan fo

    almost fifty years, so you can tell that I am one of the older ones. (60-70). Hope to talk to you all later.

    little orange

  • Welcome little orange, hope to see you back. We have a solid group of people here with various backgrounds. Hope to see you back here soon.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Welcome little orange, I'm sure you'll have some fun here,
    If you wish you can join the rest of us wrinklies,
    If you register, you may be entitled,
    to some of Chesters pension fund!
    Ha Ha Ha

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • hi all

    chester will need all of his pension especially if he keeps eating the brocoli (or is it something they put in the water :lol: )

    cheers smokey

    " its not all black and white, but different shades of grey"

  • It's the broccoli, smokey, it's the broccoli! Once I stopped eating broccoli, we haven't had any more kids. :D

    The sad thing is, I love broccoli and I love kids, especially with mayonnaise (the broccoli, not the kids :lol: ).

    Then I heard an official report that broccoli helps retain memory and perhaps helps to avoid Alzheimers disease (which seems to run rampant in my family). So I have this big dilemma - retaining my memory and knowing who my wife and kids are into my golden, olden years . . . or having more kids than the old woman in the shoe, but not knowing who they are :D . But wait - if I eat more broccoli, we might have more kids, but I WILL know who they are :headbonk: .

    Hm-m-m-m-m, what time does the farmer's market open this morning? And where's the mayonnaise? :rolleyes:

    Chester :newyear:

  • Yes, that would be a great moment. To sit down a share a bottle of Wild Turkey with John .
    My son who is 14 is also a Duke fan and I realy feel his love for the Duke and his strong faith in God and our Country has helped him make good choices, he just completed his Eagle Scout project.
    I am very proud of him, and of corse Mom and I have had some infulence.
    We both attend 1800 period events whenever we can and with out being conscious of it as we buy our period clothing (River Junction Trade Co in McGregor Iowa) we look in the mirror and there is old Duke and young Hondo.

    If you are ever in north eastern Iowa please check out the River Junction Trade Company on main street McGregor. It is like taking a step back in time. My son and I head up there whenever we can just to hang out. They have several cowboy events every year and yes you can wear your iron. In fact they are building a western town
    and planing five to six events a year.

    Roy Rogers was my first hero then the Duke, I felt that "real cowboys" should not run around with a gutiar. However I still have a great deal of respect for "Roy".

    As for me I will never put my six guns down!

  • [ATTACH]37]Hi all I am a big fan cause my mom and dad were they turn me on to wanye. My dad served in the Navy ww2 and he told me one time after the war they were making a jw film and that their ship was going to be in some of the shots my dad said all them navy boys got dress up in their navy blues and shined their shoes combed their hair they all thought they were going to be in a movie. he said their ship was so far back you could not see them. he laughed about this all the time. :lol:

  • hi olered,
    Welcome to the JWMB,
    You will meet many friends here,
    and I hope you will enjoy being here?
    That's an interesting story about your Dad.
    Have you any idea, which film,was being shot?

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • olered,

    Howdy, and a big welcome to the John Wayne Message Board!

    That was a funny story you shared. I can imagine all the excitement amongst the sailors, having been one myself, thinking they were going to be in a John Wayne movie. The closest I got to stardom in the Navy was that Bob Hope's son was one of my shipmates, and took a karate class with me in Sasebo, Japan.

    I'm curious about your attached picture. Is there a web site that has that? I am assuming there is. Please tell us more about it. My dad was a WWII Navy veteran, and I think would be neat to put his picture there, too. BTW, are your mom and dad still alive?

    Well, we hope you decide to stay around and keep us company!

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

  • web site is mom and dad are with God and jw both passed in 1995 dad pass 11 days after mom broken heart.

  • olered,
    Welcome to the site. Nice story about your father. Being a Navy man like Chester I can imagine the "buzz" running through the ship when they heard they were going to be in a Duke film. Unlike Chester though I never crossed paths with anybody famous when I was in the service.
    Hope you stick around and see what the forum has to offer. See you around.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • I wish I could remember the film that they were making all I seem to remember is I think it was in Hawaii. did the Duke film any War movies in Hawaii my Dad was stationed there in the 50s also my father served in the pacific during and after the war. :huh:

  • :)


    Originally posted by olered@Aug 20 2005, 10:08 PM
    web site is mom and dad are with God and jw both passed in 1995 dad pass 11 days after mom broken heart.


    I just joined, so hello to everyone. I have been a fan of the Duke's since I was a very small child. My late father was a huge fan and many afternoons we would watch his films on AMC or on videotape. He loved Chisum the best of all of Duke's films. I read your survey on favorite John Wayne movies, and I would have to agree it is very hard to pick just one. I must mention one of my personal favorites: The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. I love this movie because Duke's character is conflicted and must decide to do the right thing and lose his girl, or do the wrong thing and keep her. I teach first year college students, and I used this film to create dialogue dealing with ethics. I also love Jimmy Stewart, and of course Lee Marvin is just wonderful in this film. Well that's all for now. Keep up the great discussions!!!! :) :