General age of the fans who love Duke

There are 199 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 100,640 times. The latest Post () was by Kevin.

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  • Quote

    Originally posted by Tbone@Sep 26 2006, 08:35 AM
    Welcome okiedokie!

    It's good to have another member from the Sooner State in our midst!

    I was born and currently live in enemy territory (Tejas) but spent the best years of my life in southern Oklahoma (Carter County). And I'm probably the most rabid Sooner fan you'll ever encounter. In fact, my email moniker begins with Sooner.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I just turned 39 the 6th of September, but I have been a JW fan since I was about 7. Check this out, My oldest son Zach, who's 8, is also a huge fan as well, but what is really cool is that he shares the same birthdate as the Duke , May 26th. He is always quick to add that his b-day is the same as John Wayne's when ever he is asked what his b-day is. :D

  • I'm 21 years old and have loved the duke since I can remember because he denoted what a true man should be. strong Gentle loyal and loving. My favorite movies of his are Stage coach angel and the bad man and to the eagles


  • A big welcome to you, nancysredrose5285. You'll find lots of friendly folks here who are knowledgeable as well about John Wayne and a bunch of other things. I look forward to you joining in with us.
    Cheers - Jay :D

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • I for one love the results of this poll. It shows that people are finally looking for something solid and true. Holy cow, in this day and age how nice it would be if more people emulated Duke Wayne over the Brittany Spears of the worlds. Not to mention our politicians. Our youth aren't that bad, they're just starving for leadership. Great poll.

  • I am 66 years old and I remember frist seeing JW in the searchers,then I knew that I was watching a great actor.I have not changed my mind after all these years.I have seen all of his westerns and most of his other movies.the only other actor that even comes close to JW is Ben Johnson.thanks for this board.

  • Im almost 33(in about 2 weeks) and i love to watch a good jw film no matter weather it's a western film or a war film of just whatever. It started for me after i got married and had kids. I don't really know the reason why i enjoy his films so much, I think for me it's because he just seems to be all american, and as a member of the military i have to respect that alot.
    Have a good night everyone.

    [CENTER]Mark(taw jackson)[/CENTER]

  • Let me give you a warm welcome, taw jackson. I must have missed your initial outing on the board, so even though I may be late in saying "hi," it is still most sincere. JW seems to appeal to all ages and this board reflects that.
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Anyway that we can "reset" this poll? I think there might have ben a few changes and it might have a different look to it.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne