fort osage with rod cameron
Is this one any good? Ive heard of it but never seen it.
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fort osage with rod cameron
Is this one any good? Ive heard of it but never seen it.
The last theater western I watched was True Grit with Jeff Bridges. It was pretty good but not up to the Duke's version.
This morn, re-watched a very god little known Ronald Reagan Western called: Law & Order. Everytime I watch it? I like it even more.Dang its hard to believe that he passed away seven years ago already
Is this one any good? Ive heard of it but never seen it.
its not to bad i give it 6/10 cameron is good in it.
I always enjoyed Rod Cameron, wish he'd been elevated to bigger films.
its not to bad i give it 6/10 cameron is good in it.
Thank you Ringo, ill look forwards to seeing it as ive been thinking of rejoining netflix. ;-))
Just watched 4 episodes of The Rifleman thanks to them being posted on a military history site im a moderator on ;-))
true grit, the last one with bridges in it not bad good if you havent seen the john wayne one some parts just like the orginial one though
the colten craven story of wagon train.disapointed that jw was in it for about 10sec at the end,
The Desert Trail
Gunsmoke marathon on MeTv in remembrence of James Arness.
Fistful Of Dollars
For A Few Dollars More
The Good The Bad and The Ugly
for john wayne 32 years death i watched
the searchers
the alamo
Escape From Fort Bravo, (1953) William Holden, Eleanor Parker and John Forsythe.
"Jonah Hex" with Josh Brolan and John Malkovich. Supernatural western.
"Jonah Hex" with Josh Brolin and John Malkovich. Supernatural western.
Hi Jay, did you like it and did you think it good enough to have on DvD? I'm asking since I see it for sale at wally world and have been tempted to buy-just haven't yet.
I've watched the new True Grit and did enjoy it. I just can't see how the Cohn Brothers can say they made it closer to the book than Duke's version. Not even close to being true. The ending was how the book ended, I'll give them that. But some of the actions of Labeef were not in the book, along with other things. Over all, a good flick, but Duke's is better! Of course.
for john wayne 32 years death i watched
I am always watching Duke movies on this day too! After The Fighting Seabees I had to watch one of Duke´s western and watched New Frontier! - I like John Wayne´s Musquiteer movies...
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