Watching season 5 of Daniel Boone.

What Was The Last Western You Watched?
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The Cowboys!
Rhythm On the Range. A really fun Bing Crosby musical western from 1936.
Sons of Katie Elder and Fort Apache
Rio Lobo
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The Cowboys
With the talk of the Red River D belt buckle in the other thread, I had to pull out Red River and watch!
I woke up early before work this morning and actually watched all of True Grit.
Full grit? LoL I'm assuming you meant True Grit?!
Watched El Dorado. Man I love that appaloosa Duke rides.
Watching season 5 of Daniel Boone.
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Full grit? LoL I'm assuming you meant True Grit?!
LOL! And it was that kind of morning folks!
I watched "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs", the new Cohen Brothers movie on Netflix last night. Got to say, I hated it!
If you're a fan of art-house movies, which I'm not, or the Cohen Brother, which apparently I'm not, you might want to check it out; I just found it to be too weird for my taste!
It's six short stories; the first one is kind of funny. With very dark humor, it's a satire on the fine line between good guys and bad guys! The other stories, I just found to be weird, pointless and very depressing!
So if artsy movies are your thing, check it out, as for me, I'm going back to the classics!
Watched El Dorado a couple of nights ago. No need to list the cast!
Watched The Big Trail with commentary.
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Checked a movie out of the library I had never heard of, Hostiles, with Christian Bale and Wes Studie.
I thought it was a little slow and it was bloody but it is a great looking Western.
Westerns are hard to come by.
I agree. Westerns are in the minority lately. I have been meaning to watch Hostiles. I just haven't got around to it yet.
I saw the Hostiles DVD in the store yesterday. Was wondering if it was worth watching.
I have Hostiles but have not gotten around to watching it yet. It was a gift; along with Shane, Once Upon A Time in the West, and Tin Star. I have seen the last three before but it has been a while for all of them.
The last western I watched was Tall in the Saddle; which I watched earlier today. Of course I have seen it before too but it has all the classic pieces that you look for from John Wayne films...action, humor, and moral code. Ward Bond was part of the supporting cast and it is always great to see he and Duke together on screen; they had a wonderful chemistry.