The Shootist (1976)

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  • If the producers wanted him all along why didn't they jsut offer it to him and let him decide. The report I heard was wayne was getting angry because he wanted the role and they kept offering it to others. I wish there was clear cut evidence either way.

    Mister you better find yourself another line of work, cause this one sure DON"T fit your PISTOL!

  • this role was offered to george c scott who acceped aslong as nothing in the book changed. when word got out that duke was able to play the part well the rest is history.the movie was changed to fit him.

    ''baby sister i was born game and intend to go out that way.''

  • Thanks Chilli Bill. That answers alot.

    Mister you better find yourself another line of work, cause this one sure DON"T fit your PISTOL!

  • My question about the Shootist is what was he gonna do after he survived the gunfight. I know the bartender shot him, but if he hadn't, what was J. B. Books gonna do after that? I mean he still had cancer, was he gonna take his own life?

    Stay thirsty my friends.

  • My question about the Shootist is what was he gonna do after he survived the gunfight. I know the bartender shot him, but if he hadn't, what was J. B. Books gonna do after that? I mean he still had cancer, was he gonna take his own life?

    The book ended with Gilliam shooting Books in the back, and of course the movie had the bartender shooting Books in the back.

    So if he had lived, we can only speculate an alternate ending, so I'd have to say based on the movie, that Books would have walked away, and looked for others to try to gun him down. I think that Gilliam's mom and Books would have nurtured their relationship, and became closer. Then others would try, but Books condition would worsen and the cancer is unbearable, until the sheriff comes in and guns down Books in cold blood, but the newspaper writer would make the sheriff the hero. A great scandal to say the least.

    I like the movie's ending better by the way, gt.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Hi Hondo

    At some point I would like to read that book, I've heard a lot about it and yes, I knew that Gillem was the one who shot Books in the back. Why would he do this? Unless he was trying to become the next shootist.

    But as far as the sherrif goes, I suppose he would have to have done something. Maybe he could have shot Books before Books shot him. But for arguments sake, let's say Books got away scott-free, and I agree that the cancer would have gotten to him sooner or later, do you think he would have eventually taken his own life?

    Me personally, I'm kinda like you in that I think he would have just kept on gunfighting until somebody sooner or later was just a bit faster than him.

    Stay thirsty my friends.

  • I haven't read the book either, so I don't know what Gilliam was thinking or if he was going to be the next shootist. My reference point was the movie which I am more familiar with.

    I may have not interpreted this to you correctly, but the sheriff shoots Books in the back like a coward, either while he is sleeping, eating his meal, or taking his medicine. I consider the sheriff crooked.

    I am not sure if Gilliam is the faster gunfighter or not. I didn't think he was in the movie version. I'll just have to read the book myself, or maybe someone can enlighten us on this question who has read the book.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • While the book was a very good read, it does not end on a high note. Gilliam starts out being in awe of Books in the beginning of the book, but after he finds out that Books is dying, and sees how weak he has become, he actually starts treating him with disdain. And Giliam does shoot Books in the end, but it is Books who asks him to do it, after being shot in the back by the bartender. I won't go into any more detail to save those who intend to read the book.

    I did read elsewhere that John Wayne wanted the part but wanted the ending to be different. He wanted Gillaim to learn that Books life isn't the way Gilliam should aspire to be. He wanted him to be dispelled of the adoration he held for the life with the gun and go in a different direction. so they rewrote it to end that way. I liked the way the movie ending was way more than the book.

    Another thing about the book. It was very graphic in it's description of J.B.'s cancer and what it was doing to him. It also goes into detail about each bullit as it enters it's intended victim and the damage it did. Kinda gory. :vomit:


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Although I really enjoy watching The Shootist I also find it quite sad knowing its Duke's last movie

    That said, I feel its a fitting tribute to JW

  • I tried to find this one at my local Barnes and Noble the other day, but they don't seem to have it. I guess I'll to get mine off ebay.:glare:

    Stay thirsty my friends.

  • Not an easy one to watch but a classy finish to a great career

    Greetings from North of the 49th

  • very good movie.How did we all feel when Gillom walks out of the tavern and walks by his mother bond? The young man grew up at this point and his life was forever changed. The way J.B Book dies with such courage was indicitive of the way the Duke handled his own bout with cancer leading to his death. There willnever be a man like him again.

  • i agree this movie was really sad for me to watch, knowing that it was Dukes last. but the way he carried himself through the whole thing was jus amazing. this movie is one of my favorites. there will never be anyone like him again