We just had a mild rain shower and I overheard that its supposed to get cold tomorrow.
How's The Weather
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chilly & foggy, 10c
Had a north wind blow through last night so, today is slightly chilly but im loving every second of it.
Chilly but dry
Nice weather now but by Friday we'll be getting clouds and mist.
A find day this Thanksgiving with sunny skies, and a little mild for this time of year in the mid-60's this afternoon. A cool morning in the lower 40's. And I must say that we will have a nice couple of days before the bottom drops early next week with highs struggling to get to 50. The wind is the big issue these days. Tough to get my leaves up. Ugh!
Cheers Hondo -
Posting from Anaheim, California. The weather has been Great the last three days, as we have been visiting, "The Friendliest Place on Earth",
Disneyland .
The crowds have been a bit tight at times, 60,000 a day.
If you figure each person is spending close to $200 a day, with entry, food, and trinkets, that's close to 10 to 12 million $ a day.
Not chump change ! Most of the rides, the shows, the Light Show, "World of Color", and the Grand Fireworks display, made the price worth it !!Chester And the Mrs.
On Friday its supposed to be mid 80s F here, but were supposedly getting a cold front in on the weekend and then another bout Tues or Wed?
getting a lot colder and strong gusts now - 8c
Chilly but bright
Very strong winds and rain showers, chilly too
Cool to chilly at times and loving every second of it.
temps in the 20's but no snow in sight
Getting chilly at nightime, but today nice and mild
V.cold - windy, heavy rain
It's raining Cats & Dogs here today, and lovin' it.
cold, icy, windy ... winter is here
Overcast with light drizzle at times and fairly warm. OK weather but would like it to feel more like Christmas weather.
Overcast, windy, light drizzle at times somewhat warm but wishing for a real Cold Front to blow in and stay so it will feel more like what I THINK Christmas ought to feel like.