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How's The Weather
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Were having a mild winter so far, hardly any snow. About 40 Degrees F. right now.
Looks like another wet day, and chilly
On and off drizzle, slight wind, warm, wierd, weather, but, the , good, LORD, listened, to, me, long, enough, to, let, me, get, indoors, before, letting, it, rain, again, as, im, carrying, my, laptop, and, my carry, bag, has, a, large, rip, in, it.
Just never stops raining
snow showers, chilly
Wow, hard to believe, but the ten day forecast calls for, Sunny, mid sixty's.
Bring on Christmas ! ! ! -
Rained all night, but sunny this morning. Hoorah!
Overcast, chilly and windy--MY KIND OF A PERFECT DAY :-))
sleet, cold & dark
It rained some before I woke up, I saw at about 7am that it was gloriously overcast thinking it would remain that way all day--not a cloud in the sky now-and is VERY warm >:-(
Wet, damp, chilly nothing new
SOme rain happened this morning when a cold front started to blow in ;-)) Ahhhhh, my kinda weather has returned ;-))
Still no snow and looks like a brown Christmas for us here in Minnesota. Very odd weather as we really have no snow to speak of and any cold weather yet. Kind of depressing with no snow.
The same as every day, wet damp and chilly
Rained this morning but already clear skies and warming up.
Very mild for this time of year
Rained early this morning again, sun quickly came out-stayed out about 2 hrs and quickly got overcast again--much to my liking ;-))
Still blue sky's, but getting colder in the morning. Might have some rain next week.
Well the mild turned into a chill breeze,
but a bit drier today