The Sons of Katie Elder (1965)

There are 185 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 169,140 times. The latest Post () was by lasbugas.

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  • Watching Sons of Katie Elder again I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. It starts off with a rousing fanfare by Elmer Bernstein who was obviously having a Magnificent Seven day! Superbly directed by Henry Hathaway whose body of work with the Duke I personally feel is right up there and just shy of the heady heights of the Duke / Ford collaborations.
    There are some familiar faces in here from True Grit and other Duke films which is always nice to see. The build up to the introduction on screen of John Elder is great as you keep wondering when he's going to appear. The story is well paced and has a good balance of humour and pathos. James Gregory and George Kennedy, as usual, do not disappoint and are great as the 'villians' of the story. Watching it again in more detail, ie concentrating!, it has actually moved up on my list of favourite Duke movies.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Well, this is mucho late, but while looking back at some posts, I found this one that Gorch had made and Keith put in for us to hear. Since it is old, some folks may not have heard it. So, as Keith it is:

    Originally Posted by Gorch
    Although it wasn't used in the movie, the soundtrack has Johnny Cash singing the title song to The Sons of Katie Elder to Elmer's music. Worth looking it up if you already haven't hear it.


    [/extendedmedia] It isn't the greatest word wise, but the tune is easy and catchy and Johnny, well.....what can you say.....he is Johhny Cash!

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Never knew that was in the plan. Too bad they didn't use it. It's as good as "Chisum"

  • Some of us do! Hadn't seen this set. I have a number of B&W 8x10s on this title, but no lobbies. If some one wants to simplify how to post images on this site, I might be persuaded to share some of my collection.

    I tried posting a few a years or so ago and found it to be a royal pain. Don't know how Larry keeps his sanity.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • Thanks Gorch, glad you like them. I think we'd all like to see more duke 'memorabilia' on here.
    It is a bit of a pain but once you're in the flow it's not too bad.
    Maybe just try with your choicest poster or still rather than being demoralized at the prospect of posting multiple images. ;)

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Peter,
    Thanks for sharing your posters.
    You may not be aware, but we have this thread,
    Mike's Duke Poster Thread

    Just thought it might be a good idea
    if you were to copy all the posters you are posting
    and create your own poster thread.
    Then they will not get so lost as if just in
    the movie threads!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited once, last by ethanedwards ().

  • Another great sketch photo. I am going to have to stop everything else and just sketch for a few weeks, LOL. Super one, MB......doubt THAT was just laying around! YK

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE