The Sons of Katie Elder (1965)

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  • Not to mention that many children(and mothers)died during childbirth.It is never said that Katie Elder only gave birth to her 4 boys.For all we know she might have had more children and they might have died at an earlie age.

    Here's another slant - it never says she gave birth to all of her boys. As you so rightly point out, many mothers died in childbirth, leaving motherless children. Katie might have been step-mother to one or more of the older brothers, which might also explain the age gap.

    Mrs. C :angel1:

  • I just watched this last night and I enjoyed it more than I remembered, the score was beautiful and I must give Bernstein his due he is indeed a damn good composer. The cinematography was just beautiful, and with the exception of Hopper I enjoyed everyones performance.

    John Wayne's intro in this movie is my all time favorite intro in any of his movies. He looked amazingly good and appeared to be in the best health of his life here, after reading about events leading up to this it makes it even more significant in his career to me.

    The ending however left me very unsatisfied, I wanted to Duke to beat the hell out of Hastings and instead all he did was blow him up.... that was too good of a way for Hastings to die.

    Up next for my viewing pleasure Liberty Valance.

  • Here are a couple of posters, the second one being a "combo" poster for two movies (a 1975 reissue). I have not ever seen one like that, and in this particular case, I've not heard of the second movie. But it is pretty interesting.

    Sons of Katie Elder-poster.jpg

    Sons of Katie Elder-1975 reissue-combo poster.jpg

  • Hi Chester

    Red Line 7000 is a racing film directed by Howard Hawks, its not a good film in my opinion certainly not up to Hawks usual standard but interestingly enough it has much of the same cast as El Dorado.



  • good film the sons of katie elder,i enjoy watching duke + dean martin in it and its not as bad as some westerns i've seen

    " I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man " True Grit

  • The John Elder role for me is his best in a Western whos not directed by Hawks or Ford - next his last one as J.B.Books


  • I watched the Sons of Katie Elder again.

    Pilar states in her book you can hear Ethan's scream in it when Duke hits the water. I can't hear it, but I haven't used headphones yet either. Have any of you heard the scream?

    I have also heard that story, and tried hard to hear it myself, even turning the volume up real loud, and I have never heard it. I wonder if somehow they were able to remove that sound when the movie was transferred to VHS and now to DVD.

    Like ShortGrub asked, is there anyone here who has heard it?

    Chester :newyear:

  • Just love that Movie. I always enjoyed that movie. The four sons John Wayne, Dean Martin, Michael Anderson Jr. (Bud Elder) and Earl Holliman (Matt Elder) aren't really looking like four brothers but there was a good chemistry between the four actors. Unfortunately Dino hasn't made more movies with Duke. This time Dean Martin didn't steal the Show. The second half of The Sons of Katie Elder reminded me on Rio Bravo. Good Movie, great Western and always fun to watch.:teeth_smile:

    I'm also curious about the scream. I'll watch it soon again and I if I hear the scream I'll post it.

    "You're too good to give a chance to." John Wayne as Cole Thornton in El Dorado (1966)

  • I've watched this film loads of times and i've never heard the scream JohnChisum but i'll watch it again and pay closer attention to see if i can hear anything

    " I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man " True Grit

  • Quote

    I've watched this film loads of times and i've never heard the scream JohnChisum but i'll watch it again and pay closer attention to see if i can hear anything

    According to IMDB the scream can be heard.
    [imdb] When John Wayne is dragged into the river, you can hear a child calling out, "Dad!". This was his three-year-old son Ethan Wayne, who was watching off camera and knew how ill his father was.

    Cannot remember If I ever heard a scream. Maybe they really cut it out of the DVD releases.

    Oh yes the music score is great. There is a great theme when John Wayne is walking to get the villain before the last shootout. :hyper:

    "You're too good to give a chance to." John Wayne as Cole Thornton in El Dorado (1966)

    Edited once, last by JohnChisum ().

  • I watched the Sons of Katie Elder again.

    Pilar states in her book you can hear Ethan's scream in it when Duke hits the water. I can't hear it, but I haven't used headphones yet either. Have any of you heard the scream?

    I have also heard that story, and tried hard to hear it myself, even turning the volume up real loud, and I have never heard it. I wonder if somehow they were able to remove that sound when the movie was transferred to VHS and now to DVD.

    I'm also curious about the scream. I'll watch it soon again and I if I hear the scream I'll post it.

    I've watched this film loads of times and i've never heard the scream JohnChisum but i'll watch it again and pay closer attention to see if i can hear anything

    According to IMDB the scream can be heard.

    Cannot remember If I ever heard a scream. Maybe they really cut it out of the DVD releases.

    OK, we watched this movie last night, and we HEARD him yell out "Dad" or maybe even "Daddy"! After the brothers drag Duke in, Ethan doesn't yell out right away, it's when he [Duke] starts to roll onto his front that you can hear it. We played it back about three times, and you really can hear it, IF you are listening for it.

    Let us know if YOU hear it now . . .

    Chester :newyear: