Hatari (1962)
There are 284 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 386,033 times. The latest Post () was by Paula.
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Thank you for these pictures from Hatari! I really enjoy seeing them. If you have time please add more Hatari! pictures. Thank you for your time and effort Mr. lasbugas!
Its a Wayne movie how can anybody not like it, my granddaughter who is 4 years old loves this movie along with her mother me I like em all.
Saddle up.
Still a great movie one to last, it will always be an enjoyable Wayne movie.
Pockets Yes Bawana, Yes Bawana.
Thank you lasbugas for sharing these excellent Hatari! pictures. Do you know who is in this picture with the woman (in the mirror) getting makeup on? I don't think it is Dallas' double? Maybe it is someone who was casted and did not make it? Any idea? Thank you.
Hatari! Blu-ray release March 11, 2014! It will finally be here:
Wayne's best non-western film and Hawks ranks it as one of his top three in his interview with the Museum of Modern Art!
Are you happy about the blu-ray release????????????