The Conqueror (1956)
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Great photo, but unfortunately
highlights even how more stupid Duke looked in this role!! -
Looks pretty darn masculine to me.....I mean that is what they wore then. And it is nice getting to see some of Duke's body instead of having it all covered up with long sleeve shirts most of the time, LOL. His arms weren't heavily muscled like they should have been for this role, but......still they were Duke's and I like seeing them. KEITH No, he wasn't John Wayne in this movie..........he was showing he could play something else.....didn't have anything to do with John Wayne. Just a role that Duke wanted to play. A few of us actually LIKE this movie, but then, I believe we have been all over that before, right? Merci Larry!
It's odd they would have a publicity still showing Duke on fake mount, instead of an action scene from the film. Especially since this is from the 50s, when they didn't like tarnishing images.
I have a theory about this pic.
I REALLY believe it was meant as part of a costume/prop "test," as they took pics like this all the time.
If it WAS released (as the description seems to indicate), as a publicity shot, then it must have been with the tacit understanding that he'd be shown ABOVE the saddle...
Just my .02
Beautiful portrait!
thank you Lasbugas -