The Cowboys (1972)
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Nasty man
Notice how after being beaten to a frazzle by a man twice his age, Long Hair reverts to holding the gun with two hands. Not sure I have even seen a grown man do that in a Western movie. I never did until my retired NYC police detective buddy taught me. I still prefer shooting my .357 Magnum with one. But, if firing rapidly and repeatedly, I do use two. Would have to greatly strengthen my right wrist to handle the recoil otherwise. KEITH
I always felt he used two hands due to his hands either being hurt in the fight, or being so frustrated it took him both hands just to steady and cock the piece.
I always felt he used two hands due to his hands either being hurt in the fight, or being so frustrated it took him both hands just to steady and cock the piece.
Yep, Alamo, that is pretty much what I meant about his being beaten to a frazzle. He was probably shaking with rage, also. Just couldn't handle it in that condition with only one hand! KEITH
Hey Lady Hawk, you have to see more westerns. Here's a pro using a two handed stance from 1960. I know it doesn't belong here, but...
Don't want to confuse anyone, so here's The Cowboys.
Name this stuntman and Academy Award nominee..
Yep, Alamo, that is pretty much what I meant about his being beaten to a frazzle. He was probably shaking with rage, also. Just couldn't handle it in that condition with only one hand! KEITH
By the by, James Coburn in the Magnificent 7 used two hands on his pistol when making the "worst" shot ever (aiming at the escaping bandito's horse). -
Absolutely, Alamo, but I don't have a picture of that scene. Wish to hell I did.
We deal in lead, friend.
Thanks for the pics Bill
One of the things I've always enjoyed about collecting stills from westerns, is that often the still photographer will gather a group of heroes or villains and take a group shot. Sure, sometimes these are used in advertising but a lot of times they never see the light of day.
One of my favorites follows, by an even better one.We deal in lead, friend.
Lovely gals!!
and Jedediah wasn't interested!!QuoteWell, I have the inclination, the maturity, and the wherewithal... but unfortunately, I don't have the time.