"Screen Directors Playhouse"-Rookie Of The Year (1955) (TV)

There are 19 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 27,311 times. The latest Post () was by capnralls.

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    Information From IMDb

    Plot Summary
    Duke is a reporter, who recognizes a hot young baseball player(Patrick Wayne)
    is the son of a former famous, and infamous-ballplayer(Ward Bond),
    who was accused of throwing the World Series.
    Vera Miles, plays the ex-ballplayers daughter.
    summary by ethanedwards

    Full Cast
    John Wayne ... Mike Cronin
    Vera Miles ... Ruth Dahlberg
    Ward Bond ... Buck Goodhue, alias Buck Garrison
    James Gleason ... Ed Shaeffer
    Patrick Wayne ... Lyn Goodhue (as Pat Wayne)
    Willis Bouchey ... Cully
    Harry Tyler ... Mr. White
    William Forrest ... Walker
    Robert Lyden ... Willie
    Tiger Fafara ... Bobby

    Writing Credits
    W.R. Burnett (story)
    Frank S. Nugent (written by) (as Frank Nugent)

    Hal Mohr

    Lyn Goodhue is seen playing for the New York Yankees
    wearing the number 4 on his uniform.
    The Yankees retired No. 4 on July 4, 1939, to honor its original wearer Lou Gehrig

    Filming Locations

    Hal Roach Studios - 8822 Washington Blvd., Culver City, California, USA

  • Rookie of the Year is a half-hour baseball drama directed by John Ford
    and starring John Wayne, Vera Miles, Ward Bond, and Patrick Wayne,
    all of whom Ford would direct in The Searchers the following year.
    This film was an installment of the television anthology series Screen Director's Playhouse.

    A sportswriter (John Wayne) realizes that a talented young rookie (Patrick Wayne)
    is the son a former player (Ward Bond) convicted of throwing a game.

    Patrick Wayne would later play a similar role in a 1962 television drama,
    also directed by John Ford, called Flashing Spikes, starring James Stewart
    and featuring John Wayne in a lengthy surprise appearance.

    Soon after completing The Searchers
    Duke joined his son Patrick, Vera Miles and Ward Bond, for an episode of,
    Screen Director's Playhouse, a TV series.
    John Ford had directed a segment, called Rookie of the Year

    The show was aired on December 7th. 1955, and featured
    young Patrick in the title role.
    Duke accepted the part as a courtesy to his son, and his favourite director.

    Duke was convinced that TV, was not for him!

    I have this, on VHS, and is very grainy, and shaky,
    but interesting to have, and fun to watch.

    User Review

  • Thanks to Chester and Mrs.
    for the link.

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Keith,

    No problem, and here's our post after we received the movie -

    Chester :newyear:

  • Hi,

    Here's Arthurs post, I've copied, to bring this topic up to date,

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • I always thought Rookie of the Year was a strange TV production for Ford to make. A western would have been a more obvious choice. I have my copy on VHS and have transferred to DVD. Quality is acceptable if not wow wee!!

  • I liked it myself, nice change for Duke. I don't know where that description of him not being in it much and being an umpire, came from. Duke was the whole show with nice support from the others!

  • I liked it myself, nice change for Duke. I don't know where that description of him not being in it much and being an umpire, came from. Duke was the whole show with nice support from the others!

    Thanks for pointing that out,
    The description is
    from Duke: The Life and Image of John Wayne
    where it clearly states:-


    Duke made only a brief appearance as an umpire.
    Duke accepted the part as a courtesy to his son, and his favourite director.
    Duke was convinced that TV, was not for him!

    Like youself I have watched the show, after posting the initial post.
    I can only assume, that the author was thinking of something else!
    I have edited the post accordingly.

  • It's probably a reference to "Flashing Spikes" where Duke is credited with playing "Sergeant-Umpire in Korea."


    "I am not intoxicated - yet." McLintock!

  • It's probably a reference to "Flashing Spikes" where Duke is credited with playing "Sergeant-Umpire in Korea."

    you're almost certainly right,
    as the same book has no mention of
    Flashing Spikes
    nor any other books that I have!
    See my post on that thread

    Quote from ethanedwards;

    I do not have a copy of this, and there is very,
    little information, in any reference books.
    If you have seen or have a copy of this screening,
    please let us know,

    I can only assume as I said, that the author got confused.

  • Yeah, both are TV shows, both directed by John Ford, both are about baseball, and both feature Duke and Pat Wayne. Pretty easy to see how it could happen.


    "I am not intoxicated - yet." McLintock!

  • I'm a new member and not sure if this is the best place to post this as I'm sure many will be interested. I just received my movie schedule from TCM and they are going to show "ROOKIE OF THE YEAR" on January 18th at 8:30pm EST and 5:30pm PST. This is a TV 30 min playhouse short directed by John Ford with Duke, Patrick, Vera Miles and Ward Bond. I don't have this one and will certainly make myself a personal copy.
    They have also shown rare flicks such as Central Airport and Melody Ranch amoung many others of Duke's movies that are not so rare. I hope this post reaches those interested.

  • I'm a new member and not sure if this is the best place to post this as I'm sure many will be interested. I just received my movie schedule from TCM and they are going to show "ROOKIE OF THE YEAR" on January 18th at 8:30pm EST and 5:30pm PST. This is a TV 30 min playhouse short directed by John Ford with Duke, Patrick, Vera Miles and Ward Bond. I don't have this one and will certainly make myself a personal copy.
    They have also shown rare flicks such as Central Airport and Melody Ranch amoung many others of Duke's movies that are not so rare. I hope this post reaches those interested.

    Thanks Big Jim, for the information.
    I have moved your post to this our dedicated thread ,
    which may be of interest to you.
    We also have a thread for
    Central Airport
    but not Melody Ranch,
    as we are unsure of Duke's participation.

    Here is our post relating to that from
    Pals Of The Saddle- Gene Autry

  • Thanks for the heads up, Big Jim. I have to catch that also. I have never seen "ROOKIE OF THE YEAR", so now I'll have my chance... if I don't forget by then. :omg2:


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "