John Ford- Biography & DIscussion

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  • The three films done in the late 1940s that were known as "The Ford- -Wayne Trilogy" where "Fort Apache," "She wore a Yellow Ribbon" and "Rio Grande" and were some of Duke's and John Ford's Greatest Horse Solder Films! :rolleyes:

    I know a little about these three Films as I was there at Monument Valley and Moab when they were being Filmed. In the Film "Yellow Ribbon" The Pony Express Rider at the first of the Film Making a "Apache Runing Mount" onto His Horse is a Very Young Chilibill :)

    Here is a Picture Tour of the Three Films and is made up of Film Clips from the Three Films. Just Keep Clicking Next to go to the next page and then on to the next Film. You can go to the Site Below. :D


    Chilibill :cowboy:

  • Well :huh:

    Who purchased the new John Ford/John Wayne 10 disc DVD collection?

    I for one couldn't help myself. I just had to treat myself. The first movie I opened was the "Ultimate Edition of The Searchers". All I can say is wow!! If all you do is buy one DVD from that set, buy this one. There so many things to watch and read, its a great tribute to a great film.

    Just a few highlights, 2 disc are included, disc 2 has a couple tributes and info about the filming, disc 1 is the film itself that has been remastered, and its looks awesome. I had the DVD from a few years back and this one blows it away. Vista Vision was truly ahead of its time. Couple other things of note are the postcards which are still shots from the shooting with a couple behind the scenes shots as well. There is a complete reproduction of the comic book, "The Searchers", which was really nice to see since I had only saw it in pictures on the internet before.

    The next film I will be watching is the remastered version of "Stagecoach". That also has the PBS documentary which was aired early in May that I know a few of us have been trying to get our hands on. "Stagecoach" is also a 2 disc set which I haven't watched yet but if its like "The Searchers". I am not going to be disappointed.

    Like I stated above, if you only buy 1 movie from the collection, get the "Ultimate" edition. There are 2 versions but for us fanatics, you need the Ultimate.

    There are 6 other movies as well which include The Wings of Eagles, Fort Apache(another personal favorite), 3 Godfathers, She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, They Were Expendable, and The Long Voyage Home. So I am sure I will have alot to soak in over the next couple weeks. Any questions about the set, let me know. From what I have looked at so far, you won't be disappointed

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • I have this set on my wishlist.

  • I have my on order from It was the cheaper of the on line price that I could find. I am paying $55.00 or something close to that. It is not here yet, but I saw it at a video store and was I excited about what I was going to get. Even though I am duplicating some movies, I am getting a great product. You have to get yours.

    Viper, I am envious of your purchase, but I can wait.

    No repeats, viper said what's in it. I am excited about this.

    Cheers B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Hi all,
    My are also on the way - already shipped, but not arrived of course, from Amazon too. And I'm too very exited about receiving them.
    Only one film I haven't seen yet - The Wings of Eagles. But there is great documentary and newly remastered versions of my beloved films.
    Vera :rolleyes:

  • I bought it last night at best buy. I watched the Searchers and the suplements for hours. Tonight its the bonus material from the Stagecoach disc... then maybe Stagecoach.

    I will not watch 3 Godfathers... thats a movie I save for Christmas!

    Did anyone buy the box set last week that featured Pittsburg, 7 Sinners & Shephard of the Hills?


  • Howdy Rob and everyone else,
    I did buy the boxed set last week (with 7 sinners, jet pilot, conqueror, pittsburgh, and shepherd of the hills), but have not had the time to watch them yet. I've been busy transferring by dubbed VHS tapes of John Wayne to DVD. I have the John Wayne / John Ford collection on order, and can't wait to get it! I have been looking forward to it for quite a while now. I'll be glad to get the American Masters documentary with it since I missed it when it was on PBS.

    By the way, does anyone know if the documentary "John Ford, John Wayne & The Searchers: The Turning of the Earth" is included with this set?

    Colorado Bob

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • The Turning of the Earth is on the second disc of The Searchers movie. It's very good.
    I just watched the American Masters (on the second Stagecoach disc) It too is very good.
    Hollywood has never had a better director/star combo as Wayne/Ford! What a body of work


  • I went to my local Best Buy today and they only had the John Ford Collection and it was going for $48.99. They didn't have the Ford-Wayne collection. In fact, they only had The Searchers separately in the two disc version that came out today and an Ultimate Collectors Edition with all the extras that SXViper said. And they had the new Stagecoach version. Both sold for $19.99 except for the Ultimate Searchers, it was more but, I didn't see how much. But, the didn't have Fort Apache or 3 Godfathers or any of the others. Not important enough to order, I guess. It's the same thing last week. I went up there to see if they had The Rough Riders and The Sacketts and they only had The Rough Riders. Even Circuit City didn't have any of the ones I mentioned. Yet they'll put out a hundred copies of some two bit crap movie that could never hold a candle to the Wayne flicks.

  • Well, I just finished watching the PBS American Masters documentary and it was great. I am glad it was included on this box set and am very happy that I "sprung" for the whole set.

    I didn't get a chance to watch Stagecoasch because I wanted to watch the PBS special. As soon as I do I will let you know what it looks like compared to the original DVD that I have.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Thanks Rob! I was hoping that special would be on it. I had a grainy copy of it on VHS and have always hoped I could get a better copy. You're right, it is a very good little documentary.

    By the way Waynamo Jim, I picked up the Sacketts DVD at Walmart for $19.98 just a couple of days ago, so you might check there. Good luck.

    Colorado Bob

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Robhightower474@Jun 7 2006, 06:29 PM
    Did anyone buy the box set last week that featured Pittsburg, 7 Sinners & Shephard of the Hills?



    I picked it up the day it was released. So far, I've watched 'The Shepherd Of The Hills', and it looks awesome! Universal did a very nice job of bringing this classic film to DVD. I started watching 'The Conqueror', but found that it did not look or sound as good as my Goodtimes version. Possibly because Universal decided to put these movies on DVD-9 format, which increases compression.

    Still, at roughly $19 for this box set, it's worth it alone just for 'Shepherd'!

  • You have a expensive Wal-Mart in your area. I saw both The Sacketts and Rough Riders for 13.98 regulare price at our Wal-Mart.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Quote

    Originally posted by SXViper@Jun 8 2006, 05:16 PM
    You have a expensive Wal-Mart in your area. I saw both The Sacketts and Rough Riders for 13.98 regulare price at our Wal-Mart.


    I always thought Wal-mart's had universal pricing. I guess not. Oh well, it's still a good movie, and my VHS was about wore out.
    Colorado Bob

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • Thanks to both Colorado Bob and SXViper for the info on Wal-Mart. I didn't check there and the $13.98 price Viper saw is more like it. Best Buy was selling The Rough Riders for $16.99, which means that The Sacketts would sell for the same if they had it.

  • I just finished the set yesterday (man did I go through that set quickly - did it in about a week!), and I've got to say - WOW!!!

    I had never seen Fort Apache, She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, The Wings of Eagles, or The Long Voyage Home before, so this was a great treat for me.

    The only one that I was a little let down by was The Long Voyage Home. The Duke really seemed miscast, and Ford didn't really use him all that much in it. The movie itself was erratically paced (which makes sense since it was based on 4 separate short stories), and the last segment was painfully slow and obvious in spots. The movie had it's moments, though (I don't want to give anything away, so I won't give specifics), and it was very well acted.

    As for Fort Apache and She Wore a Yellow Ribbon - Grade A+ movies to be sure. Fort Apache is definitely darker - a real precursor to the tone of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance - and it more Henry Fonda's movie than John Wayne's (although both are great in it). Both of those movies were worth the wait. No letdowns there at all (and I had HIGH expectations going in).

    The "Ultimate" edition of The Searchers is the real prize in the set. $29.99 on it's own at Target or Best Buy, but I got the entire set from Amazon for only $55!! While I was a little let down by the extras on The Searchers (I thought that for an "Ultimate" edition it should have had more), it is still a VERY classy set, and the movie itself is one of the best ever. I liked it more the third time. (I had seen it twice before - loved it the first time, liked it a lot the second time, and really loved it the third time - I "get it" now.)

    The two disc set of Stagecoach has the kind of extras I was hoping that The Searchers would have - more in depth and informative stuff. Of course, Stagecoach is Stagecoach - 'nuff said!!

    This is just proof that Warner Brothers releases the best classic box sets of all the major studios. A fantastic job.

    If you don't have the set, and can swing the $55 or so - get it!!

  • Great set! No doubt about it. Did anyone catch that part in the documentar with Duke and Ford playing cards and having a beer? That scene was priceless. Says alot about their relationship. Who wouldn't have wanted to be privy to those conversations?