James Stewart

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  • At Amazon, new it's $36, but they have vendors selling very good used VHS for around $9.00. You could then transfer to DVD.

    Chester :newyear:

    Have you seen this movie? And I can afford that, I think. :wink_smile:

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • I haven't but I think I am about to due to a most wonderfully nice fellah!
    You know who you are, and thanks so much again. I guarantee you, I will return the favor in some way or another! Thanks KPKEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Interestingly enough, "Two Rode Together" and "Bandolero" were both filmed at The Alamo Village - the set Duke had constructed for "The Alamo". The San Antonio main street is recognizable in both.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • Interestingly enough, "Two Rode Together" and "Bandolero" were both filmed at The Alamo Village - the set Duke had constructed for "The Alamo". The San Antonio main street is recognizable in both.

    We deal in lead, friend.

    There are several of Jimmy's westerns reviewed
    here, including Two Rode Together
    Classic Movie Westerns

    All of the Locations are listed in the reviews

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Thought I'd share this bit of trivia

    One of James Stewart's favorite stories of his film career concerned his horse, Pie, a sorrel stallion whom Stewart called, "One of the best co-stars I ever had." Pie appeared as Stewart's horse in 17 Westerns, and the actor developed a strong personal bond with the horse. Pie was very intelligent, Stewart recalled, and would often "act for the cameras when they were rolling. He was a ham of a horse." When shooting the climax of "The Far Country," the script called for Stewart's horse to walk down a dark street alone, with no rider in the saddle, to fool the bad guys who were waiting to ambush Stewart. Assistant Director John Sherwood asked Stewart if Pie would be able to do the scene. Stewart replied, "I'll talk to him." Just before the cameras rolled, Stewart took Pie aside and whispered to the horse for several minutes, giving him instructions for the scene. When Stewart let the horse go, Pie walked perfectly down the middle of the street, doing the scene in one take. When Pie died in 1970, Stewart arranged to have the horse buried at his California ranch.

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Here's some interviews with Jimmy about his time in the army the end is very heartbreaking though http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoY8Cj1larg he's the greatest actor americass ever had and one of their best war hero's he is a hero too me and he really deserves the presedential medal of freedom or whatever else america confers on their heros

  • Here's some interviews with Jimmy about his time in the army the end is very heartbreaking though http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoY8Cj1larg he's the greatest actor americass ever had and one of their best war hero's he is a hero too me and he really deserves the presedential medal of freedom or whatever else america confers on their heros

    Thank you so much for posting this,
    so very interesting

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • The Warner Archive Collection plans to release The Jimmy Stewart Show. In fact, they were thinking about releasing it at the same time they released the set of Hawkins TV-movies, but decided that might confuse customers, so they held back on releasing The Jimmy Stewart Show set. But it's still in the pipeline, so I expect we'll see it eventually. Meanwhile, if you haven't bought that Hawkins set, do so now! The Hawkins TV-movies, starring Jimmy as a wily country lawyer, are loads of fun. ;) Strother Martin shows up in several of the movies as Jimmy's sheriff cousin R.J. Hawkins, too.

  • This thread, dedicated to one of the greatest actors of all time, needs a bump.

    Recently received two Jimmy Stewart movies on Blu-ray:

    The Glenn Miller Story and Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation.

    Mr. Smith Goes to Washington was recently released on Blu-ray with superb audio and video quality., highly recommended!