James Stewart

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  • Keith, I do not know if I have put this Story up or not on the Great Actor Jimmy Stewart.

    In the Late 1940s before I went into the U.S.A.F. just before the Korean War, I had been doing work as a Extra in the Many Western Films that were done in Sedona, Arizona at that time. :)

    The Film "Broken Arrow" with Jimmy Stewart as the Star was done in Sedona. I was lucky to be Hired on as a Extra and Played Many parts in the Film. We got $20 Dollars a Day and Board and Room. This was Big Money for a Young Kid of 19 Years old in those Days. :D

    Jimmy Stewart was a Perfect Gentleman just as you see him in His Films. :rolleyes:

    After His Passing I was contacted by His Wife Gloria in the early 1990s after She had found out that I had Pictures of Jimmy that were taken in the Late 1940s. when "Broken Arrow" was Filmed in Sedona that had not been seen by the Public Before, so I sent Copys to Her. :wub:

    Who could ever Forget Jimmy Stewart in "The Man That Shot Liberty Valance" and the Last Scene in "The Shootist" as He looks Down at J.B. Books Dead on the Floor of the Saloon.


    Bill :cowboy:

  • Well,

    I love James Stewart’s films as much as I love the Duke’s films, and he means as much to me personally as well. Stewart’s films “Bend of the River” and “Winchester ‘73” are among my two favorite westerns of all time. He is right up there on the same level as the Duke as far as I’m concerned.

    One thing though, I’ve not been able to find any James Stewart discussion boards.

  • If anyone listens to RadioClassics, they are playing episodes of the six shooter and if you're a Jimmy Stewart fan, then check it out. The stories only last around 25 minutes and quite interesting.

  • Happy Birthday James Stewart. You would have been 99 years old on the 20th. TCM will be showing a handful of your movies.

    The Mortal Storm
    The Glenn Miller Story
    Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and
    The Far Country

    Just wonder if TCM will have a big blowout for you on your 100th like they are The Duke this year.

  • James Stewart was yet another household name in our house. I was always a fan of his. I don't know what I first saw him in but, always heard about the movie: Winchester '73 - which I had not seen until one time we were on vacation visiting my Grandmother in Houston. I remember we all sat back and watched it to the end, before we were dropped off at Astroworld. This was the only time that we did not leave early for the theme park - which, sadly; no longer exists.

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  • Apart from his westerns with Anthony Mann, I can't say I'm a big fan of Stewart. He was miscast in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. I have what is often heralded as his greatest film on DVD, Vertigo, but I don't really care for it. I bought it in a petrol station last year.

  • It appears TCM will be having a James Stewart marathon this Tuesday in honor of his 100th birthday. Just thought I would give all Stewart fans a quick heads up. Alas, I won't be anywhere around to watch it. :cry2:

  • On Stumpys recomendation I bought Bend in the River and also Winchester 73. I will be enjoying those films now and then for the rest of my days. Shenandoah and the Glen Miller storey and It's a wonderful Life are all old friends of mine.

    Greetings from North of the 49th

  • hey guys i am new here and i have been floatin around in other threads and noticed that Jimmy Stewart has been brought up a few times. i am a huge fan of his and love all of his movies! from the older ones with his shy, sweet, cute type demeanor to his darker western pictures. i think he is a great actor (but doesnt hold a candle to Duke) and i was wondering if we could start a conversation on him.

  • Duke's Duchess,

    First of all let me welcome you here to a great message board about a great American Western/War Star, John Wayne.

    If you go to Jimmy Stewart, you will see information on him and a general discussion on him. There are many other posts on this message board about him as well with John Wayne and Westerns and many other topics. You can do a search on him and this will direct you to topics.

    He is a big part on this message board, and everyone agrees a very likable person here. I hope this help. Just browse around and enjoy your time here.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

    Edited once, last by Hondo Duke Lane ().

  • Duke's Duchess,

    As Hondo says, to most Duke fans,
    James Stewart, is a very good second!

    Thanks Mike,
    for informing Duke's Duchess,
    of our dedicated thread on James Stewert.
    I have now merged this into the 'Pals' thread.

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • good im gald he is the Pals part. to be honest i have always been around John Wayne movies, but just this summer i have really gotten into them.mostly in part to my knee surgery ..... so ive been in bed all summer!:glare: but it brought me into my new western world! lol after i seen Two Rode Together on hallmark i started watchin Jimmy in his movies. so there are a lot of movies that i havent seen yet.

  • We have enjoyed him in the several Hitchcock movies (Vertigo . . .

    Speaking of Vertigo . . . which we weren't recently . . .

    I thought you folks might appreciate the following articles that relate to the 50th anniversary of the aforementioned movie -

    Walking through Vertigo 50 years laterhttp://www.mercurynewsphoto.com/2008/10/vertigo/
    (photos of some of the Vertigo locations, then and now)

    Vertigo - a film that burrows into your subconcious

    Hitchcock's granddaughter recalls his love of Bay Area and Santa Cruz

    (this is of particular interest to me, as we are local to some of the places mentioned in the article)

    Chester :newyear:

  • I too enjoy Jimmy Stewart movies and was able to enjoy a rarely shown movie called The Mountain Road a few days back. An enjoyable movie with an ending I didn't expect.

  • I too enjoy Jimmy Stewart movies and was able to enjoy a rarely shown movie called The Mountain Road a few days back. An enjoyable movie with an ending I didn't expect.

    "Bout time you came here kiddo ;-)) and I too saw The Mountain Road but it was about a month or so ago. The only thing I didn't like about that movie-was that guy who was always crying about wanting some milk. Had I been the James Stewart character-I would have shot him to shut him up. :teeth_smile:

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