Lauren Bacall

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  • Huh, Bogart was 25 years older then her. That is crazy. What is even crazier is I didn't even know that they were married. It is amazing because I usually know these kind of things. But, Bogart was never really a actor that I followed, atleast that is my excuse is and I am sticking to it!! hehehe!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Hi guys, just reading this thread, very interesting, thanks. Just wanted to add that did you know she was awarded The Katharine Hepburn Medal in 2006 ? One of the first ever to receive's awarded by Bryn Mawr College P.A's what they say...

    "The Katharine Hepburn Medal recognises women whose lives, work and contributions embody the intelligence, drive and independence of the four time Oscar winning actress "

  • Huh, Bogart was 25 years older then her. That is crazy. What is even crazier is I didn't even know that they were married. It is amazing because I usually know these kind of things. But, Bogart was never really a actor that I followed, atleast that is my excuse is and I am sticking to it!! hehehe!

    Hey, I guess that means if the Mrs. leaves me (which she might after I say this), I could find a mid-thirties babe . . . heh, heh, heh.

    Yes, Bogie was married to Bacall. The Mrs. and I went through a phase of watching a bunch of Bogart movies a few years ago, so had opportunity to read a little about him. We enjoyed most of his movies.

    It's interesting that Lauren Bacall won that award, but what's even more interesting to me is that Ms. Bacall is still alive (having turned 85 last September). Truly, someone who has worked with the greats and is one herself.

    Chester :newyear: