How Did You Become A John Wayne Fan?

There are 226 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 243,082 times. The latest Post () was by DCtheQuietMan.

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  • Hi rnederhoed

    WELCOME to The JWMB-
    The Original John Wayne Message Board
    where fans come to have fun!

    Please take a look around,
    we're a friendly bunch of folks,
    and there is a wealth of information to see,
    regarding the great man.

    You may find these links useful:-

    John Wayne:- A Newbies Guide to Duke

    Link to Duke's Movies, Co-Stars- Pals Of The Saddle and Movie Locations

    Thanks for such a fascinating first post,
    pity about that desk, perhaps it may not have fitted in that spare bedroom!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Oh, what a fun subject!

    My father was a fan of JW since the 1930's. I can still remember going to JW movies in theaters and standing up with my father and sister and clapping when JW would first appear on the screen (much to my mother's chagrin).

    Not only did my father enjoy JW movies, but also agreed with his politics. This helped shape my life philosophy.

    I still remember coming home from high school and my dad telling me that JW had died. I was just as upset as if a member of my family died.
    Thankfully, the legacy of JW lives to this day.


  • Hi Laura,

    WELCOME to The JWMB-
    The Original John Wayne Message Board
    where fans come to have fun!

    Please take a look around,
    we're a friendly bunch of folks,
    and there is a wealth of information to see,
    regarding the great man.

    You may find these links useful:-

    John Wayne:- A Newbies Guide to Duke

    Link to Duke's Movies, Co-Stars- Pals Of The Saddle and Movie Locations

    Laura thanks for your insightful posts and for joining us.

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Laura, I see you joined a year ago, and have finally jumped in and got your feet wet with your first couple of posts! Congratulations - don't be a stranger now! Thanks for sharing, it was fun reading.

    Peridot, we got a chuckle out of your remark, " . . . it wasn't an option to not like Duke." :))):

    rnederhoed, it was neat reading your generational passing down of John Wayne's legacy! Regarding the recent auction, I remember looking at how much Duke's things sold for, and it was sad that there was nothing really affordable for us 'little people.' Sounds like you've got a good little Mrs. who is pretty supportive of your Duke habit! Somehow I missed getting that last Tim Lilley publication - I would enjoy reading what you wrote for it.

    Anyway . . . thanks to y'all for sharing with us how you came to be a John Wayne fan, we never get tired of hearing these stories!

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

  • i grew up watching him was going to grow up and marry him!!!

  • If you're looking for an authentic John Wayne hat and cost is irrelevant, search no farther. What you want is The Last Best West. Google them; they've just changes web hosts. Their hats are made of authentic beaver (get your mind out of the gutter!) and last forever.

    Then again, which John Wayne hat?

    Check their site, they have lots of different styles from Western films, including hat stands and bands and sassy ladies hats. They have so many I can't decide which one is prettiest!

  • How did I become a John Wayne fan? Reckon I was just born at the right time. I don't claim to be the world's greatest John Wayne fan. Truth is I never really regarded myself as a fan. It's just that John Wayne was always there, one of the great constants in my life, like a mother or a father. I grew up knowing him as a big indestructible man. I liked him. I trusted him. He believed in hitting a lick for what's right and he was big enough to do it. People like John Wayne ain't supposed to die. If anyone's passing emphasized the sorry truth that everyone's gotta go sooner or later, his did. But he made his mark and he touched many people's lives, including mine. It’s something I'm grateful for.

  • Not sure what the average age of most Wayne fans seems to be, but I'll bet it's older than myself. That being said, until a couple years ago I'd never seen a John Wayne film. Sure, my father had watched Sands Of Iwo Jima in the same room as me and maybe a couple others, but I'd never sat down and watched them myself.

    But I run a website, and one of the main features on said website is a running tally of every major Action stars onscreen kills. I thought Wayne was quite the icon, and it was a bit odd that I'd neither seen his movies nor tallied his kills. So, starting with his first starring role in The Big Trail, on through as many of his movies as I could find, I watched Duke's films in chronological order until The Shootist.

    It was a fun trip, one which I will have to fully regale folks such as you one day. Suffice it to say, it's very hard not love the big lug. And The Shootist was one of the most emotionally satisfying and yet bittersweet final films I've ever watched.

  • Not sure what the average age of most Wayne fans seems to be, but I'll bet it's older than myself. That being said, until a couple years ago I'd never seen a John Wayne film. Sure, my father had watched Sands Of Iwo Jima in the same room as me and maybe a couple others, but I'd never sat down and watched them myself.

    But I run a website, and one of the main features on said website is a running tally of every major Action stars onscreen kills. I thought Wayne was quite the icon, and it was a bit odd that I'd neither seen his movies nor tallied his kills. So, starting with his first starring role in The Big Trail, on through as many of his movies as I could find, I watched Duke's films in chronological order until The Shootist.

    It was a fun trip, one which I will have to fully regale folks such as you one day. Suffice it to say, it's very hard not love the big lug. And The Shootist was one of the most emotionally satisfying and yet bittersweet final films I've ever watched.

    great post, and observations.
    I am sure no one has counted how many 'kills' Duke made,
    but it was a few to say the least.

    Incidently we have many young members starting in their 20's,
    and this thread will interest you, and maybe you can join in.
    When were you Born?

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Thanks for the welcomes and I'll certainly be roving about these threads.

    As for counting the Duke's "kills", I've tallied 258 so far in well over a hundred movies watched. I don't think he ever got to 300 as there are only a few I have not yet seen.

  • Welcome to our John Wayne message board, Kain, sounds like your counting must have taken a bit of time. Thank you for your input, as to my knowledge, no one has made this particular effort before. Check out all our Forums and you will enjoy finding out many more facts about the Duke !

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

  • Well, I always liked John Wayne movies, but I suppose I didn't really become a FAN until I started researching my book. Ward Bond has always been my favorite, (after a brief "love affair" with Bob Horton, Flint McClullough in WT). Dad always called him Flip McCorkin, the drugstore cowboy just to pull my chain. We would all pile up into Mom and Dad's room, me in Mom's bed and Dad and bro, Buz, together...they had built beds that the head raised up....great for watching TV. After a few years, I fell head over heels with Ward.....he was just so EVERYTHING! So, naturally, when I began researching him and his cohorts.....there was Duke, his best friend. Then I fell down the well into Pappy Ford and all the Ford Troupe. Sure did broaden my task! But, once you know a bit about in the WORLD can you NOT be a fan? A most incredibly, wonderful, talented, caring man gave us all more than I am sure he ever even knew. And it is on film for us and future generations to see forever! I think it is our responsiblity to help not let the flame go out! KPKEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

    Edited once, last by Hawkswill: slight alteration ().

  • same here i grew up watching john wayne and was going to grow up
    and marry him lol:star: of as a little girl i was not thinking about how old he was
    his son patrick would of been more my age. :wink_smile:

  • Hi Kain, Where did you go? I was really interested to seeing your posts. Hope you are back soon. Maybe I have just missed some of them. Anyway, I would love to see your website of the "kills" and anything else you have on there. Enjoyed what little I have seen.....hope you and your family are well.
    Ride hard, but don't put him up wet, KPKEITH

    Thanks for the welcomes and I'll certainly be roving about these threads.

    As for counting the Duke's "kills", I've tallied 258 so far in well over a hundred movies watched. I don't think he ever got to 300 as there are only a few I have not yet seen.

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Well I bought a John Wayne limited edition belt buckle a long time ago and I was not into John Wayne at the time, when I said a long time you can go with the price which was Ten Shillings Sterling. I got into J.W oh about 30 years ago I taped Eldorado off the tv to video and just kept watching it, well I started collecting his movies on video my wife started buying birthday and Christmas presents for me either videos or anything John Wayne built up a good collection of videos then out comes dvd. Started collecting dvd's now I have a collection of over 100 dvd's some which are silents as well, and I have built up one website to The Duke and have started a second site to the great man John Wayne.

    Tomorrow hopes
    We have learned something
    From yesterday

    John Wayne