Still dreaming to visit Monument Valley some day... Wondering is it any tours there

Monument Valley, Arizona
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At last back to Monument Valley!
Here is the John Wayne Cabin, location of "She Wore A Yellow Ribbon".USA2016_ (0670).JPG
I spent an afternoon and a morning in the Valley, I slept at Goulding and I waked up before dawn to see the fantastic show of the sun behind the rocks!
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NICE! Great pics!
I agree. Monument Valley is on top of my bucket list. It's absolutely beautiful there.
I agree. Monument Valley is on top of my bucket list. It's absolutely beautiful there.
I agree Mark. Now there's a place I haven't been to. Mmmm
Monument Valley is definitely on my bucket list.
Re-reading this thread, and wanted to thanks @Dooley & @Frank for sharing those great photos from Monument Valley!
Also, found this map online of the different points of interests.
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Here is a painting my daughter did for me, knowing I love Monument Valley. Just thought I would share it here. I told her she had to add Duke in there somewhere, riding into the sunset.
Man, what a nice painting! And I'm with you, Duke would be perfect in that painting.
Great read on monument valley Monument Valley a geological gift that keeps giving | Features |
It's on my bucket list to visit.
Just a few years ago we stayed a few days Guildings lodge at Monument valley. Standing in from of Cpt Brittles and driving around the Mittens. I could barely sleep at night thinking of what we could see and do the next day. I think the road down into the valley is the same one John Ford made in 1939. Have been to Winterset a couple of times but it pales to being at the valley.
This is on my bucket list! One day I'll make it out there.
It's on my list, as well. I may have to wait till I retire, though. When I have the money, I don't have the time..and vice versa. lol
It's on my list, as well. I may have to wait till I retire, though. When I have the money, I don't have the time..and vice versa. lol
same here. To many other obligations in the way. But one day!
When you get there make sure you do reservations at Guildings. We were there not too much after they filmed the new Lone Ranger ( which is very bad ) they had to drive back and forth to Flagstaff as there wasn't any rooms. The Navajo village is not close to anything.
When I do ever go, I'd stay nowhere else but Gouldings. If it was good enough for Duke, It's good enough for me.