Monument Valley, Arizona

There are 115 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 148,865 times. The latest Post () was by dukefan1.

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  • I think that it's one of the most important places,'cause it entered in the collective imagination, when we speak about western movies.By my side,the Sergio Leone's movie Once Upon a Time in The West,to give an example.

  • Francesco,

    I'm amazed that nobody has answered your question! Not sure when you were planning on visiting the US, hope this is soon enough to be helpful.

    Keith (aka ethanedwards) has done an incredible job chronicling Duke's movie locations. I don't know if you've perused some of the threads, but I would personally recommend

    Duke's Movie Locations - Monument Valley - THE John Ford/John Wayne location! To be perfectly honest, I don't know where it is in relation to any national parks, but I'm sure Google maps will be a big help in that regard (as well as our many well-informed members, some of whom may even have traveled there).

    Duke's Movie Locations - Utah - plenty of westerns filmed here! And it's immediately adjacent to Arizona, where there are plenty of Duke locations, both professional (locations) and personal/business (the 26 Bar Ranch in Eagar, a ranch he owned).

    I hope that helps a little!

    Chester :newyear:

  • Back from this wonderful trip in the old west; the Duke is still riding in the Monument Valley and I cried a little when I was there...

    God bless America and the Duke!

    bye from Italy


  • Francesco, many thanks for your update,
    what a fantastic trip

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Francesco, if you feel like sharing the photos of Monument Valley you may have taken, please do. For we who have never been there, it's the next best thing. Glad you had such a wonderful trip.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Hi all,
    just wanted to share that last week I fulfilled a childhood dream of visiting Monument Valley. I managed to convince my now wife that after being married in Las Vegas last week we would drive to Monument Valley for our honeymoon.
    It truly was as magical as I hoped it would be and even though we were there for 5 days it never stopped taking my breath away every morning.
    Mustang trekking around the Mittens etc with a local guide was simply awe inspiring, I have never taken so many photographs in my life!
    I was so inspired by the place that I set my alarm for 4am, much to my wife's dismay, to set up timelapse photography of the sunrise; every morning!
    If you haven't been and you have a nostalgic affinity with the place through The Duke's films I cannot recommend going enough.
    Back in the UK now, wishing I was still there!
    All the best to all on the forum.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Thanks Chester.

    We watched The Searchers the day before leaving the UK so we were well set up. My wife is thankfully quite taken by The Duke having been subjected to many evenings of his films since we have been together. Photos to follow.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Not sure how to upload the images properly as thumbnails really don't do the shots justice.
    I followed the instructions on the FAQs but know there's a way to get them bigger.
    Any help would be most appreciated.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Not sure how to upload the images properly as thumbnails really don't do the shots justice.
    I followed the instructions on the FAQs but know there's a way to get them bigger.
    Any help would be most appreciated.

    The one way is to upload them to a host, such as Photobucket,
    and to obtain an URL which you can then paste into the Images box
    on your posts.
    This is the way I place my images onto the forum.

    Best Wishes
    London- England