From what i have heard they have run out of funds.
Such a pity, and as we have said before,
there's not enough of us devoted one's around to keep it alive!!!
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From what i have heard they have run out of funds.
Such a pity, and as we have said before,
there's not enough of us devoted one's around to keep it alive!!!
I do have a bit of news about Alamo Village. A couple of years ago, it was revealed that someone wanted to buy Alamo Village, fix it up, add some things and turn it into a bigger tourist attraction than it had been. I hadn't heard anymore until recently over on A few of the guys over have been talking about a man named David Jones, who was the guy who wanted to buy it and still wants to buy it. And one of the things he intends to do if he does, is to restore the Alamo compound itself to what it was when John Wayne had it built for his film. If he does, I can tell you, there are alot of people on that site, myself included, who would be most happy to see it as it originally was.
We'll count on you to keep us up-to-date on the progress, and of course let us know if there is any way we can help! Thanks for this most recent report - it is encouraging!
Alamo Village has been re-opened but, on a limited basis. It'll be open on Fridays, Saturdays and, Sundays only. It'll cost $10 to get in, kids under 6 are free. Gates will be open for 15 minutes at 10am, 11am, 12 noon, 1pm, 2pm and, 3pm. After those 15 minutes the gates will be locked till the next hour. There will be no services, no food or water, no bathrooms, gift shop or shows. They ask that you bring your own water. This is on an experimental basis and if successful, could pave the way for a total re-opening. There will two people working at the Village, Rich Curilla, who has been working there for a number of years. He's a film maker, Alamo historian, Alamo movie historian and also worked the shows they put on. And he's a really great guy and just wonderful to talk to about anything Alamo. the other person working is the secretary of the place, named Treva.
Thanks for the update Jim.
Good to see someting positive happeneing.
anyone who has the chance should see Alamo Village, it's a great experience for the John Wayne fan. Even with all the changes since 1959, it's incredible to walk where Duke, Harvey, Widmark, John Ford, Jimmy Stewart, Dean Martin, et all. walked.
Thanks for that update.
Sounds like a place we might want to visit someday. Although that part about no bathrooms kind of surprises me (what were they doing before?). It seems that if they are charging folks, the least they could do is rent a couple of port-a-potties. With no food, services, or even a bathroom, I have to wonder if they want it to succeed.
They HAVE bathrooms, but I'm sure the water has been turned off while the place was shut down. IMHO they want to see what interest they get in seeing the place before going to additional expense. It appears to be pretty much a volunteer setup at the moment
I have to amend my post from yesterday. I found out that the bathrooms at Alamo Village WILL be open. Also, some of the other posters over on have said that anybody who might want to visit, might want to think about bringing a picnic lunch with them. I guess there's a great party store in Brackettville that you can get things like pizza, chicken and, other food items. Also a restaurant at Ft. Clark and a pretty good burger place(been there, good burgers) in town that also serves daily dinner specials.
I hope my previous comments didn't seem overly harsh or critical.
No food or gift shop doesn't bother me, especially when they are just testing the waters, so to speak. I would have no problem bringing along a picnic lunch!
But a bathroom seems like a basic necessity whenever you have a bunch of people, so I'm real glad to hear that at least that amenity is available.
I agree with a previous poster - to walk where Duke and so many others actually stood would be an amazing experience! Plus there is the historical aspect of the Alamo, so important to our heritage. I hope this initial trial is VERY successful!
Ft. Clark is where Duke and a lot of the cast stayed while filming, so that would make a nice side trip to anyone visiting AV. Plus the some of the river scenes were filmed there.
For continuity, this was also posted
on the movie thread, so I have quoted it here
....Alamo Village will be open for a limited time with a shuttle taking fans to and from the site I've heard. Don't miss that if you can-
Now updated with more information and great photographs
Having been to Brackettville twice. These photos have great meaning.
I have sat on the same cot as Richard Widmark and the room where Duke first talkes to Laurence Harvey. And in the basement of the church, which is on the ground floor in the back of the church. Thanks the the memorys.
Same here, I really hope AV reopens-I'd love one more visit.
I envy you who enjoyed Alamo Village. I was stationed in San Antonio in 1971 and 1972 and while I visited the shrine many times, I didn't know anything about the village. I spent many a weekend idling around Fort Sam and now I'm kicking myself in the butt that I was so close and so uninformed.
Maybe someday I can afford to go back.
We deal in lead, friend.
A superb thread. Duke's Alamo is my all-time favourite closely followed by The Searchers