Alamo Village, Texas

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  • Last October I visited the film set at Bracketville on what was, up to now anyhow, the last day it was officially open to the public.

    I took a heap of photo's and video and have put them together mixed with clips of the film to give a sort of "then and now" perspective.

    I only intended to make it last for about 15 minutes or so but kinda got carried away somewhat and it ended up at about 40minutes long in the end !!

    I put the finished effort on Youtube and had to split it into 3 parts, if anyone is interested in having a look, here are the links.

    part 1

    part 2

    part 3

  • Thanks for the kind comments guys, it was a dream come true to visit Bracketville and I could have walked around that place forever.
    It was the most amazing experience to just stand on the same spot where all those unforgettable scenes were filmed and take it all in, one day just wasn't long enough.

  • john that was amazing photo's and's great to see the now and then clip's of the set of the alamo.thanks again for sharing

  • Maybe they will get the money to restore it. I would like to go there.
    Can you still get to the site at all? Now.

    "A people that values their Privileges above it's Principles. Soon looses both." Dwight Eisenhower

    Edited once, last by colkid60 ().

  • Maybe they will get the money to restore it. I would like to go there.
    Can you still get to the site at all? Now.

    No it is now closed tom the public.
    I was there twice.
    The last time in 2011
    It was only open for one day
    When The Alamo was celebrating the 50th. anniversary of the Dukes movie.

    ''baby sister i was born game and intend to go out that way.''

  • Thank you, I have it straight now. I hope they can raise the money to open it up. I would go if they do it.

    "A people that values their Privileges above it's Principles. Soon looses both." Dwight Eisenhower

  • If you go to, you can find some photos of what Alamo Village currently looks like, and it's not good. It's becoming quite overgrown, especially in the Alamo compound itself. In the courtyard directly in front of the church and near the main gate, some mighty tall greenery has popped up and it's beginning to hide the church from view as you walk in. Unless someone steps up and buys this place, it won't be long till it's disappeared under a desert jungle.

  • If you go to, you can find some photos of what Alamo Village currently looks like, and it's not good. It's becoming quite overgrown, especially in the Alamo compound itself. In the courtyard directly in front of the church and near the main gate, some mighty tall greenery has popped up and it's beginning to hide the church from view as you walk in. Unless someone steps up and buys this place, it won't be long till it's disappeared under a desert jungle.

    This makes me quite sad. :(