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  • I take it all back. Politicians can make you laugh!!

    Defection of Clinton supporter to Obama

    Mr Lewis, a congressman from Georgia and a veteran of the US civil rights movement, defended his switch of support by saying he wanted "to be on the side of the people".

    I must keep that quote for some future occasion it is a classic. I take it if Hillary wins he can still flip over again and " be on the side of the people". Then when Mc Cain wins
    the election he can support him because he still wants "to be on the side of the people".

    The Universal Winning Pledge. Be a winner with the winner on ALL Occasions!!!


  • Heh heh, thanks for the laughs. Also, I like that quote that Kay Zwerling used which said: "Diapers and politicians should be changed often and for the same reason.!" Ha haaa, that certainly made my day.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • An interesting battle is taking place Tuesday in Texas, Ohio, Vermont, and Rhode Island. A battle for the Democrates which could decide their candidate after the day is done. The Republician race is all but over and should be Senator John McCain.

    Some of you folks are voting in these states Tuesday. What are your thoughts?

    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • An interesting battle is taking place Tuesday in Texas, Ohio, Vermont, and Rhode Island. A battle for the Democrates which could decide their candidate after the day is done. The Republician race is all but over and should be Senator John McCain.

    Some of you folks are voting in these states Tuesday. What are your thoughts?

    Cheers :cool:

    Don't know about other Texas folks but this is one old boy who won't be voting because we have such lousy choices. In fact, if I never hear the word "politics" again, it'll be too soon. I've had it right up to the eyeballs with the perpetual campaign. Especially by such a bunch of stone losers.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Don't know about other Texas folks but this is one old boy who won't be voting because we have such lousy choices. In fact, if I never hear the word "politics" again, it'll be too soon. I've had it right up to the eyeballs with the perpetual campaign. Especially by such a bunch of stone losers.

    Hm-m-m-m-m . . . it sounds like you might be suffering from
    Electile Dysfunction :the inability to become aroused over any of the choices for president put forth by either party in the 2008 election year.

    You're not alone . . .

    Chester :newyear:

  • I'm not sure which upsets me more the choices we had this election or hearing people say they are going to give up their freedom and responsibility and not vote. Our Nation is controlled by the minority of people that vote... just look at the numbers... Of the people eligible to vote maybe 60% register. Of that 60% on a good election you get 50% of them to come out. Then a wining candidate gets about 40% of the vote… that’s around 15% of the voting population deciding the course of the Nation… Your VOTE counts and is important…

    (My numbers are not exact and they do fluctuate, but the point is solid)

    You can roll a turd in powdered sugar but that doesn’t make it a doughnut.

  • I'm not sure which upsets me more the choices we had this election or hearing people say they are going to give up their freedom and responsibility and not vote. Our Nation is controlled by the minority of people that vote... just look at the numbers... Of the people eligible to vote maybe 60% register. Of that 60% on a good election you get 50% of them to come out. Then a wining candidate gets about 40% of the vote… that’s around 15% of the voting population deciding the course of the Nation… Your VOTE counts and is important…

    (My numbers are not exact and they do fluctuate, but the point is solid)

    VERY well said! I couldn't agree with you more. It is a sad commentary that so many CHOOSE not to be a part of the election process. I am firmly convinced if everyone voted who was eligible to do so, things would be very different.

    Chester :newyear:

  • erthomp,

    Couldn't have said that better. And there are some who would like to take away your right to vote. I have never missed my voting. It was told to me many years ago that a person who doesn't vote does not have the right to complain. Of course I hear many who do complain but do not vote. I just ignore them and say that because you do not vote, you are getting what you deserve, so your complaints mean absolutely nothing.

    There are those in other countries who would die to vote and have, we are so spoiled. Maybe death in the country would open some eyes. That's what it may take to get people to take these elections seriously.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • I'm scared of what might happen in November. I don't care much for Mccain but he has my vote. I'm afraid if the democrats win we are headed into socailism. They are already poised to repeal the tax cuts that have added income into this household. Too many americans want the government to take care of them. It's sad that the liberterian party infiltrated the democratic party years ago. The democratic party is not the same but so many still vote party lines. People don't care about this country and the flag and want to run God down and out. They look to Hollywood for inspiration and advice They blame us for 9-11 and Bush for the way the war has gone. When in fact there is no sure fire war plan. You make an outline but soon as the first shot is fired all goes out the window so you have to improvise. It's like playing chess you have an idea what moves you'll make but until your oponenet makes his move you have no concrete plan. I'll be damned if I'm gonna let someone attack me without retaliation and if you make a threat I will strike first I will not allow a threat bear fruit. God bless the USA, Glod Bless John Wayne, and may God have mercy on our souls!!!

    Mister you better find yourself another line of work, cause this one sure DON"T fit your PISTOL!

  • I voted early-this past Friday morning to be exact. Here in CCland-we have had an astonishing 33% as of Friday evening-who came out and voted.

    So far we've had the dislikes of female clinton here once, the other clinton twice and obama once. No Reps came here to visit us though.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • IMNSHO, you folks complaining about non-voters are full of crap. From 1960 until about 2004 I wrote innumerable letters to presidents, members of Congress, editors, business and educational leaders offering well-thought-out solutions to some of the many problems afflicting this country. I voted religiously in every single election from 1960 until 1990, then again in 1994, 2000 and 2002 and look what it got me. The country has gone to hell in a handbasket, thanks to the sorry SOBs who run for political office nowadays. All they're interested in is perpetuating themselves in office and defending their perquisites. They could care less about ordinary citizens like us.

    I voted for this disaster we have as a president 3 times, twice as governor and once as president (2000) and I've had ample reason to regrets those votes. And yes, I will complain whether I vote or not. After all, I invested 25 of the best years of my life defending the right of people like me to complain. I wish I hadn't, as I've come to the very strong conclusion that there are millions of people in this country who aren't worth defending.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • A good night for McCain as it looks like he is going to wrap up and take the GOP into the convention in September. As for the Democrates, it's too close to call right now.

    I have very strong feelings about seeing a Clinton get close to the Whitehouse, but the alternative is not any better and could be worse. I am hearing reports from across the pond that O'bama is doing things that is not in the U.S. best interests or the world for that matter. So, both of them must not be able to get there in November.

    Cheers :cool:

    P.S. My message above was in general. I was refering to those who never vote like my brother, etc.


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • IMNSHO, you folks complaining about non-voters are full of crap.

    What a sad statement... Freedom Sir does not come FREE it takes sacrifice. Also, just because you think a solution is well thought out and a good idea, doesn't mean that it is. Doesn't mean it is not either, just pointing out that it's easy to quarterback when you are not in the game. Besides writing letters how else where you involved? I work hard at my freedom and get involved where I can. I take being a Citizen seriously and have never missed an opportunity to be involved. I agree with you that the worst thing that has ever happened to this country is the Professional Politician, they have made being in the Government their job and we should do everything we can to get rid of them, but your attitude does not help in that at all. There is no way we can rally together and kick these SOB’s out when people have a “what the hell, it don’t matter anyway” attitude.

    Just look at one of the things that made our Country strong, our judicial system. Innocent until proven guilty and a trail by our peers. You just have to watch the news to know that we are no longer innocent until proven guilty, it is now the other way around. And when is the last time you heard someone excited about having to do jury duty. It’s now a trail by twelve people that where not smart enough to get out of jury duty. It’s really a sad thing, but it is not hopeless. We are still free, not as free as we where in the past, but we can still be involved and that means we can make changes. And as long as we have that, there is hope, and I will continue to bitch about people that want to whine and complain but not DO anything about it… and writing a letter is not doing anything… you have to get involved.

    You can roll a turd in powdered sugar but that doesn’t make it a doughnut.

  • you have to get involved.

    I was involved - for almost fifty years. And what did I get for my involvement? Well, for one thing I learned that all those teachings in civics classes were so much lies and propaganda. Therefore, I choose to disengage from the process since engagement obviously doesn't accomplish anything meaningful anyway.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I have been thinking about this and I have to say that you’re right. What’s the point in voting? I mean why should we care that Barack Hussein Obama’s campaign has turned telling the truth into something we should be ashamed of. I guess when we really get down to it we deserve it, right? I mean you tried so hard to save us from our selves but we did not listen to your sage words of advice. So ultimately if Barack Hussein Obama is elected it’s not your fault, right? I guess I need to just throw my hands in the air and quit to. Since no one cares about all the time I have spent in town meetings, school board meetings, writing letters, voting, talking to people about the truth, writing letters to the troops, going to jury duty, and trying to learn our countries history so that I can try hard to help stop us from repeating bad history. Oh wait, I care!! I know that it doesn’t matter what someone else chooses as long as I do the right thing. At the end of the day I can hold my head high because I made the right choice no matter of the out come. Just like the man that this forum is all about!! Thank you for making me really think about this…

    You can roll a turd in powdered sugar but that doesn’t make it a doughnut.

  • I have been thinking about this and I have to say that you’re right. What’s the point in voting? I mean why should we care that Barack Hussein Obama’s campaign has turned telling the truth into something we should be ashamed of. I guess when we really get down to it we deserve it, right? I mean you tried so hard to save us from our selves but we did not listen to your sage words of advice. So ultimately if Barack Hussein Obama is elected it’s not your fault, right? I guess I need to just throw my hands in the air and quit to. Since no one cares about all the time I have spent in town meetings, school board meetings, writing letters, voting, talking to people about the truth, writing letters to the troops, going to jury duty, and trying to learn our countries history so that I can try hard to help stop us from repeating bad history. Oh wait, I care!! I know that it doesn’t matter what someone else chooses as long as I do the right thing. At the end of the day I can hold my head high because I made the right choice no matter of the out come. Just like the man that this forum is all about!! Thank you for making me really think about this…

    Forgive me for saying so but you sound more than a little sanctimonious and naive. All I have to say is, knock yourself out.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Everything aside, all I know about this election is, is that this election is one that everybody should vote in. I don't like any of the candidates either but, I think this is one that we need to look at at voting for the lesser of all evils.

    The Ringo Kid now steps off of his soap box, turnes around and walks out the double doors and into the street-narrowly being missed by an uncaring driver of a speeding street car.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • I can't believe Boehner and his party of hypocrites. This is the party that, over the past eight or nine years, gave us the "bridge to nowhere", along with hundreds of other wasteful expenditures of our tax money. A particularly egregious example is Bush's taxpayer-funded Medicare drug program. And his taxpayer-funded rebuilding of a defeated enemy nation that has the second or third largest oil reserves in the world. In other words, a defeated enemy nation that has the means to rebvuild itself.

    We have a saying in Texas to describe two separate entities that are essentially the same in everything but name. We call them "six of one and half-a-dozen of the other". As far as I'm concerned, that describes the Dummicrat and Republicrat parties perfectly.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Unbelievable! this is the guy who, with his "compassionate conservatism". has almost single-handedly succeeded in destroying the Republican Party as a viable political organization. From failure to rein in the GOP's big spenders by never exercising a veto to promoting another hugely expensive drug "entitlement" about like one of LBJ's Great Society programs to throwing open our borders to Hispanic invaders. I think the capper though is invading a country that constituted no serious threat to our own, which caused great unrest in the Middle East, resulting in record oil prices which in turn caused record gasoline prices. Yet this clown is predicting a Republican victory in 2008 - wonder what he's been smokin'?

    De gustibus non est disputandum