Obama flaws are "He believes in everything He believes in nothing" a media fluffball like Blair who photographs and spins well. I suspect he has dirty linen of a sexual or financial nature which will implode before November. He will never get broad support beyond his current electoral base so he is dead in the water.
Hillary is beginning to look like one of those zombie dolls that wont lay down.
The interesting view point is who gets the VP spot under Mc Cain. I cant see him going making one term.
Considering the economic recession/depression on the horizon and an unwinable strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan who in their right mind would want the job.

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Considering the economic recession/depression on the horizon and an unwinable strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan who in their right mind would want the job.
Amen!!!!!!!!!! -
i truely dont know how you blokes and shelias put up with this for so long, i consider 6 weeks a long time to listen to a lot of hot air blowing from the pollies when we have an election but you lot it seems to keep on going when will it stop. no sooner you have had one election for a new leader they are out campaining again for the next one 4 years away its no wonder most dont go and vote they have just had it by the time the real deal comes on round.
but then again you do get the choice to vote or not where as down under we have to vote or run the risk of a fine
cheers smokey -
i truely dont know how you blokes and shelias put up with this for so long, i consider 6 weeks a long time to listen to a lot of hot air blowing from the pollies when we have an election but you lot it seems to keep on going when will it stop. no sooner you have had one election for a new leader they are out campaining again for the next one 4 years away its no wonder most dont go and vote they have just had it by the time the real deal comes on round.
Exactly right, smokey. I get so damned tired of listening to all this political BS for months and years on end that I get almost sick to my stomach. Wish we had a law that limited political campaigns to no more than 1 or 2 months at the most. -
i truely dont know how you blokes and shelias put up with this for so long, i consider 6 weeks a long time to listen to a lot of hot air blowing from the pollies
I hear that! Our youngest keeps asking, "Did anyone win yet?" I hated to tell her it's almost another six monthsbefore it's all over.
Yeah, and like anything is really going to change. I mean come on, its been this same rhetoric since Bush senior took office. I don't see it changing.
Term Limits, Term Limits, Term Limits.
Those are the 2 key words anyone needs to know about american politics at this time. -
This whole election is going to boil down to the analogy of "You have a choice. Which do you want - a broken arm or a broken leg?"
Cheers - Jay -
On a pure political stand point I disagree with term limits. We already have the ability to vote people out of office at any time, we do not need to wait for a set election to do so. However, the American people as a whole have become to lazy, ignorant, stupid and apathetic to make any real changes. That's why I try and fight the "there's nothing we can do any way" mind set. Our Constitution has not been changed to remover our power, yet anyway, so we still have the power to make changes. We just don't have enough people smart enough to do it any more. It's really kind of sad ... of course with all that said, there is still no other place I would rather live.
On a pure political stand point I disagree with term limits. We already have the ability to vote people out of office at any time, we do not need to wait for a set election to do so. However, the American people as a whole have become to lazy, ignorant, stupid and apathetic to make any real changes. That's why I try and fight the "there's nothing we can do any way" mind set. Our Constitution has not been changed to remover our power, yet anyway, so we still have the power to make changes. We just don't have enough people smart enough to do it any more. It's really kind of sad ... of course with all that said, there is still no other place I would rather live.
We both know that they've rigged the system so that it has become extremely difficult to vote an incumbent out of office. That, and the fact that you're exactly right about this country having hordes of political ignoramuses, makes me agree with Todd that we need a national term limits law. Hell, if they're Constitutional at state level, why not federal level? -
On a pure political stand point I disagree with term limits. We already have the ability to vote people out of office at any time, we do not need to wait for a set election to do so. However, the American people as a whole have become to lazy, ignorant, stupid and apathetic to make any real changes. That's why I try and fight the "there's nothing we can do any way" mind set. Our Constitution has not been changed to remover our power, yet anyway, so we still have the power to make changes. We just don't have enough people smart enough to do it any more. It's really kind of sad ... of course with all that said, there is still no other place I would rather live.
BRAVO!!!! Well said, very well said!!! -
In terms of posting on this thread it appears that Democrats are staying out of this, so for the sake of debate, which of the Dem candidates wouldl get the most votes In the November Election?
I see George is coming to visit us again next month. Getting to be like a rest home for Presidents/Ex Presidents.
Lets hope he's comes well before 24th June and I am heading opposite direction to US unless he wants to give me a lift in Airforce 1.
Mike -
I guess both parties are moving left to a degree. I have been somewhat pleased with Bush I do like the tax cuts and the supreme court nominees. I even liked removing Sadam, but this country has to quit micro managing wars. You would have thought Vietnam would have taught some lessons but I guess not. We have one true conservative on the Okloahoma city council Sally Kern she stiired up a hornets nest with views. If your not familar with her just google her name. She pissed of all the fags in the world. I hope she runs for our Governor soon as sleepy retires.
Looks like Kentucky has Clinton and Oregon has Obama. Wish we had someone to vote for. This is looking like a big tragedy in the works.
Cheers -
This is looking like a big tragedy in the works.
The question is - will the country survive an Obama presidency? Somehow, I have my doubts. -
The question is - will the country survive an Obama presidency? Somehow, I have my doubts.
I cant see Obama or Clinton for that matter being elected unless McCain makes a big mistake. -
I cant see Obama or Clinton for that matter being elected unless McCain makes a big mistake.
As I've said before I don't like McCain but I guess he's the best of a very poor presidential field. -
It seems to me that since Regan we have been left with having to vote for the lesser of two evils... We really need to VOTE them ALL out of office and start over...
We really need to VOTE them ALL out of office and start over...
Truer words were never spoken.