That's a good point, Stumpy. Big Brother is watching no matter what one does. Even in that small town of Eagle Alaska, population 170. The postmaster would drive around on his snowmobile trying to catch the residents hunting. They continually close the hunting season early even though they know that's the only way some can survive. And what kind of effect could that small town have on the caribu or moose population out in the middle of no man's land? Here they want to tell us when we can mow our lawn, and how many months worth of food storage we can stock for our families for times of emergency. Now with the requirement of having a passport to leave the country, we are virtual prisioners, all in the name of national security. It's like they expect us to believe we must lose certain, if not all freedoms before they can protect us. They have more information about us than we have on ourselves. For instance...I was going to get a new passport, but, now I need information that's not available to me. The man listed on my birth certificate is not my biological father. I do not know his DOB or DOD or even place of birth. Neither my birth certif. nor the divorce papers from my mother give that information. Years ago it was enough to get my social security card and a military passport, that's no longer the case. So I called social security and explained my situation. They tell me they can't give me any information on my legal father because that's HIS information! SO if it's only HIS why do I need it? And if they want it from me, they already have it, he's been dead for many years, what's the problem? What gives them more right to it than me? And since I only want it to give it back to them....goodness it gives me a headache...such stupidity.
And another thought...Why do they want so much information about us, ie., number of bathrooms, etc.? Surely that cannot help them protect the country...And I don't see how knowing the number of toilets can benefit their need to know how many people are here for a census. IMO government does nothing without a reason.
Stumpy, I am going to get together some information and when I do I will send it through pm. And in case I decide to send a photo, can that be attached to a pm?

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The man listed on my birth certificate is not my biological father. I do not know his DOB or DOD or even place of birth.
This blows my mind, Cindy. I was under the impression that all birth certificates had info only on biological parents. I didn't know that info could be entered that wasn't that of a biological parent. Doesn't the delivering physician fill out the birth certificate? What logical reason would there be for entering info on someone who wasn't a biological parent?
Why do they want so much information about us, ie., number of bathrooms, etc.? Surely that cannot help them protect the country...And I don't see how knowing the number of toilets can benefit their need to know how many people are here for a census.
The reason they gave was that it helps them plan for population growth and to help businesses plan ahead. It wasn't only the bathroom question - they wanted to know the details on any person I had living in my house, my income and the income of any other person living with me, all kinds of personal information that wasn't any of their damned business as far as I was concerned.
Stumpy, I am going to get together some information and when I do I will send it through pm. And in case I decide to send a photo, can that be attached to a pm?
Offhand, I don't know if pictures can be attached to private messages but I'm sure one of our resident experts can answer that question. I'll tell you what, though - let me send you my email address by PM and you can send me the info and photo by email. That might even be more secure than PM. -
The information that goes on birth certificates is entered by hospital and doctor's office clerks. And usually they put down what they're given by the mother. When a woman is married she usually names her husband as the father of record, even if she knows differently. That's how many men end up paying child support for years and when they discover the child is not really theirs it takes an act of congress to release them from financial responsibility. In my case, the father of record knew he was not the biological father and was not concerned about that.
I have worked in a hospital and actually witnessed women that were not married and had no clue who the father was, so they picked from the list!What's so messed up about that is, these mother's are usually on welfare so the government goes after the man listed on the certificate for child support...Beware guys!
The information that goes on birth certificates is entered by hospital and doctor's office clerks. And usually they put down what they're given by the mother. When a woman is married she usually names her husband as the father of record, even if she knows differently. That's how many men end up paying child support for years and when they discover the child is not really theirs it takes an act of congress to release them from financial responsibility. In my case, the father of record knew he was not the biological father and was not concerned about that.
I have worked in a hospital and actually witnessed women that were not married and had no clue who the father was, so they picked from the list!What's so messed up about that is, these mother's are usually on welfare so the government goes after the man listed on the certificate for child support...Beware guys!
Old naive me. -
Chester, the International corridor is going to take some of the hugh 18-wheeler traffic off our already congested Interstate system and put it on an independent and privately funded highway with very few exits. The trucks usually only stop for gas and food anyway. So let them rip up this private/tolled highway instead of the taxpayers Interstate system. You'll only be able to get on it at two point in southern Texas with a few exits between the US border and the Dallas/Ft. Worth. Waco, Austin and a few others. We have millions of our tax dollars paying to fix our highways because of the mass imports this country has from down south... why not let the trucks pay for it's upkeep with the tolls they will be charging.
Another aspect of this international corridor is that all the ships full of containers that are currently being unloaded by American workers in American ports will now be unloaded by Mexican workers in Mexican ports, and their plan is to have Mexican truck drivers drive these truckloads of Chinese goods into the central areas of the US. I think we have a real serious problem in this country of shipping our jobs overseas, or in this case, south of the border. I feel the plan to utilize an international corridor is part of conditioning us into submitting, gradually and gradually, to a one-world government.
Personally, I value our sovereignty and don't want to give up one square inch of real estate so some international corporation can increase their profit margin.
PS. I might also add that the number one goal of the New World Order folks is to collect all of the firearms in the country and melt them into peace statues because they realize, as did the British, that the only way they can really control us folks is to disarm us. So . . . be wary of their plans. However, after reading Dakota Surfer's post in another thread, I don't think they'll be getting any of his guns very easily.
Eminent domain only works if the government does it and this is a privately funded project. Supposedly no tax money goes into this project. People that are selling their land have that right. I did see that some valuable land was being bought up but I haven't read anything about the government allowing them to seize the property by eminent domain. If that's done then no I don't agree with that.
I'm wondering how we are going to lose port jobs when the two access points are in the middle of the Texas border. Even so everything that would enter this corridor would have to be checked by customs officials. I'd have to do more reading on it but you hear so many sides to the issues that it's gets too confusing which is probably how they want us to be... confused.
I don't give in very easy and your right Chester they would have a hard time getting anything from me. But I still believe we're free. I speak when I want and the last time I did at a city meeting where someone wanted to do something that I though was improper and violated current code I spoke up against 15 people on the other side that thought someone should get a silly variance but all I did was read and quote the code... they had no alternative but to deny the request so the law still works around here. I carry a gun in my truck all the time and no one has stopped me yet. We have check points for seat belt violators and I tell them right off that I have a gun he checks my FOID card and away I go... I guess I'm having a hard time seeing what right have been taken from me because so far I'm in pretty good shape around here.
As far as a one world government, the US has stood up against so many things in the last 20 years or so we are on the UN sh*t list. Which frankly, I think the UN should have been abolished years ago. It serves no purpose except to cause problems and allows certain countries too much power. I think the problem is too many people are afraid to stand up and fight for their rights. I for one won't do that. It does take effort to remain free. Like anything else... everyone has their opinion.
Eminent domain only works if the government does it and this is a privately funded project. Supposedly no tax money goes into this project. People that are selling their land have that right. I did see that some valuable land was being bought up but I haven't read anything about the government allowing them to seize the property by eminent domain. If that's done then no I don't agree with that.
I think the problem is too many people are afraid to stand up and fight for their rights. I for one won't do that. It does take effort to remain free. Like anything else... everyone has their opinion.
Unfortunately we have a case gonig on right here in Cincinnati, where the local gov't seized land claiming eminent domain for private developers.
I whole heartedly agree with your last bit. If I didn't I wouldn't have joined the Marine Corps at 15 and volunteered for service in Vietnam. New Hampshire has the right idea with their State Motto "Live Free Or Die". -
Unfortunately we have a case gonig on right here in Cincinnati, where the local gov't seized land claiming eminent domain for private developers.
I whole heartedly agree with your last bit. If I didn't I wouldn't have joined the Marine Corps at 15 and volunteered for service in Vietnam. New Hampshire has the right idea with their State Motto "Live Free Or Die".I'd go out fighting... I did hear of a case that some city tried that for some Walmart or something but the owners took it to court and some judge ordered that is couldn't be seized for private use. That was a while back though.
I'd go out fighting... I did hear of a case that some city tried that for some Walmart or something but the owners took it to court and some judge ordered that is couldn't be seized for private use. That was a while back though.
Same thing happened here recently against Wal Mart--and the Residents won. They did not want Wal Mart to build one of its largerst stores here--I think they are called Ultra Wal Mart--or Super Wal MArt--not sure. Anyway, the residents of the southside of CC rose up and protested and forced the crappy city council we have--to deny that land to wal mart. -
There would be fireworks at my house if somebody came after my guns!! The AR barrel would be melting!!!
Same thing happened here recently against Wal Mart--and the Residents won. They did not want Wal Mart to build one of its largerst stores here--I think they are called Ultra Wal Mart--or Super Wal MArt--not sure. Anyway, the residents of the southside of CC rose up and protested and forced the crappy city council we have--to deny that land to wal mart.
The city council in Helotes did the same thing last year - but there is a new mayor that is commercially oriented and is instead wanting possible park land developed for business. Such a shame!
Cheers - Jay -
Same thing happened here recently against Wal Mart--and the Residents won. They did not want Wal Mart to build one of its largerst stores here--I think they are called Ultra Wal Mart--or Super Wal MArt--not sure. Anyway, the residents of the southside of CC rose up and protested and forced the crappy city council we have--to deny that land to wal mart.
We have Super Walmart and they lost a small battle here the other day... I guess many of the super sized ones are adding a bank that will stay open 24 hours. After two variances we have granted them 750 sq. ft of signs total and they wanted to add a new one for the bank moving in. We told them to give up one of their other signs but that they were overloaded as it is. So no new sign unless they remove an old one.
Plus two years ago when they super sized we built a fancy intersection just for them. They were suppose to pay for the lighting since it would require stop lights and signals. We said we'd look at giving them a liquor license but didn't promise it. We are overloaded with bars and many spoke out against a liquor store in Walmart so they lost and the refused to put up the stop lights. Bunch of babies... They are getting too big for their britches.
The city council in Helotes did the same thing last year - but there is a new mayor that is commercially oriented and is instead wanting possible park land developed for business. Such a shame!
Cheers - Jay
That is a shame and I will almost bet that that mayor was bought off by someone already. -
We have Super Walmart and they lost a small battle here the other day... I guess many of the super sized ones are adding a bank that will stay open 24 hours. After two variances we have granted them 750 sq. ft of signs total and they wanted to add a new one for the bank moving in. We told them to give up one of their other signs but that they were overloaded as it is. So no new sign unless they remove an old one.
Plus two years ago when they super sized we built a fancy intersection just for them. They were suppose to pay for the lighting since it would require stop lights and signals. We said we'd look at giving them a liquor license but didn't promise it. We are overloaded with bars and many spoke out against a liquor store in Walmart so they lost and the refused to put up the stop lights. Bunch of babies... They are getting too big for their britches.
Dakota, I don't know how much you might remember about Corpus Christi, when you were stationed in Kingsville but, Wal Mart has already bought the land that a much older mall was on here in town. There were a few restaurants and other businesses there as well.
Anyway, this land that WM bought, is on Staples street here in town--I live in an apartment complex that is only about a block or so and across the steet from where this WM is going to be built.
Sadly, they have already put out of business--a great restaurant called Chrystals. They reportedly paid the owner of that property about 3.5 mil--but I don't know that for fact though. I guess getting over 1 mil--changed that owners mind and he sold out after waiting about 2 years.
Well, the rest of the property--the mall part--is called: Parkdale Plaza. Has been here for probably 45 years or so. Well, there used to be all kinds of mom and pop shops there but, all were slowly bought out by WM. There are a few hold-outs but that will not last long. By Oct this year--the wercking ball will be tearing the place down.
There was a BBQ restaurant located right next to Staples street--but still on Parkdale Plaze property. Well, since WM already purchased almost all the land they want--they said they would allow this little BBQ stand to remain where they are at and would gladly let them pay rent.
Picture this place as a place not much bigger than Jim and Sue's hotdog cart. It only has two tables inside and parking for 5 cars.
WM said they would let them stay there for $10,000 a month. The owner of the place said no-way-and just closed his business. I talked with the owner a few days before he closed doors, and he said he was paying about $500.00 a month for rent. This is just one way that I have seen that WM uses its clout to bully the little guy. They are doing the samething to many Pharmacies here in town.
My view on Wm is they are both good and evil. I shop there because they carry more products than HEBs. I can't stand HEBs but have to go there when I can't find what I need to at WM. I would not go to either, if Krogers moved back into our area--and Safeway as well. WM put K-Mart out of business here a few years ago. The nearest one is in Portland but, im not driving a round trip of about 30 miles--just to shop there. Other than that, the nearest Kmart to my area-is I think in San Antonio. -
Dakota, I don't know how much you might remember about Corpus Christi, when you were stationed in Kingsville but, Wal Mart has already bought the land that a much older mall was on here in town. There were a few restaurants and other businesses there as well.
Anyway, this land that WM bought, is on Staples street here in town--I live in an apartment complex that is only about a block or so and across the steet from where this WM is going to be built.
Sadly, they have already put out of business--a great restaurant called Chrystals. They reportedly paid the owner of that property about 3.5 mil--but I don't know that for fact though. I guess getting over 1 mil--changed that owners mind and he sold out after waiting about 2 years.
Well, the rest of the property--the mall part--is called: Parkdale Plaza. Has been here for probably 45 years or so. Well, there used to be all kinds of mom and pop shops there but, all were slowly bought out by WM. There are a few hold-outs but that will not last long. By Oct this year--the wercking ball will be tearing the place down.
There was a BBQ restaurant located right next to Staples street--but still on Parkdale Plaze property. Well, since WM already purchased almost all the land they want--they said they would allow this little BBQ stand to remain where they are at and would gladly let them pay rent.
Picture this place as a place not much bigger than Jim and Sue's hotdog cart. It only has two tables inside and parking for 5 cars.
WM said they would let them stay there for $10,000 a month. The owner of the place said no-way-and just closed his business. I talked with the owner a few days before he closed doors, and he said he was paying about $500.00 a month for rent. This is just one way that I have seen that WM uses its clout to bully the little guy. They are doing the samething to many Pharmacies here in town.
My view on Wm is they are both good and evil. I shop there because they carry more products than HEBs. I can't stand HEBs but have to go there when I can't find what I need to at WM. I would not go to either, if Krogers moved back into our area--and Safeway as well. WM put K-Mart out of business here a few years ago. The nearest one is in Portland but, im not driving a round trip of about 30 miles--just to shop there. Other than that, the nearest Kmart to my area-is I think in San Antonio.Unfortunately, I never spent much time in Corpus. I had to make a couple brig runs to take dope heads to the brig or go pick up some money for the pay office. But we never ran to Corpus hardly at all. We partied in town at that one bar I told you I worked at with the retired Chief who had his own band. And other than that I worked and got married which was my big mistake.
WM does tend to do what they want. Our K-Mart is still here but they don't stock their shelves very well.
My wife and I won't shop at WM.I'm not trying to be snobby,but in our neck of the woods the stores are dirty and tend to be shopped by what we would classify as white trash.
My wife and I won't shop at WM.I'm not trying to be snobby,but in our neck of the woods the stores are dirty and tend to be shopped by what we would classify as white trash.
I resent that remark EP!!! HEHEHEHE!!
I admit, we shop there from time to time. But then I think we are lucky in our area as we have never really had a problem with "white trash" as EP puts it. We do shop at the local grocery store and Target. But we can also save $40 a pop sometimes so I might not condane there tactics I have to go with the beast and where I save the most money. -
My view on Wm is they are both good and evil. I shop there because they carry more products than HEBs. I can't stand HEBs but have to go there when I can't find what I need to at WM. I would not go to either, if Krogers moved back into our area--and Safeway as well. WM put K-Mart out of business here a few years ago. The nearest one is in Portland but, im not driving a round trip of about 30 miles--just to shop there. Other than that, the nearest Kmart to my area-is I think in San Antonio.
No, there aren't any K-Marts here in San Antonio, either, Carl. They all went out of business locally enmass several years ago!
Cheers - Jay
P.S. Albertson's bought property where several small businesses were located and ran them off to build one of their supermarkets. One of the folks I knew had a very popular business called "Taco Hut." He had to relocate several miles away at what he thought was a good location at an expressway intersection (on IH-37). In order to get the money for the new business, he had to hock his mother's home in the process. Needless to say, he went out of business within a year. To add insult to injury, Albertson's closed all their stores here a few years ago and the building remains unoccupied! -