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A lady at my Church sent this to me because She got tired of me Yelling about Paying $5.00 a Gallon For Aviation Fuel.
Garfield On Oil !
good one chill had a good laugh over that one
cheers smokey -
Well here we go Again !
John McCain is Back at His Ranch for a Big Bar-B-Q they say to Pick His Running Mate here in the Verde Valley and the Men in the Black Suits are All over the place.
And all the T.V. People from Phoenix are here also, what a Mess !
I went to get a Hair Cut in my little Town and got caught in the Local Barber Shop by One Of The T.V. Crews for a Enterveiw on what I thought about John McCain my Neighbor, that has His Ranch just about a Mile from my place?
Chilibill -
Hi William
The fact that you are getting spruced up in the barber's must mean you can tell us soon!!!
Mc Cain / Brooks ticket in November or has he realised it should be Brooks /Mc Cain
Mike -
Over the winter ( while bored ) I was interested in the current political drama, now I'm sick of it. I purposely don't watch the tv news so I can stay away from it. I won't decide who to vote for until fall, and that person may be the one who calls me the least
WASHINGTON—Presidential hopefuls John McCain (R-AZ), Barack Obama (D-IL), and Hillary Clinton (D-NY) announced Monday their plans to form what many Beltway observers have already dubbed the "2008 Nightmare Ticket," a calculated move that political analysts say offers voters the worst of both worlds.
After nearly a year of verbal attacks and negative campaign ads, the nominees announced that, for the good of the country, they were willing to push their differences to the forefront and grant the American people the ticket they've been dreading all along.
Enlarge Image"No other ticket is capable of rallying this nation around a clearer, more unified message of chaos and hopelessness," the candidates said in unison from three separate podiums, each adorned with its own American flag arrangement and personal message. "Together, we will lead this nation into the future—a future where absolute deadlock over even the most minute decisions and total inefficiency on matters of the war, the economy, and the environment will launch a bold new age of confusion and social decay. For America, the only choice is [indecipherable]!"
The candidates said they had not yet decided who would fill the offices of president, vice president, and a new post the nominees are calling "the middle president." They did, however, confirm that each would choose his or her own full cabinet, would be able to veto any bills the others sign into law, and would reserve the right to cast the tie-breaking, tie-making, and tie-rebreaking votes in the Senate.
Enlarge ImageThe candidates on a campaign stop in Kansas.
"This nightmare ticket presents the American people with an unprecedented lack of opportunity in 2008," Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen wrote Tuesday. "For just one vote, citizens will get four years of McCain's brilliant temper, the incredible inexperience of Barack Obama, and the powerful two-headed monster of Hillary and Bill Clinton."
"It will be very exciting to see what they're capable of destroying, " Cohen added.
According to campaign managers, the triple ticket will run on a revolutionary new platform crafted during three highly contentious weeks in April.
At the top of the platform is a military strategy calling for the phased withdrawal of .000006 brigades from Iraq and Afghanistan every seven months over the next 350 years. Universal health care would also be provided, taken away on McCain's birthday, and then provided again only to those wealthy enough to afford it. Abortions would be made available on every other even-numbered Friday from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. EST to all women who can prove residency in Alaska or Nevada. And an entirely new immigration policy will be instituted, sources said, as soon as the candidates can stand to be in the same room with one another for more than five minutes.
Aides to Sen. Clinton also confirmed that the trio plans to create two separate federal governments—one large and one small—which would be instituted within the first 100 days of the Clinton/McCain/Obama White House or, according to Obama chief strategist David Axelrod, the Obama/McCain/Clinton White House.
"Getting three political all-stars together like this is a clear lose-lose-lose situation for everyone involved," NBC correspondent Andrea Mitchell said. "By themselves, none would have been capable of uniting the country. But the possibilities of what they could do together to drive it ever further apart are limitless."
A CBS News/New York Times poll taken after the announcement revealed that the nightmare ticket has invigorated almost all voters, inspiring blacks, whites, senior citizens, college graduates, liberals, conservatives, both blue-collar and white-collar workers, and military veterans alike to remain at home by the millions this November, exercising their American right not to vote. -
Nightmare ticket is right - that's about as funny as a sackful of dead babies, Mike.
Apparently, October could be an exciting month. Expect President Bush to do his level best to elect Mc Cain and stock up on oil before it hits $200 - $250 a barrel.
Horses are starting to look better with oil costs soaring. I'm still waiting for stumpy to announce his campaign.
Have to hand it to the wicked witch. She does not die easily.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/7428909.stm -
I'm still waiting for stumpy to announce his campaign.
Please don't hold your breath, Murray. I like to think I'm too principled (read unwilling to compromise) to be a political animal. An honest person will never be a success as a politician. -
theres truth in what you say
With that said Stumpy it explains how we got to this place we are at now. If we had honest people making the right/tough decisions we wouldn't be wondering if our kids/grandkids are going to have it better then we did. Sad since it only took them about 50 years to really screw it up.
The buzzword of this election is "Change". Candidates toss it around without saying what it is they want to change to.
Years ago, there was an old tale in the Marine Corps about a lieutenant who inspected his Marines and told the "Gunny" that the men smelled bad.
The lieutenant suggested that they change their underwear.
The "Gunny" responded, "Yes, Sir. I'll see to it immediately." He went into the tent and said, "The lieutenant thinks you guys smell bad, and he wants you to change your underwear. Smith, you change with Jones; McCarthy, you change with Witkowskie; Brown, you change with Schultz..... Change, now, get with it!"
The moral of the story:A candidate may promise change in Washington but the stink will remain. -
Good analogy, Stumpy!
Cheers - Jay -
I know it's an incredibly cynical point of view, but I've always had this opinion that the lowest form of life on the planet is a child molester - and a notch above them is either the politicians and/or the lawyers (my apologies to any lawyers on this forum).
I've lived in Canada for quite a few years now and up here, the goverment consists of people referred to as Members of Parliament. And technically, they're referred to as the "Honorable Member of Parliament".
I guess the thinking is that if the voter hears the word "Honorable" enough when talking about a Member of Parliament, they actually begin to believe it.
i guess it's not dissimilar to a used car salesman referred to as "honest Joe Smith" in his advertisments. -
I know it's an incredibly cynical point of view, but I've always had this opinion that the lowest form of life on the planet is a child molester - and a notch above them is either the politicians and/or the lawyers (my apologies to any lawyers on this forum).
I've lived in Canada for quite a few years now and up here, the goverment consists of people referred to as Members of Parliament. And technically, they're referred to as the "Honorable Member of Parliament".
I guess the thinking is that if the voter hears the word "Honorable" enough when talking about a Member of Parliament, they actually begin to believe it.
i guess it's not dissimilar to a used car salesman referred to as "honest Joe Smith" in his advertisments.
Personally, I think ordinary people in every country in the world should rise up and overthrow the jerks who presume to tell the rest of us how to live. Stringing them up to a lamppost is too kind, IMO.
There are three classes of people in the U.S. that I loathe above all others; politicians, lawyers (but I repeat myself) and members of the media.