What's amazing Stumpy is that you know it, I know and the majority of people in the country know it but we just keep doing the same thing year in and year out. Put up with the crap out of Washington( and Hollyweird for that matter) and just complain. You are right, people need to step up and start taking the fight to them so to speak. We need to get organized as a people and vote for change once and for all. God help us on the election this year, that's all I can say!!!!!
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Stumpy - I was once a member of the media (worked on a newspaper for 42 years in sales and as managing editor), but I was very much conservative. I didn't believe that the public always had "a right to know." As far as the 4th Amendment goes, the media's interpretation is balderdash! So many times a story has come out in the written or electronic news that turns out to be false because some "in-depth reporting idiot" didn't get his facts straight.
Cheers - Jay -
I was once a member of the media
Jay, I knew you had worked on a newspaper. Perhaps I should have qualified my statement by saying 99.9 percent of the media. I knew you weren't one of the media people I love to hate or you wouldn't be a member of Duke's fan club.
I'd bet a considerable amount of money that almost all folks posting on this board are conservatives, or they wouldn't be here. -
We need to get organized as a people and vote for change once and for all.
I know their candidate won't win but I think I'll vote for the Libertarian candidate this year just as a protest against the major party candidates. I'm not a big fan of Bob Barr (he's been working with the ACLU since he left Congress) but by gosh, he's certainly no worse than Obama or McCain.
God help us on the election this year, that's all I can say!!!!!
Amen, brother - you got that right......... -
Can't believe anyone would want this silly-lookin' witch (another letter will work too) to govern the good old U.S. of A.
She is ahh, rather ahh, mmmm, huh, ahh, no words to describe it really. Ooooooffff!
She is ahh, rather ahh, mmmm, huh, ahh, no words to describe it really. Ooooooffff!
At least no words that can be posted in a decent family blog. -
6th row, picture Nr.3. Doesn't that one remind you of Jack Nicholson playing the Joker in Batman?
Ah I've gone blind!! You should have placed a warning on that post!!
Expressive creature aint she. Any chance she will pilot the first space ship to Mars now
that she cant be President.
Mike -
The woman has influence too. One insult and every thing closed down. Who says the Democrats dont have power.
Stumpy - I was once a member of the media (worked on a newspaper for 42 years in sales and as managing editor), but I was very much conservative. I didn't believe that the public always had "a right to know."
To expound further upon this subject, Jay, I can think of very few reporters during my lifetime that I have liked and/or trusted. I could tolerate Huntley and Brinkley and I liked and trusted Roger Mudd. I like and trust John Seigenthaler, who used to anchor the NBC weekend news broadcast. But I think my all-time favorite newscaster was a man named Hughes Rudd, who used to anchor the CBS morning news back in the Seventies. Old Hughes, during his newscast, had a facial expression and a tone to his voice which clearly conveyed the impression that he was thinking "Can you believe this hogwash?" :teeth_smile: In other words, he didn't take himself too seriously, unlike the crowd today. -
You know that the news people are so into Obama that it is sickening! I watched a little of the end of Hillary Clinton's exit speech today on CNN. Don't ask me why I watched CNN, but I did, and the first thing Wolf Blitzer said was that she was gracious to Obama. Every time some of the reporters came on the scene they would comment more about Obama, and not on her speech. Oh, they loved her speech and how she was so respectful to Obama, but they couldn't stay off the Obama crap.
It scars me to death how much they love this person who says absolutely nothing except he is for change. No one and I mean no one asked him of the changes he's talking about. He may be the next Adolf Hitler when referring to change. AND I AM NOT SAYING OBAMA IS HITLER! Let's not get on that. I am referring to policies, which no one knows anything about.
They were appalled when Hillary didn't concede on Tuesday night. They were shocked! I found it funny. This is a long political season coming up and I don't look forward to the Barbara Streisand (BS) that is going to take place between now and November. Hang on to your hats folks this is going to be ugly.
Cheers Hondo -
Obama ticks all the media boxes. Shame it all hot air and gloss and as the campaign goes on I reckon he will come off the rails that's why the "Witch" is lurking in the background.
Mike -
as the campaign goes on I reckon he will come off the rails that's why the "Witch" is lurking in the background.
Dick Morris, who was a Clinton shill, agrees with you. -
Hi Jim
Yes, the witch is hoping for scandal or assassin to remove Obama from the scene.
If Obama makes it to November (unless Mc Cain does something really stupid) he will be
wiped out worse than Dukakis or Kerry were. It could even look like a landslide to Mc Cain by default as both opposing camps in the Democrat fold are now starting to hate each other and won't vote for the other's candidate.
No word of who Mc Cain is going to pick a VP?
Mike -
Hi Jim
Yes, the witch is hoping for scandal or assassin to remove Obama from the scene.
If Obama makes it to November (unless Mc Cain does something really stupid) he will be
wiped out worse than Dukakis or Kerry were. It could even look like a landslide to Mc Cain by default as both opposing camps in the Democrat fold are now starting to hate each other and won't vote for the other's candidate.
No word of who Mc Cain is going to pick a VP?
For the sake of my country, I sincerely hope your analysis is right, Mike. It send shivers down my spine to think of that Marxist being president. I doubt we would survive.
For the life of me, I don't understand his appeal to so many people in this country. Just goes to show you how politically ignorant so many Americans are. Guess they get all their news from the "mainstream" media, most of whom are also leftists.
The buzz about McCain's VP pick is Bobby Jindel, the governor of Louisana. Wish he could convince Condi Rice to run with him. Not only would she appeal to blacks but to women too. Of course, the downside is that she's connected with Bush, which would turn a lot of people off. -
I would be actively amazed if Obama was elected President. Even if George Bush was running for a third term I would put a small wager on Bush winning.
What people say publicly and how they vot in pricacy are two different matters.
The only way Mc Cain can lose is to say something daft have a health scare or fall asleep in public. I would expect him to pick a southern conservative so he can play the liberal card. If he keeps his powder dry and the Republicans play their usual dirty scare tactics tv ads they should win.
Mind you expect race riots like the 1960s if Obama is assassinated or loses a close election like 2000.
Mike -
I would be actively amazed if Obama was elected President. Even if George Bush was running for a third term I would put a small wager on Bush winning.
What people say publicly and how they vot in pricacy are two different matters.
The only way Mc Cain can lose is to say something daft have a health scare or fall asleep in public. I would expect him to pick a southern conservative so he can play the liberal card. If he keeps his powder dry and the Republicans play their usual dirty scare tactics tv ads they should win.
Mind you expect race riots like the 1960s if Obama is assassinated or loses a close election like 2000.
I'm not nearly as confident of Obama losing as you are, Mike. Right now, it's a very iffy proposition. There are probably millions of former Republicans, just like me, who are so disgusted with what used to be our party, and its' candidate, that we will sit out this election.