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  • . . . if she has a Dan Quayle moment it could all be over.

    Mike, I just don't see that coming - at least if her acceptance speech is any indication.

    I've got to agree with you, it is definitely getting more interesting by the moment. What I found interesting is that I can find articles from a year ago naming her as a possibility for VP, but I never heard of her until yesterday morning. But what I learned, in a very short time, I really liked, and as far as I'm concerned, choosing her was a brilliant move.

    Chester :newyear:

  • I was surprised as the next conservative to hear of her picked as VP. Should be quit intersting.

    By the way as an astute snowmobiler, her husband Todd Palin, I know what a great first name :wink_smile:, is a 4 time winner of the Iron Dog champion snowmobile race and is planning on racing again this year. Its held every year in Feb.. It runs from Anchorage to Nome and then back to Fairbanks. Total mileage is 1,971 miles!!! Check it out at http://irondog.org/ .

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

    Edited once, last by SXViper ().

  • I'll vote for her! :thumbs_up: she's easy on the eyes as well. :wink_smile: :teeth_smile: :shades_smile:

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • In that last picture, she already has a leg up on our last V.P., she has the gun pointed AWAY from the man. :wink_smile: lol

    Untill now, I never heard of her before. I hope McCain hasn't shot himself in the foot with this choice. Time will tell.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/200…_el_pr/cvn_palin_daughter

    ST. PAUL, Minn. - John McCain's running mate Sarah Palin said Monday that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant, an announcement campaign aides said was aimed at rebutting Internet rumors that Palin's youngest son, born in April, was actually her daughter's.

    A statement released by the campaign said that Bristol Palin will keep her baby and marry the child's father. Bristol Palin's baby is due in late December.

    "Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. We're proud of Bristol's decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents," Sarah and Todd Palin said in the brief statement.

    The disclosure of the pregnancy came on the opening day of the Republican National Convention, scaled back because of Hurricane Gustav, and three days after McCain named Palin as his running mate. The other news was likely to overshadow the disclosure.

    The first-term Alaska governor was in Minnesota preparing for her acceptance speech when the campaign issued the statement; her family was home in Alaska.

    "Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family," they added.

    The father was identified in the statement as Levi, but the campaign said it was not disclosing his full name or age or how he and Bristol know each other, citing privacy.

    Sarah Palin's fifth child, a son named Trig, was born in April with Down syndrome. Internet bloggers have been suggesting that the child was actually born to Bristol Palin but that her mother, the 44-year-old Alaska governor, claimed to be the mother.

    Palin spokesman Bill McAllister emphatically denied those rumors, and McCain adviser Mark Salter said the campaign announced the daughter's pregnancy to rebut them.

    "Senator McCain's view is this is a private family matter. As parents, (the Palins) love their daughter unconditionally and are going to support their daughter," said McCain spokesman Steve Schmidt.

    "Life happens," he said.

    "An American family," added Salter.

    The advisers said Palin told them about the pregnancy during lengthy discussions about her background. At several points during the discussions, McCain's team warned Palin that the scrutiny into her private life would be intense and that there was nothing she could do to prepare for it.

    Advisers said Palin's daughter should be afforded privacy like the other candidates' children. Said Schmidt: "If people try to politicize this, the American people will be appalled."

    In Monroe, Mich., Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama condemned rumors involving the children of candidates and echoed the McCain campaign argument. Said Obama: "I think people's families are off limits, and people's children are especially off limits."

    Obama adamantly denied anonymous claims that his campaign helped spread the rumors.

    "I am offended by that statement," Obama said. "Our people were not involved in any way in this, and they will not be. And if I ever thought that there was somebody in my campaign that was involved in something like that, they'd be fired."

    Prominent religious conservatives, many of whom have been lukewarm toward McCain's candidacy, predicted that Palin's daughter's pregnancy would not diminish conservative Christian enthusiasm for the vice presidential hopeful, a staunch abortion opponent.

    Focus on the Family founder James Dobson issued a statement commending the Palins for "for not just talking about their pro-life and pro-family values, but living them out even in the midst of trying circumstances." He added: "Being a Christian does not mean you're perfect. Nor does it mean your children are perfect. But it does mean there is forgiveness and restoration when we confess our imperfections to the Lord."

    Roberta Combs, president of the Christian Coalition of America called the pregnancy private. "It's a matter that should stay in the family and they have to work through it together. My prayers go out to them."

    Added Combs: "We're excited about the governor and think she's going to do well."

    Mathew Staver, dean of Liberty University School of Law, said: "We're all sinners."

    "We all make mistakes. Certainly, the ideal is not to get pregnant out of wedlock. But she made the right decision after her mistake," he said.

  • The intensity with which the left (including the media, 90% of which is in Obama's corner) has attacked Palin makes it very obvious that she has scared the bejesus out of 'em.

    What's hypocritical as hell are their monolithic charges that "she's too inexperienced" to become president. This from the bunch that never utters a peep about Obama's complete lack of executive experience. As a former mayor and now a governor, Sarah has ten times the executive "experience" of His Highness.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Stumpy!!! I am appalled at you, You of all people should know that if you are "The CHOSEN ONE" you don't need any experience!!! :wink:

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Sure wish the Hammer was still in the House givin' 'em hell. I agree one thousand percent with his opinion regarding partisanship - it's definitely a good thing and we need more of it.

    I loved his line about "1 percent drilling and 99 percent stupid" and he's right as rain.

    The only thing I didn't like about Tom is that he was a strong supporter of pork barrel politics. If he hadn't of been, he may very well have still been the Majority Whip.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • From everything I've read over the past few days, there seems to be considerable sentiment among certain circles to elevate Sarah baby to the presidency in 2012. Wonder if John boy would consent to accept second place on this year's ticket? :wink_smile:

    She seems even to have aroused considerable enthusiasm among folks in countries other than the U.S. They're talking about her almost as the Second Coming of RR and/or MT.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I have to say, after listening to the speeches the past couple of nights, and listening to the libs responding the way they are, this should be a VERY interesting campaign season the next 60+ days! I think it's gonna be a pretty tight race.

    I loved this line from a real leftie talk show host in the SF area - "Sarah Palin's speech last night was incredible. Dismiss her at your own peril." You should have heard him last Friday, when she was announced - that sucker was running scared, big time!

    BTW, did anybody see Bill O'Reilly interview Obama? That would be something to see!

    Chester :newyear:

  • I have to say, after listening to the speeches the past couple of nights

    I hold such contempt for politicians per se that it's been many a year since I've listened to any political speeches.

    All I've read for the past 8 or 10 months is about the oratorical skills of Obama (which is apparently the only accomplishment he has) so I was wondering if anyone on the board has listened to any of his speeches and can attest that he is indeed the eloquent speaker they say he is.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Hi

    I heard a bit of his speech to the people of Berlin, he didn't sound to bad. At the moment in the English papers he's 1000-1 to take over as manager of West Ham, but the papers are always irreverant'



  • . . . I was wondering if anyone on the board has listened to any of his speeches and can attest that he is indeed the eloquent speaker they say he is.

    I must admit, I didn't listen to his speech, but with YouTube, I'm sure it is as readily available as Sarah Palin's.

    Of course, keep in mind that almost anybody can appear to give a good speech with good speech writers and while reading off a teleprompter.

    Chester :newyear:

  • All I've read for the past 8 or 10 months is about the oratorical skills of Obama (which is apparently the only accomplishment he has) so I was wondering if anyone on the board has listened to any of his speeches and can attest that he is indeed the eloquent speaker they say he is.

    Oh, he is an eloquent speaker all right, but it is all empty eloquence filled with false logic and facts.

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"