And he replies, "Why, lady, that's racism"
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Surely in this day & age it should be possible to organise an systematic registration process and universal id system that could be used across all States in federal elections. It has been done effectively in other countries there is NO EXCUSE why it cant be applied in USA.
The fiasco in 2000 in Florida with punching holes in ballot papers and the likely appeal by both sides in this election in the event of a close poll make it imperative that it is sorted. -
A little story from today's local paper that caused a :teeth_smile:
IRA funds worth up to €200m put at risk in United States
Republicans in 'state of panic' as Wall Street woes hit investments
Monday, 13 October 2008
The IRA may have lost a substantial amount of its fortune in the banking collapse in the United States, according to republican sources.
Sources say that in recent years the IRA's financial bosses moved large amounts of money through front companies into a number of Wall Street financial institutions that were offering high dividends, but which have been devastated by the sub-prime market collapse.
One source put the amount invested in the US institutions at €200m. They said most of this was made through the sale of commercial properties mainly here in the Republic.
Advisors brought in by the IRA in the aftermath of the 1997 ceasefire directed that IRA money be invested in the then booming property market.
According to the sources, the same people advised to get out at the top of the property market and sink the money into high-dividend deposit accounts in Wall Street in the past few years.
The extent of the losses incurred in the crash over the past few weeks is not known. However, sources in Northern Ireland said that one senior IRA finance figure made four apparently frantic visits to New York as the markets began showing signs of impending disaster and then collapsed. According to the sources, well-known republican figures in Belfast were in a "state of panic".
Mr Adams and senior Sinn Fein figures enjoy an extraordinarily lavish lifestyle in the US, staying in suites in top hotels and dining in top restaurants. During his visit to New York for this year's St Patrick's Day celebrations, Mr Adams had lunch with top Wall Street financiers at Bobby Van's restaurant on 54th Street, a favourite haunt of Frank Sinatra and his Rat Pack in the Fifties and Sixties.
According to republican sources, however, large amounts were deposited with the very same high-yield financial institutions in Wall Street which were making extraordinary profits on the back of the sub-prime market in the US. The sources say that recent indications are that the IRA has lost heavily.
Another irony for republicans is that Sinn Fein's four TDs in the Republic voted to support the Irish government's bailout of the banking system 11 days ago, despite the party's stated claims of being "socialist".
There are also indications that despite the amount of money at its disposal for elections north and south in recent years, the party's coffers appear to be drying up. Up to last year Sinn Fein had more constituency offices and full-time staff than most of the political parties north and south put together.
However, since mid-2007 it has been hit by a series of resignations, mainly of full-time workers and councillors. According to one source one of the current sources of disillusionment among the remaining 50 or so councillors in the Republic has been the withdrawal of "political operating expenses" to top up their council salaries and expenses which rarely exceed €30,000 a year. -
Surely in this day & age it should be possible to organise an systematic registration process and universal id system that could be used across all States in federal elections. there is NO EXCUSE why it can't be applied in USA.
Sorry, Mike, there is an excuse. Every time Republicans or state officials try to tighten up the process to prevent fraud, such as requiring picture IDs to vote, the stinkin' Dems throw a monkey wrench in the process by whining that it's racist to require picture IDs 'cause "poorer" people (read blacks and other minorities) can't afford the expense of obtaining picture IDs. The Dems, you see, are hellbent on stealing elections whenever possible.
The state of Georgia passed a law requiring picture IDs a year or so ago and naturally, the Dems tried to get it ditched through the courts. But lo and behold, SCOTUS upheld the law. Which means it will be much easier for other states to pass such laws. -
In other words Tammany Hall still rules. The plan should be to have either photographic evidence of your identity or get voters to apply for an electoral identity card before elections take place.
We had the same problem here in Northern Ireland for years and the dead voted here on a regular basis but with this was quoshed when the legislation was intoduced.
It is not a matter racist or discriminating it is a matter of vote rigging or stealing.
Although, the Democrats are the main culprits the Republicans are also guilty.
Simple solution model below:-…identity-card-faqs.htm#01 -
In the wake of 9/11, a federal law was passed to require each state to issue counterfeit-proof IDs to all citizens as a precaution against terrorists. Once again, a vociferous outcry arose that this was an infringement on civil liberties, or too expensive for the states to implement, blah, blah, blah (people like that should be shipped to Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea or Iran - then they'd see how worthless those civil liberties are) Anyway, I think the whole thing is on hold right now.
I never agreed with the objections against a national ID card as there are any number of national/state identifiers in place already (social security numbers, drivers licenses, etc). So a national ID card would be no more intrusive than these other items and has many advantages, such as stopping terrorists from boarding airplanes, illegal immigration, voter fraud, and so forth. -
Although, the Democrats are the main culprits the Republicans are also guilty.
I'm not ready to agree with this assertion. As I've said before, I'm a political junkie who has been voting and otherwise participating in the electoral process since 1960 and I have yet to read or hear of any Pubbies trying to commit voter fraud. Invariably, it's the Dems who do it.
Perhaps you'd like to submit some hard evidence to back up your claim. -
Vote suppression in case of the Republicans Jim. -
ANYBODY AGREE? :teeth_smile:
Vote suppression in case of the Republicans Jim.
Without even clicking on the link, I can tell right away, Mike, that I wouldn't believe anything it said because it's promulgated by the BBC, which might as well be working for Obama. We both know that the BBC is extremely left-wing. -
I thought it was pretty impartial. All politicians are dirty in my book.
Despite the shambles of McCain's campaign I think Obama has peaked early and I still think it is all to play for. Expect a few slips from Obama.…-Obamas-past-examine.html -
I thought it was pretty impartial.
Every time the Republicans insist on an election without fraudulent
voting, the Dems start whining that the Pubbies are suppressing the vote.
Translated, that means the GOP just wants an honest election, with actual people who are actually qualified to vote. -
All politicians are dirty in my book.
Well, what do you expect? About 98 percent of 'em are lawyers.
I personally think old Willie Shakespeare had it right in Henry VI, Part 2, when he wrote "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers." -
Well, what do you expect? About 98 percent of 'em are lawyers.
I personally think old Willie Shakespeare had it right in Henry VI, Part 2, when he wrote "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."
Same here. Was the Major who played the newspaper editor in Jesse James quoting Shakespeare everytime he made up a front page? -
Vote suppression in case of the Republicans Jim.
Election fraud 101, Mike.
Like I said, I've been an avid student of American politics since the Nixon-Kennedy election in 1960 and I've never, ever heard or read of an instance of electoral fraud by Republicans. But it's a very frequent act by Dems. In fact, I've often read that the only way that Kennedy won that '60 election was by fraud committed in, of all places, Obambi's home town of Chicago. -
I have started a grass roots write in campaign...
Here's a little info
That's cool, Eric. Hell, you've got my vote. I know you're at least somewhat on the right side from remarks you've made and that's good enough for me.
There ain't a doubt in my military mind that you'd be just as good as what we have running. -
Check out this ACORN company for voter fraud. There are now like 10-15 states checking them out for voter fraud. It was on the Minneapolis-St.Paul news tonight. Guess who has connections to ACORN???
Stumpy. Thanks for the never inhaled church posting. I got a chuckle out of it.
This idiot wants to run our country but didn't even know that his minister was
preaching all this hateful crap. I am so concerned that this jerk will win.