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  • if obama should win it will impact over here as well - conservatives are doing well at the moment in the polls - like to keep us and america right then all is right with the world

    "Sorry don t get it done, Dude" (Rio Bravo)

    Hooked on The Duke

  • I don't see how people can accept the facade that Obama exudes:vomit:. He is a smooth talker, but his retoric is empty and full of inaccuracies. Of course, a lot of people are like sheep and are won over by his platitudes.

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • what do people on here think of sarah palin?
    at first it seemed like a master stroke of mccain but it seems to me that every time now she opens her mouth she loses votes?

    "Sorry don t get it done, Dude" (Rio Bravo)

    Hooked on The Duke

  • it seems to me that every time now she opens her mouth she loses votes?

    Don't know what causes you to say that unless you're reading [and believing] the mostly left-wing media (such as the New York Times, Washington Post, BBC and their ilk.)

    Everything I've read about Sarah says she's drawing BIG, wildly enthusiastic crowds.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • i think the bbc are quite left wing in their coverage of politics in general but they re giving the impression that while the guaranteed republicans love her, the floating voters are turning away from her (something to do with the fact that she s a creationist?? - i think) and also the firing of a family member

    "Sorry don t get it done, Dude" (Rio Bravo)

    Hooked on The Duke

  • i think the bbc are quite left wing in their coverage of politics in general but they re giving the impression that while the guaranteed republicans love her, the floating voters are turning away from her (something to do with the fact that she s a creationist?? - i think) and also the firing of a family member

    I truly believe Sarah will draw a sizable percentage of women who were so enthusiastic about Hillary.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • what do people on here think of sarah palin?
    at first it seemed like a master stroke of mccain but it seems to me that every time now she opens her mouth she loses votes?

    Badger, it was a stroke of genius by McCain, but though I respect Palin her inconsistency's are too easy to spot.
    The media likes to pick little things apart. She says that she is a hockey Mom, but when she dropped the puck at the Phialdelphia Flyers game and didn't wear a Flyers jersey which was a Major no-no!

    She will be the main draw in 2012 for the GOP. Palin verses Cinton.

  • What really irks me is all the liberal women ripping Palin as hurting womens causes to further themsleves. Let's see, she's a VP candidate and she's huritng their cause. Oh, I see, only a liberal woman can do things like that. Then you get those Hollywood butt clown broads that rip her for what she's doing. Lindsay Lohan goes on a rant on how Palin doesn't belong where she's at and what has she done in her life to merit such a position. Well, Ms. Lohan, she's accomplished alot more than you have in the last few years and she was sober while she was doing it. I'm not much of a McCain fan and I absolutely don't like Obama but, I hope McCain wins just so Sarah Palin can get the VP job and look down her nose at all those liberal bimbos that have been so vocal in their criticism.

  • I'm a big Sarah Palin fan. The liberals are trying to find any chinks in her armor to debase her any way they can. I think she is a fresh voice!

    Agree ten thousand percent, Jay. I read a comment the other day on a conservative web site that is probably very true. Not only are they trying to damage her for this election but for possible future candidacies also.

    Sarah scares the hell out of the liberals because she doesn't fit the liberal stereotype for a female, which is: liberal, Democrat, feminist.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Can it be that you agree with the attacks on Joe, Art? These attacks were predictable, you know.

    The media is, for all intents and purposes, a propaganda organ for Obama and the Democrats. Therefore, they'll mount an attack on anyone who threatens their favorite candidate.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • You know, they used to talk about the "gender gap" in politics, meaning a fairly large majority of females always vote for the left (Democrats). But the fact of the matter is, the Dems also suffer from a gender gap, since a majority of males usually support the right (Republicans).

    I think a reason for this gap is that females are more interested in economic security (meaning government handouts) while males are more interested in freedom and physical security (meaning smaller and less intrusive government, strong national defenses and a muscular foreign policy.)

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • what do people on here think of sarah palin?

    She's a working man's girl. 'Course, working men in America are a dying breed. Our manufacturing system is no more, having moved to Mexico and China. All we have left in this country are services people, in which hardly anyone works with their hands. They all sit in offices. People like Joe the Plumber are slowly disappearing, which is unfortunate, I think.

    When I was young, back in the Forties, Fifties and even the Sixties, there were a lot of good-paying jobs in fields which required no college education and in fact, sometimes even no high school diploma. Not anymore - nowadays you practically have to have a doctorate to even get a job interview.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Not the brightest supporters.

    Unfortunately, this describes a large percentage of the American electorate. I've read that only 20 or 30 percent can name their congressional reps (Senate & House members). And yet these ignoramuses are voting into office the people who will govern all of us. I personally think everyone should have to pass a political literacy test before they're allowed to vote.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Unfortunately, this describes a large percentage of the American electorate. I've read that only 20 or 30 percent can name their congressional reps (Senate & House members). And yet these ignoramuses are voting into office the people who will govern all of us. I personally think everyone should have to pass a political literacy test before they're allowed to vote.

    That would mean that everyone that registered at a ACORN site wouldn't be able to vote!!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne