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  • That just doesn't seem fair to me... the terrorists would not show us the same consideration.

    The lefties we now have running the show "empathize" with our enemies so this ruling is not really surprising. Hell, Bambi himself had an American terrorist (Ayers) as a mentor.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • He tells the US Navy to outrun the Pirates versus reacting to their firing at us.

    He lets Hugo Chavez, Kim Jong Il, and that idiot in Iran walk all over him.

    He appologizes to our enemies for 'our' arrogance.

    He is in discussions with Russia to cut our Nukes by 1/3 in a time of global terrorism.

    Would you expect anything else from this clown & his circus?

    I think we have all just witnessed the second coming of J.C. (Jimmy Carter.)

    "Monseur, you are a LuLu!" (The Comancheros)

  • All of these attitudes upset me, but especially the apologetic stance Obama has taken. The U.S. has nothing to apologize for to any country. The opposite is true - many of these countries owe us an apology for their adolescent pouting in our direction!

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • I have always preferred the One Nation Under God type of thing

    Coincidental - this morning the wife and I were discussing how the decay of our nation has seemed to accelerate in tandem with the loss of religion amongst our people.

    Our Founding Fathers were all devout believers, and for most of our history Americans were taught that God had a big hand in enabling this country to come into being as a place of freedom. But anymore, religious belief is under serious attack in this country and it seems to coincide with the steady decline in not only our freedoms but our stature as a country as well.

    I've never been what you'd call a strong Christian but I was taught as a child to believe in God. Over the years, that belief in God, or at least a Supreme Being, has never faltered. The wife (who's a much better Christian) and I both worked to instill those same beliefs in our three kids. Consequently, they all turned out pretty well.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Coincidental - this morning the wife and I were discussing how the decay of our nation has seemed to accelerate in tandem with the loss of religion amongst our people.

    Our Founding Fathers were all devout believers, and for most of our history Americans were taught that God had a big hand in enabling this country to come into being as a place of freedom. But anymore, religious belief is under serious attack in this country and it seems to coincide with the steady decline in not only our freedoms but our stature as a country as well.

    This is I agree with whole heartedly, you can indeed track this Nation's fall just by tracking how they have been systematically squashing religious freedom.

  • sarah reminds me of john wayne. the press tried to pick him apart, as they are trying to pick her apart. in the end, as john wayne used to say, ''nobody likes me but the PEOPLE''. well, press and pundits, nobody like sarah palin but the PEOPLE. the press picks her apart because they are truly afraid of her grass roots appeal and conservative views.

    Edited once, last by mudcat ().

  • sarah reminds me of john wayne. the press tried to pick him apart, as they are trying to pick her apart. in the end, as john wayne used to say, ''nobody likes me but the PEOPLE''. well, press and pundits, nobody like sarah palin but the PEOPLE. the press picks her apart because they are truly afraid of her grass roots appeal and conservative views.

    I'm convinced that all the vicious abuse heaped on the lady by not only the media but also by many so-called Republicans is because of their overwhelming fear that she may be the catalyst to bring the conservatives back into power. After all, all we've heard and read for the past couple of years is that conservatism is dead; that the left will rule the roost for the next 40 or 50 years. Well, we real conservatives know in our hearts (and minds) that is total BS.

    De gustibus non est disputandum