How crazy is this: the day after my son was made redundant for the second time he got re-employed by the previous company who laid him off after working for them only a few months.

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And it even gets sweeter.
Yeah, it maybe to soon to think this but maybe the country caught on alittle quicker then we thought about his politics.
I got though watching that Poor Woman that Called the Police about that Nigro Professor Breaking into His Home and All The Trouble that it has caused Her !
Now this Loud Mouthed Nigro Professor should have Just told the Police who He was and showed them His I.D. and told them to Leave, And Not Yell and Call It Racism but that is what most Nigros Think !!
Now that Police Man Was Crazy For Putting The Cuffs on the Nigro Professor in His Home and Taking Him off to Jail but that is the way Most of the Police Think !!!
Now Obama The Half-Breed is going to Have them at The White House For A Big Beer Sumit .
I Wonder What The Hell This Big Beer Sumit is Going To Cost Us?
Chilibill -
Your Chance To Vote On Obama's Performance on Economy-AT&T/Yahoo Poll
[SIZE=+3]Vote: Then pass it on.[/SIZE]
And he's the President's "Science" advisor?
What next, Endorsing Godzilla as science fact?
This Is Turning Into The Biggest Mess Known To Mankind in Washington !!!
Bill -
I hate big government, and that is exactly what we are heading for. Who is going to pay for ALL this stuff--WE ARE!!!!
Andy -
I am just Glad that I live Way Out Here in The Boondocks in the Southwest where there is Lots Of Wide Open Spaces and High Country to go to , When we end up with The One World Govenment that Obama Wants !!!
Bill -
That Damn Bill Cliton is Just Like The RASH You Can't get Rid Of Him !
Now He Is Over In North Korea, and I would like to know What They are going to give Them Now to Free The Two Ladys?
It has been almost 60 Years ago now that we were Dropping Bombs from a B-29 on North Korea and They Are Still A Pain In The You Know What !!!
Chilibill -
Well Bill Clinton Got The Two Ladies Freed in North Korea !
Now are You Going To Tell Me That There was Not Some Kind Deal to Get Them Out Of There ! !
I Hope We Find Out Some Day on What We Had To Give Them ?
Chilibill -
Well Bill Clinton Got The Two Ladies Freed in North Korea !
Now are You Going To Tell Me That There was Not Some Kind Deal to Get Them Out Of There ! !
I Hope We Find Out Some Day on What We Had To Give Them ?
ChilibillYour naive Bill.
Clinton is a man of few words but when he speaks he means what he says, like a monument carved in granite he stands as a symbol of American virtue, strength and courage, even as the values of his country change around him. However throughout a lifetime of passion, determination and triumph his greatest role is always that of Bill Clinton, American.
I'm sure few would disagree with that.
Your naive Bill.
Clinton is a man of few words but when he speaks he means what he says, like a monument carved in granite he stands as a symbol of American virtue, strength and courage, even as the values of his country change around him. However throughout a lifetime of passion, determination and triumph his greatest role is always that of Bill Clinton, American.
I'm sure few would disagree with that.
Mike? Mike from Belfast? Will you please set your young countryman straight? -
Bill Clinton certainly had plenty passion, and determination, and he did triumph on many occasion. Unfortunatly, it was in areas most folks that have moral codes they live by, found very objectionable.
Does the name Paula Jones ring a bell? Or, the 30 plus associates of his that crossed him,
then ended up dead under mysterious circumstances.
He ended his presidency being almost impeached. That doesn't happen if you have a stellar reputation.Chester
P.S. On the other hand, Robbie, you weren't tweaking with your cousins across Atlantic, were you? -
Thanks Chester, I am Not Very Nice When Some Young Kid Gets on me About American Politics From another Country, it makes me Reach for my 357 Mag. !!!
So I think I will Just Stay Away from this Politcs Thing and
just take it as it is,
"The Stupidity Of Youth," and go back to what this Site is all About,
"John Wayne"
Bill -
In my opinion, anyone in politics usually deserves what they get, politicians are always looking for something else when it is another thing that needs fixing. Bill and Hillary would love to get back into the white house, and will do just about anything to get there, plus we know Bill Clinton will lie to us on National TV as he did when he denied having sex with Monica.
Just my thoughts.
Andy -
Please help us get this information into the hands of as many people as possible by forwarding it to your entire e-mail list of family and friends.
Here is the single most important question you can ask your Representative and Senators concerning ObamaCare.
"Will you vote to require members of Congress to be included on any bill dealing with health care? Please give me a yes or no answer."
If the ObamaCare health care bill isn't good for the members of Congress, then it is not good for the general public. Members of Congress should live under the same laws as the general public."
Send your email question to your Representative and two Senators today. After you have sent your e-mails, please call your Representative and two Senators and ask the question. We suggest you call their local offices.
Please forward to your friends and family. -
It is Done !!!
Bill -