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  • Something mighty interesting, Creamer while in prsion wrote a book in 2006 for 2009 and Obama reid and pelsoi are following it to a tee. It talks about lying and villainizing insurance industry everything they and do is outlined in this book Stand up Straight. Creamers wife is an Illinois congresswoman he is a convicted felon. The crash gate episode was a diversion, Creamer was at the party. Cremaers wife said that the public option will for certain eliminate insurance comapnies and thats what they want. We cannot go for the 3rd party deal tea party democrats want that. we must stand fast and rid ourselves of these yahoos with the 2 party system. Progressives don't care about jobs or the economy its all about the agenda. you can see more about Creamer on biggovernment.com. The duke would roll over in his grave if he could see the lies this administration is spewing.

    Mister you better find yourself another line of work, cause this one sure DON"T fit your PISTOL!

  • Something mighty interesting, Creamer while in prsion wrote a book in 2006 for 2009 and Obama reid and pelsoi are following it to a tee. It talks about lying and villainizing insurance industry everything they and do is outlined in this book Stand up Straight. Creamers wife is an Illinois congresswoman he is a convicted felon. The crash gate episode was a diversion, Creamer was at the party. Cremaers wife said that the public option will for certain eliminate insurance comapnies and thats what they want. We cannot go for the 3rd party deal tea party democrats want that. we must stand fast and rid ourselves of these yahoos with the 2 party system. Progressives don't care about jobs or the economy its all about the agenda. you can see more about Creamer on biggovernment.com. The duke would roll over in his grave if he could see the lies this administration is spewing.

    This must be what you're talking about because I had never heard of this Creamer person before you mentioned him.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Stumpy,
    This is Right Up Your Alley, Bill Cooper was a Talk Show Host and His Program went all over the World On Short Wave from here in Eagar, Arizona where The 26 Bar Ranch is at !
    He said many things on His Radio Show About The U.S. Govenment That they Did Not Like, and Bill Clinton Called Him
    "The Most Dangerous Man On Radio"
    Bill Cooper was Shot Dead Here in Eagar in 2001 Right in His Front Yard And He had Told some of His Friends That They "The Government" would Try To Take Him Out And They Did !!
    The Government Said That He was Terrorist Because He Said Many Bad Things About How and Who was Running The U.S. Government.
    He was Not a Terrorist, He Was a Good Father and was a Radio Talk Show Host and He was Very Well Liked Here In Eagar, But He Reached Millions Of People Around The World and The Feds Did Not Like It !!!
    I wonder Who Is Next that Talks Bad About The U.S Government ?

  • I wonder Who Is Next that Talks Bad About The U.S Government ?


    Have you watched any of the Alex Jones videos I've posted here? This guy is doing a great job, and I worry all the time that he is next 'on the list.' Besides being on the radio all over the country, he's on the Internet at InfoWars.com. If you go to that site and click on his radio show tab, it has a method of listening online. He's on live every morning, and then I guess they replay that show through the day.


    P.S. Below is a video that Alex Jones put up on Facebook yesterday, but by the end of the day, for some reason, people were unable to post it on FB. That seems to have changed this morning, as I just successfully posted it there.

    Anyway . . . here's the vid from YT



  • I start each weekday by reading this column in the [conservative] newspaper Washington Times, which gives me a pretty good idea of some of the things happening in the circus called D.C.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I've been saying the exact same thing for the past year. Good to know I'm not alone in where to place blame for the political disaster we now have in this country.

    Yesterday I received a numbered survey (and usual solicitation for money) from the National Republican Senatorial Campaign that I was supposed to fill out and return in a postage-paid envelope they included. You wouldn't believe the comment I put on that survey before I mailed it back (without money, of course). The clowns in D.C. will probably have me investigated by the FBI and/or Department of Homeland Security. :biggrin:

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • looks like that dork harry reid and his cohorts namely-pelosi and the idiot we now have as pres) got over another hurdle about that disastrous health care bill they are forcing down our throats.

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