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  • I know I'm late to the party, but I have to vent and say how disgusted and discouraged I am with the state of our country. We've become a bunch of whiners who are more concerned with being politically correct than doing the right thing.

    As sad as I am that the Duke is gone, I'm kinda glad that he isn't here to see the mess that this country is in.

    There, I feel (a little) better now! <climbs off soap box>

  • Got a little money you want to lay on that, Mike. :laugh:

    Jim, It would be the first bet I would want to lose. I have a weird fear that the opposition vote be it Republican or Tea Party will end up split and Obama will get in again.

    A credible opposition candidate is needed and it is madness for anyone to declare their hand yet but dear help US if one of the clowns becomes the front runner.


  • I have a weird fear that the opposition vote be it Republican or Tea Party will end up split and Obama will get in again.

    Mike, please don't believe all you read or hear about the Republicans and Tea Partiers being so far apart in their political positions. A lot of that BS is generated by not only the Dummicrats but their water carriers in the "mainstream" news media, in an effort to dishearten those of us on the right and induce us to stay home on election day.

    This election is going to be all about turnout and you'd better believe the right is gonna come down hard on the left. After two years of socialist rule, we're fired up, my friend. I may be wrong but I truly believe it's gonna be a rout, not only in 2010 but 2012 as well.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I for one will not vote for anything other than a TRUE conservative. Not some opportunistic, chameleon (read Newt) who changes to be in step with the current political climate. If that means I vote Libertarian, so be it. The Republicans had better get the message! Sometimes I worry that it is already too late to get this country back on track.

  • I for one will not vote for anything other than a TRUE conservative. Not some opportunistic, chameleon (read Newt) who changes to be in step with the current political climate. If that means I vote Libertarian, so be it. The Republicans had better get the message! Sometimes I worry that it is already too late to get this country back on track.

    You sound like my kind of person, VC, as our political values are twins.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Hi Jim

    I hope you are right. I would expect a rout with the November Senate & Congress elections. At least they may stop another fiscal stimulus (aka as printing money /hyper inflation) package being instigated.

    Over here we are just waking to the nightmare of the mountain of debt left by socialists Blair & Brown in their wake.

  • You know, Mike, I've never been able to understand the antipathy of people like yourself, who I've always regarded as a good conservative, toward Sarah Palin.

    Is it because she's a woman? I personally thought Maggie Thatcher was the second greatest Prime Minister England ever had, right after Winnie Churchill, and Maggie was a tough-as-nails woman. I truly believe Sarah would be almost as tough as Maggie in advancing the conservative vision.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Looks like the worst nightmare of a lot of nominal right-wingers may be about to come true.

    IMO, the ultimate and delicious irony would be if this candidate won, whereby this person's former running mate lost. :thumbs_up::laugh:

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • She aint no Maggie Thatcher!!! The only elected office she had was Governor of Alaska and unless I missed it I didnt see any Great reformatiopn there apart from allegations of fraud, corruption and the possibility of being mentally unhinged. Hardly the criteria to be elected to the highest office of the USA.

    She wont win the nomination because the media will have a field day. She believes in nothing apart from the pursuit of power and the best she will do is run as a third "Tea" party candidate and like Teddy Roosevelt, Ross Perot & others she will divide the vote and out of the jaws of defeat will hand the White House to the Democrats for a second term.

    You couldnt possibly make this up. Obama must be laughing himself to bed every night.

  • She aint no Maggie Thatcher!!! The only elected office she had was Governor of Alaska and unless I missed it I didnt see any Great reformatiopn there apart from allegations of fraud, corruption and the possibility of being mentally unhinged. Hardly the criteria to be elected to the highest office of the USA.

    She wont win the nomination because the media will have a field day. She believes in nothing apart from the pursuit of power and the best she will do is run as a third "Tea" party candidate and like Teddy Roosevelt, Ross Perot & others she will divide the vote and out of the jaws of defeat will hand the White House to the Democrats for a second term.

    You couldnt possibly make this up. Obama must be laughing himself to bed every night.

    We shall see what we shall see, Mike.

    What most people fail to understand is that those allegations of fraud and corruption have been planted by Dems, RINOs and their equally liberal media enablers who are "mentally unhinged" by the thought of a very conservative Sarah Palin as president.

    All the ridicule and aspersions regarding Sarah's suitability are motivated strictly by fear amongst those not of a conservative bent, Mike old friend. And if you've read the polls that describe the percentages of Americans who claim to be liberal, middle-of-the-road (read fence sitters)and conservative, you're forced to admit that conservatives outnumber the other categories by a fairly hefty margin.

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