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  • That's the danger of a weak President surrounded by powerful associates. Lets face it Dick Cheney and Donald Rumfeld ran the country without ever being elected. Do you think we would be in Iraq if it was not for the oil reserves.

  • That's the danger of a weak President surrounded by powerful associates. Lets face it Dick Cheney and Donald Rumfeld ran the country without ever being elected. Do you think we would be in Iraq if it was not for the oil reserves.

    I think the reason we're in Iraq was extremely faulty intelligence. And I had no problems with either Cheney or Rumsfeld - in fact, I thought Rumsfeld was an excellent Secretary of Defense. Much better than Gates.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Left unsaid in that part though is your obvious sentiment that American taxpayers should continue to be responsible for defense of the entire Western world. Let's face it, Mike, the US spends more on defense than all other Western countries combined.

    NATO is, and has been for most of its' life, a joke. And to this particular American taxpayer, not a very funny one.

    I wish someone could give us a believable explanation for why, 65 years after the end of WW2, American troops are still stationed in Europe and Japan. And why, about 55 years after the end of the Korean War, American troops are still stationed in Korea.

    To continue this little argument, Mike, please explain for us, if you will, this news article.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Pardon me as I chime in again, but did you hear the speech made by Germany's chancelor? Sounds like they are getting it. The multi-cultural, PC crap doesn't work. When is the US going to wake up?

  • Watching Mel Gibson tonight in Ransom and reading the attached story of how he has now been dropped from even a cameo role by sheer bully tactics makes me angry.


    I know the guy has made just REAL stupid remarks and done some even more stupid acts but it does start to feel that the entire left wing of Hollywood is out to drive him completely out of the industry.

    I am not saying the guy is innocent but when you consider what he has done or said compared to some of the lurid and obscene acts that other Hollywood "stars" have done and are still doing yet they are all forgiven or given a second chance. It does feel like their is double standards being applied because Mel is a conservative, has no time for all the pc crap etc.

    Its does make you think what they would try to do to John Wayne if he was still alive.

  • Mike Tyson was in the first The Hangover movie and he is a rapist, woman beater, felon, etc. Mel gets drunk and spouts off and he's out. Explain that one

  • Stumpy as I live and breath you take no prisoner conservatives take consistency to new levels. How in the High Water are you. say hello to a fatish oldish man some time.

    Greetings from North of the 49th

  • Lookin' forward to the liberal/socialists getting their collective butts kicked tomorrow!

    Amen, Brother Jim - that makes two of us. I hope and pray the Dummicrats are totally destroyed. Forever and ever. :jump:
    BTW, you think Toomey will take the Senate seat?

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I think there will be a significant change in the political landscape here in America but my biggest fear is that it will not take hold as once again the people with there hands out will once again overwhelm us with liberal/socialist attitudes after a couple more election cycles. These people cannot seem to grasp that your life is what YOU make of it, not what some one gives you.

    Get out and vote tomorrow!!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne