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  • Our President is dumber than a box of hammers. He still doesn't see that "We the people" (wonder if he has ever read that phrase before) rejected his ideas, his march torwards socialism and even bigger government. He thinks he didn't "splain" things well enough for us. I think he'll get the message when we vote his sorry butt out of office in 2012!


  • I wouldn't rejoice... all that happened is that we voted in more politicians that don't get that we are upset... oh they say they know we are upset but they don't get it.. all they want is the power... we are set for two more years of the same... until we realize that we have been a socialist country since they didn't let the New Deal end, that ALL the politicians have been through the same schools, taught by the same people, making them all the same, no matter what party they are with. We need to NOT vote for anyone that is, was, wants to be a politician... then we will see some real change.

    You can roll a turd in powdered sugar but that doesn’t make it a doughnut.

  • I wouldn't rejoice... all that happened is that we voted in more politicians that don't get that we are upset... oh they say they know we are upset but they don't get it.. all they want is the power... we are set for two more years of the same... until we realize that we have been a socialist country since they didn't let the New Deal end, that ALL the politicians have been through the same schools, taught by the same people, making them all the same, no matter what party they are with. We need to NOT vote for anyone that is, was, wants to be a politician... then we will see some real change.

    So if I read you right, Eric, you're wishing the political situation we had on 1 November still prevailed?

    Oh I forgot, you live in the land of fruits and nuts, where the situation IS still the same. You should move to Texas, the reddest of red states and leave that blue hellhole behind.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

    Edited once, last by Stumpy ().

  • So if I read you right, Eric, you're wishing the political situation we had on 1 November still prevailed?

    Oh I forgot, you live in the land of fruits and nuts, where the situation IS still the same. You should move to Texas, the reddest of red states and leave that blue hellhole behind.

    Not at all... my point is we need to find people that want to make a difference, not a politician. And if I could move out of this state I would, but Cali laws says that I cannot move my kids out of state without their mother permission.. and that is not going to happen. Oh the joys....

    You can roll a turd in powdered sugar but that doesn’t make it a doughnut.

  • Cali laws says that I cannot move my kids out of state without their mother permission.. and that is not going to happen. Oh the joys....

    How old are your children, Eric? Many state laws have a provision that say after kids reach a certain age, they have the right to make their own decisions with or without their parents' permission.

    At least it's that way in Texas and Oklahoma. And unless I'm mistaken, the laws here say the kids have those decision-making rights at age 13 or older.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • How old are your children, Eric? Many state laws have a provision that say after kids reach a certain age, they have the right to make their own decisions with or without their parents' permission.

    At least it's that way in Texas and Oklahoma. And unless I'm mistaken, the laws here say the kids have those decision-making rights at age 13 or older.

    My kids ages are 19, 14, 10, and 8... I believe Cali law is set at 13 also.. I still have a few more years to wait. I also have grandparent rights to deal with and past due child support, that was charged to me when I had custody of my kids. But some day I will be able to move out of this state...

    You can roll a turd in powdered sugar but that doesn’t make it a doughnut.

  • I wouldn't rejoice... all that happened is that we voted in more politicians that don't get that we are upset... oh they say they know we are upset but they don't get it.. all they want is the power... we are set for two more years of the same... until we realize that we have been a socialist country since they didn't let the New Deal end, that ALL the politicians have been through the same schools, taught by the same people, making them all the same, no matter what party they are with. We need to NOT vote for anyone that is, was, wants to be a politician... then we will see some real change.

    I agree with you to a point Eric. Part of me thinks it is too late for this country and the damage has already been done. I for one will not vote for any Republican that is not a conservative. I got really ticked off when Carl Rove was hammering O'Donnell after she won the Delaware primary. Saying she was unelectable. As it turns out, he was right, sort of. If the RNC would have supported her more maybe she would have won. In any event, I would rather have a Democrat in office than a RINO.

    I'm seriously thinking of changing parties and becoming either an Independent or a Libertarian. The Republican party needs to get its act together and fast!

    You should move to Texas, the reddest of red states and leave that blue hellhole behind.

    My sister moved from NY state to Texas about 2 years ago and loves it there. If it weren't for moving away from my grandkids, I would seriously consider it.

  • Stumpy are you sure your being fair to Mr Obama.

    Obama is a socialist, if not a communist, and I'm a hard right-winger, Murray. I'm never going to be fair to someone like that.

    East is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet. (or something like that).

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Obama is a socialist, if not a communist, and I'm a hard right-winger, Murray. I'm never going to be fair to someone like that.

    East is east and west is west and never the twain shall meet. (or something like that).

    ^^^^^^^ Right on brother!

  • Sarah Palin has tapped into this general unrest and unhappiness of this swing with the right wing electorate.

    She comes out with simplistic soundbites that go down well with her supporters but there is no substance. It is the electoral equilvalent of buying a hamburger without the meat or a empty tin of coke.

    Hey Mike,
    How many dictionary entries have you coined lately? :))):

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I'm inclined to agree with the premise of this article. In fact, I totally blame Shrub for the rise of OBambi and his congressional allies. The reason being that so many hardline conservatives like me were so disgusted with the spending and big-government habits of Bush and Company that we stayed home on election days in '06 and '08, allowing the Dems to win. Let's hope the current crop of GOP newbies realize that and legislate accordingly.

    De gustibus non est disputandum