Ummmm, ummmm good

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  • Hi Bo, I remember those too. Also, I remember that at Sonics, that you can get Frito Pie there but is much too small an amount to fill ya up. Also, the way I fix it is much much better--you get more cheese and chili. In fact, I fixed a small can of this last night, and boy it sure tasted great. :D I might even have it again tonight if im not out of Wolf brand Chili.

    I can't figure that one out though? Pickle juice over ice? I won't say :stunned: but, I might say :uhoh: Also, the snow cone sounds good, I have not had one in years. I remember last year I ALMOST bought one of those snowcone making machines from Wal-Mart but didn't. I think I will this year. Get one and take it to my balcony and just sit outside eating snow cones while everyone else is sweating profusely.

    Goodness Ringo, they opened a Sonic up here and you think that it is the best place in Oregon. Serious, an hour wait to get a burger. But you know I was in the line trying to get a taste of home. I really can't explain the pickle juice. I know it sounds like a pregnant woman on a binge, but .......nope, can't explain it. I'll be in Hawaii next month and we plan to stop at the original shaved ice place. I'll let you know how it is. I know what you mean about sweltering in the heat and humidity down there, but I would trade that for the wet and cold anytime. Good talking to you as always.

  • Goodness Ringo, they opened a Sonic up here and you think that it is the best place in Oregon. Serious, an hour wait to get a burger. But you know I was in the line trying to get a taste of home. I really can't explain the pickle juice. I know it sounds like a pregnant woman on a binge, but .......nope, can't explain it. I'll be in Hawaii next month and we plan to stop at the original shaved ice place. I'll let you know how it is. I know what you mean about sweltering in the heat and humidity down there, but I would trade that for the wet and cold anytime. Good talking to you as always.

    Hi Bo, a Sonic in Oregon? I mean, like WOW because I hear those folks up there are more into fish and such and not the good healthy food like what Sonic serves. Anyway, one can't blame you for wanting a taste of home. In fact, I wish I could get Taqueria Aucapulco (SP?) to have a way to send you some of their Mexican food. Man they have soem pretty darn good Enchiladas, homemade flour tortillias, some pretty good fajitas. I also hear that the Mex food up that way is more of the vegetable variety and not the kind we have down here. Oh and, did I mention that they make a mean burrito?

    If you guys have an: On The Border, restaurant there--they have some great fajitas as well.

    Looking forward to hearing your revies for the shaved ice. They have not started to sell it here yet but, probably in the next few weeks im sure the stands will be up and running.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Ahhh Sonics, I remember them from Austin... Limeaide and Chili Cheese tots... can't be beat. I know there are a few here in Cali, the closest one that I know of is 90 miles away from me, and every once in a while I make the trip.

    In Austin there was also another burger place that was really good. They had no place to eat at and two drive up windows, just can't remeber the name.

    You can roll a turd in powdered sugar but that doesn’t make it a doughnut.

  • Ahhh Sonics, I remember them from Austin... Limeaide and Chili Cheese tots... can't be beat. I know there are a few here in Cali, the closest one that I know of is 90 miles away from me, and every once in a while I make the trip.

    In Austin there was also another burger place that was really good. They had no place to eat at and two drive up windows, just can't remeber the name.

    And their Limeaides are still most delicious as well as their Grape flavor. Also, the burger joint you miht be thinking of sounds like: Red-Line Burgers. They have the same set-up here as there. Well-used to, all of them close down here in CC, for some reason. Shame too, for a cheap place, their burgers were very decent.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • And their Limeaides are still most delicious as well as their Grape flavor. Also, the burger joint you miht be thinking of sounds like: Red-Line Burgers. They have the same set-up here as there. Well-used to, all of them close down here in CC, for some reason. Shame too, for a cheap place, their burgers were very decent.

    All in all, although I love Sonic, I will take Whataburger any day of the week. Man I am sooooo homesick. As far as the Mexican food Ringo, we found a little hole in the wall that is pretty authentic and of course my wife does a fair job. My mother in law is visiting in May and I will eat like a king. I still need to look up that shaved ice name. I'll get back to ya.

  • Hi Bo, when you have a chance to be back in my neck-of-the-woods, ill have to introduce you to Wal-Bangers. Once you eat a Wal-Bangers Hamburger, you will wonder why you liked eating at Whataburger. ;-)) P.S. Rusty's Burgers suck--they are like balls of grease. Oh and, you might want to go to Nolan's Steakhouse--they have ABSOLUTELY THE BEST Poorboys one will ever eat. The Nolans that was on 6th street in Kingsville (near what is now--the old Police Station) closed down many years ago--but happily, they now have two restaurants here in the Corpus Christi area.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Dang it, NOW im going to have to make a special trip to DQ tomorrow just to buy something. With all this talk and all about it, you all are making my stomach rumble for DQ food. And don't start about Church's Chicken! ;-D

    Oh and, all I like at Long John Silvers is their hushpuppies--so ramble all you might want about them. ;-))

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Well, looks like I will be going there much sooner than tomorrow afternoon. As soon as I leave the library tonight, DQ is my destination.

    Gee, im beginning to wonder if DQ is not paying you and Jay to "advertise" for them? :D Well, if so, its working.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Can't blame ya. I pass a DQ quite often but normally do not think of stopping there. Im usually on the way to some other eatery--like Cracker Barrel. Although, I did go there yesterday and had my first Oreo-Cookie Blizzard in about 22 years.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • And when I want a hamburger, I WANT A HAMBURGER! And when I want a sausage, I WANT A SAUSAGE! And when I want a schnitzel(SP?) uh, I don't know what one of those is.:omg: