This movie seems to have been delayed until May 2009.
New Star Trek Film for 2008
There are 48 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 13,669 times. The latest Post () was by chester7777.
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Still says release date as Christmas 2008 GT
Mike -
Here's where I read it.…8b-4757-88f2-d8e08c8d7a37 -
Looks good. I guess I'm from the old school, but I look forward to Shatner, Nimoy, and Kelly. Yes I know that a couple of them have died, so it will be hard to see this movie and convince me that Kirk, Spock, Bones, and Scottie are these people in the early days.
This might be on my Birthday, the release date in 2009.
Cheers -
Yes, looks like a summer release in 2009 to be with the blockbusters. Hope it is worth the wait.
Mike -
release date may 09 a long way off i only hope i'am still around.
Good characterisations particularly Spock but generally a bit boring.
For being a go back in time movie, I thought they did a fine job. We should get more movies out of this lineup which should be good.
Thanks, DukePilgrim, for bringing back this thread back. I haven't seen the movie myself, but have heard nothing but good from those who have. It sounds like, because of its "go back in time" aspect, there were some fun tidbits to come up that would be especially fun for those who are so familiar with the original show (who ever knew Lt. Uhura's first name before this film?).
It's not a film I'm averse to seeing, just haven't gotten around to it yet (I'm not a huge Star Trek fan by any means).
Mrs. C