I live in Wabasha county. If you recall, the town that was in the movies Grumpy Old Men and the sequel was the town of Wabasha which is our county seat, it is located on the Mississippi river. The film was actually shot in Faribault, MN and I used to service a computer at the drug store that was in the 1st film.

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There are 27 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 8,121 times. The latest Post () was by DakotaSurfer.
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Hmmmmm. I seem to be a Deputy Sheriff now. Is that better than a marshal? Have I been demoted somehow?
Howdy Ringo,I think I'll just stay out here on the windswept prairies. Not quite the middle of nowhere, but you can see it from the back porch.
Come on, Bob - you're trying to convey the impression that you live almost on the Kansas border whereas Arapahoe County is more or less a suburb of Denver. In fact, Littleton is a suburb of Denver. -
Hmmmmm. I seem to be a Deputy Sheriff now. Is that better than a marshal? Have I been demoted somehow?
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! Serves you right if you did get demoted, you're a mean one Mr. Gt.
Hmmmmm. I seem to be a Deputy Sheriff now. Is that better than a marshal? Have I been demoted somehow?
It kind of like a chain of command... Deputy Marshall and Marshall were city/town positions and answered to the city officials. Deputy Sheriff and Sheriff was a county position that answered to the city and county officials. Then from there you could get a Deputy US Marshall or US Marshall position that was appointed by the territorial or state government. It's not a demotion but a promotion to a county Deputy Sheriff much like today if you live in the County Seat like I do and the city and county police are in the same building.
Thanks for clearing that up DS. I must have been promoted at 750 posts.
I'm pretty pleased to be living in Madison County and Winterset where Mr. Morrison was born, of course.
As I learned back in fifth grade the FIRST time I lived in Iowa, right down on the Missouri border there's a Wayne County, then two to the right there's Davis county. I'm not ready to change my middle name to Appanoose, though! LOL
Wayne Davis
Birthplace of John Wayne
http://www.johnwaynebirthplace.org -
Wayne, we're talking about our new level titles not our names. I came up withthe basics and Kevin tweaked it. Now people start off as a Tenderfoot and can end up as Territorial Governor. Your a Town Citizen until you hit 100 posts. Then you join the Town Council.