What TV shows that lasted for 1 season (or less) would you like on DvD?

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  • I got this idea from a topic posted at IMDB and thought some of you might share your favorites here.

    My list of shows that will hopefully be released (some century) on DvD are:

    The Young Rebels w/ Louis Gosset Jr. Set in Revolutionary times in Colonial America.

    Voyagers w/ John-Erik Hexum and Meeno Peluce. Sort of a fact-based Time Travelers series.

    Garrison's Gorillas. WWII TV Series.

    Time Cop. Based on the Jean-Claude van Damme movie.

    Automan w/ Desi Arnaz Jr and Gerald S Laughlin. Great comedic cop show.

    Crazy Like a Fox w/ Jack Warden & John Rubinstein.


    The Silver Fox w/ James Coburn.

    The Fifth Corner.



    Burke's Law (the newer version. Can't recall the lead actors name but I remember him being on a Western TV series as well. Possibly Bat Masterson?

    Mission Impossible. Still had a member from the original and a few newer younger folks.

    Pacific Station w/ Robert Guillaume.

    Knight & Daye which had I think James Garner and Jack Elam.

    Man of the People w/ James Garner.

    Also, I know this one is on DvD but wish it would be re-vived as a new series: The Time Tunnel. Darn shame it lasted just shy of 1 season.

    Is anybody else here able to list any other great short-lived TV series that they would like to see out on DvD?

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  • Thanks for bringing that one up. That goes back to about 1982-83ish? I don't recall it lasting very long. Also, one that was on at the same time as that one that I know did not last very long was: Frank Buck, Brings Em Back Alive. Or something like that.

    Both were enjoyable series.

    Correction: it was called: Bring em back alive. (I don't feel like erasing it)

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  • I'd like to see Rango with Tim Conway again. Short lived, but pretty funny.
    Colorado Bob

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • "Wanted" from TNT two seasons ago. Started the same season as "Closer." Featured Gary Cole and Lee Terguson in the lead roles. Had a small groundswell of fans agitating for a renewed season, but it didn't happen.
    Cheers - Jay:beer:

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Ahh, Harcastle and McCormick. That was a great show (red sports car if I remember correctly?) Always was a fan of both leading actors. I think that show lasted maybe 2-3 seasons--not sure exactly. Loved the theme music as well and have it on CD.

    Never heard of Rango but, anything with Tim Conway in it is always great. That reminds me of another series with him in it called: Tim, and I think the "I" in the title was upside down. That show lasted less than a season.

    I wish we still got TNT on our cable line-up but, they took it off a few years ago.

    Ellery Queen. Dang, I do remember that series but nothing much about any particular episode.

    Also, I don't think "Nightstalker" w/ Darrin McGavin & Simon Oakland, lasted more than a season either, and was a great show.

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  • Howdy Carl,
    Nightstalker lasted a few seasons, and had a couple of made for TV movies. The series is on DVD. I have a couple of seasons worth.

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • Thank you Colorado, I had not known it lastd that long. I wish it would have lasted for at least several seasons. I love that show. When it originally was aired in my area, it was on after prime time and started at 11 PM. This is going to be a definate "must own" for me.

    GT, Mike, sorry I never heard of either of those two series you just mentioned.

    Another one I can think of that was short-lived but great is: Supercarrier w/ Richard Jaeckel.

    I also seem to remember that there was a very short-lived take off from Animal House called: "Animal House."

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  • I watched "Night Stalker" when I was 8 or 9 and I remembered it as being really scary. I bought the DVD-collection and watched it now and it was more like watching a comedy series. According to the box set there were made 20 episodes. I know there was a new "Night Stalker" series made a couple of years ago, but I have never seen it.

    I remember "Ellery Queen" used to run on TV here in the late 70's. Funny how I can't remember anything from the show, but I remember the opening music.Catchy tune.

  • Thanks for that May. I was four at the time and I seem to recall that we watched that show as I do remember McLean Stevenson on something to do with Tim Conway.

    By the way, McLean Stevenson was on a local TV station hosting some childrens magic show shortly before he passed away. I don't know the name of that show but saw it a few times when I stayed with my Grandmother there for about twoo weeks. The year it played was the year the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded.

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  • Boy you guys are TV junkies! I grew up earlier and just can't recall a show that lasted one season or less that I would want to see on Video. But if you can go back to the 60's or 70's and tell me some, I'd might recall and tell you what I liked.

    Cheers :cool:


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • What do you like the most? War, Western, Law Enforcement, or does not matter? I can probably find some that have not been thought of in many years--but those are war and maybe western--war for sure.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • I just can't recall a show that lasted one season or less that I would want to see on Video.

    Ain't it the truth - if a show only lasted one season, it obviously was a real stinkeroo. Two of my favorite shows of all time only lasted 5 and 4 years respectively.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • I would like to have the complete M*A*S*H series on DVD but I think my wife would disown me for spending that much. I think I will see if the library has it......

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne