In The Ghetto - Elvis
What are you listening to?
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Rod STEWART-The Great American Songbook.
is that Rod's latest album Bill or am i thinking of the wrong one?
Tina Turner- Proud Mary
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I'm listening to a series of music of the Celtic Sounds. By the way, is the "C" in Celtic pronounced as a "K" or "S". I heard it both ways, but don't really know. Maybe our Irish friends can resolve this.
Yeah, why isn't it the Boston Keltics?
We deal in lead, friend.
Metamorfosi - Inferno . A great Italian Prog Band.
Soul Book by Rod Stewart.
Songs brimming with nostalgia. -
Listening to Elmer Berstein. He may be my favorite artist.
Black Dog - Led Zeppelin
David Bowie- Let's dance
Any jarheads or swab-jockeys who've ever been in Japan, especially in the 50s or 60s, will recognize this tune.
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I rarely listen to pop music anymore, and I don't listen much to Norwegian music, but this group is good. They have only released one album and it has a lot of good songs. This song has been extremely popular here the last half year. Donkeyboy - Ambitions.
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lately i've been spending a lot of time on youtube just finding some of my favorite song one of which is Chris Ledoux - Cadillac Ranch
As I'm typing this The Lark Ascending by Vaughn Williams
Arthur -
Barry White
Garth Brooks, The Temptations, and some Trace Adkins thrown in