JWMB sponsors a Walk Of Fame block

There are 77 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 103,654 times. The latest Post () was by chester7777.

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  • Mark,
    I know where you're coming from and in no way belittle those who can't contribute, for whatever reasons. Nevertheless, I see no reason why the powers-that-be can't post a list of contributors, by amount given, and at least show their appreciation by a simple thank you. I don't think that's too much to ask.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Any particular reason? Hell, let's see who the real Duke fans are, instead of those who just pay lip service to the cause.

    Now I would probably fall into the category of paying lip service to the cause, as I have not contributed anything to the collection.

    The reason why is simple, I am still considering the merits of this scheme, and the overall benefit of buying a block, perhaps it could be explained in the original post a little more.

    In addition to this I concur with some of the things Dukefan1 one said in relation to money being tight at the moment which is very true for me as well. However I also think the target of $2500 is unachievable as its too much to expect from such a small group. There should also not be a suggested amount of between $50 and $100 as someone thinking about contributing less than this may be put off with a felling of inadequacy.

    I have noticed that on several forums I am a member of, there are always folks looking for donations, this is only the second time Kevin has asked for donations since I have been a member so perhaps this is something to consider.

    One final note, Kevin and myself have disagreed on almost all aspects of this forum we have completely clashed, and have little common ground with the exception of being fans of John Wayne. I have been his biggest critic and feel that at times he has made the wrong decision. However he is also the best forum administrator I have ever came across and the only one who would have tolerated me for so long. He has done a great job running this forum and I have come to believe that behind it all he just a nice guy. Whilst I do agree with Stumpy on the necessity of good manners, I have also witnessed too many rubbish administrators with bad manners to realise that on this occasion it may have simply been a genuine mistake by Kevin.



  • Let's face it, Rob, almost all posters on this forum have computers and access to the internet. So obviously, they're not as destitute as they would have you believe. I feel, therefore, that the poorest among us could contribute something, even if it was only 5 or 10 dollars. I certainly don't expect everyone to be able to contribute as much as I did but every little bit helps.

    Yes, Kevin is an excellent administrator, even though I've had several disagreements with some of his moderators about censorship I thought was unreasonable.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Good morning, all!

    When we first discussed the possibility of the message board purchasing a granite tile on the Walk of Fame at the future John Wayne Birthplace Museum and Learning Center (at the suggestion of our very own Hondo Duke Lane), there were several thoughts.

    (1) It was a tangible way that this message board could help support the cause and help "Keep the Memory Alive!" at the birthplace/museum, and also show (by the JWMB name and web address on the tile) who we are and where we are.

    (2) By making a "suggested" amount, we did not mean that smaller amounts could not (or should not) be made. From the same paragraph suggesting $50 - $100 -


    Of course, donations of ANY size will be gratefully accepted - each one will bring us closer to our goal.

    Of course, if the average donation is between $50 and $100, the goal is reached much sooner (25 people X $100 = goal, or 50 people X $50 = goal, but also 250 people X $10 = goal).

    (3) As was discussed earlier in this thread, the idea of paying for a granite tile (bigger $) or a brick (much smaller donation) is a popular way for people to donate to a cause and receive some recognition in the form of their name (or whatever they choose) on said tile or brick. It is not a "scheme" but a valid and proven form of fund-raising, at least in this country. I won't repeat that discussion here.

    (4) As far as listing the donors, that was discussed at the onset, and not knowing if people would be comfortable with a public disclosure, we opted not to do that. Kevin has changed it so donors are listed, but not the amounts (to avoid just the thing Robbie expressed concern about - someone perhaps feeling "inadequate" for making less than the "suggested" donation).

    (5) This was meant to be a team effort, purely VOLUNTARY, a donation that would not only help to preserve the legacy of John Wayne in the form of a museum dedicated to him, but also show that our little message board was part of that effort.

    (6) A person's willingness or ability to contribute to this should not be considered a measure of how much of a fan that person is, or their "loyalty" to the JWMB. People may have any number of reasons for not being a part of this effort. Quite honestly, some folks may prefer to plunk down their money for their own granite tile or brick, and that's OK. Support of the project to complete a museum and learning center in Winterset is the goal. We just thought it would be fun to show our message board's effort, immortalized in granite or brick, for all to see, while at the same time being part of the big picture
    So now is the time for all good men (and women) to come to the aid of their message board and make a donation (if he or she is able :wink_smile: and desires to do so). The sooner we get the funds together, the more likely we will get our first choice of the movie title Red River.

    Most respectfully,

    Chester :newyear:

  • (4) As far as listing the donors, that was discussed at the onset, and not knowing if people would be comfortable with a public disclosure, we opted not to do that. Kevin has changed it so donors are listed, but not the amounts (to avoid just the thing Robbie expressed concern about - someone perhaps feeling "inadequate" for making less than the "suggested" donation).

    IMO, this option should have been put to a vote of participating members instead of just you "wheels" arbitrarily deciding to do it your way.

    I myself have organized and ran fund drives and it's been my experience that you get more and better participation if all concerned are aware of who's giving and how much. In effect, it creates a bit of competition and many contributors try to outdo others. Not only that but this exaggerated concern for feelings of "inadequacy" suggests you folks have caught that disease called political correctness. In other words, you're more concerned about "self esteem" than raising funds.

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Hi

    Perhaps this is my thick day :stunned: because I have been following the comments made in this thread and wondering what the hell its all about particularly with the references to the films. It only now when I clicked on to the walk of fame that I began to understand that you can have your favourite film put on the slab .

    On the occasions that we have been to Disney World at Florida the carved bricks of contributors are very much in evidence and as you say it seems to be common place in the United States. Perhaps its not so common over here but what the hell some things we can learn from others.

    It seems nice that if the goal is achieved it will provide a lasting memorial and future generations will get a chance to see what groups contributed even if indviduals are not named. I work in a museum part time and the importance of memories and history cannot be under stated and as such I have made a donation albeit small but working on the premise that every thing helps.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • I echo what was said above. Let me also add that you can donate a little now (like I did), and donate later. I know money is tight right now, and I know people are reluctant to give. And I also know that you get bombarded with people or organizations asking to give to worthy causes. This is a way to help get the word out about our message board and we'd like you to be a part of it.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Hi

    In 1545 the Mary Rose, a 700 ton Carrick whilst attempting to prevent a French invasion of Portsmouth capzised and sank in the Solent between Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight.
    Initial attempts to salvage her failed and after a few days the ship was left to its fate.
    In the late 1960s a man with a vision named Alexander Mckee searched and found the wreck of the Mary Rose lying on its side half rotted away.
    Through his efforts and determination assisted by a small group of helpers thousands of artifacts were removed and stored and treated so that eventually these could be put on public display. On October 11th 1982 the Mary Rose was itself brought to the surface for the first time in over four hundred years and is currently undergoing preservation treatment. From 1982 onward the ship has been on public display, further up the historic dockyard is the Mary Rose Museum in which a small proportion of the thousands of available artifacts are displayed.
    It has always been the plan to unite the ship with the museum and in \january this the lottery funding announced that they were going to donate £21,000,000 towards building a brand new museum.
    Immediately people went into print criticising the decision saying that it was a waste of money etc spending a fortune on what is half a wooden ship. They failed to realise that the Mary Rose was important as it was the only mediaeval ship in existence.

    If you have stayed with me this long you may well ask what has this to do with the John Wayne museum?
    When I was aked to become a moderator to this board I felt quite proud and honoured and still do.
    Perhaps being in England my situation make it difficult to do as much as Chester or Hondo so perhaps this is my way of trying to do my bit.
    The analogy with the Mary Rose and John Wayne Museums is such that both are trying to become permenant reminders to famous people or events.
    In his way Kevin is a man of vision and is trying to ensure that for the next 100 years this
    board will have a permenant record by having its name inscribed on a granite brick in the John wayne Museum.
    it may be that Kevin pitched his appeal slighty high, and looking at the results so far they seemed to have stalled, perhaps some kind fan may be prepared to give the total a kick start, who knows just a few dollars from three or four like minded people may be enough to give us the impetus to enable us to go on and reach the target.

    Thanks for listening and now I'll get off of my soapbox.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Arthur,

    Thank you for getting on your soapbox. Like you, I made a donation not a big one, but with the mind that "many hands make light work" if you know what I mean.

    I know that with a few more $$$$ I could have my own brick but I liked the idea of being part of a whole gropu and showing that this message board was part of a bigger effort.

    I hope more people are able to join us, and that they don't feel pressured to do it I know I didn't feel presssured, I felt like it was a priviledge to be part.


  • Hello all,

    I wanted to give you an update to the project. This drive has slowed in recent weeks, so I wanted to post some new/updated information. We haven't posted a closing date for the fund raiser, until now. We didn't envision this going but for just a few months and we certainly don't want this to carry over till the summer. Summers around here can be quiet. :sleep_1:

    So, we will end the Walk Of Fame block fund drive on May 19th 2008, and this will be one week before Duke's birthday on May 26th. This will give us the opportunity to get the funds in the hands of the museum before his birthday, just in time for the 101st.

    We originally set our sites on the $2500 block. There are only ten blocks available at that donation level, and 6 are already taken. Realistically, that may not be an achievable goal. It will be great if we do it, but if not, we would go for the block closest to our accumulated amount, and donate any amount over that to the museum.

    Also, I do have plans of creating a static web page on dukewayne.com with a photo of the completed stone, which will include a listing of all who have contributed (big or small) to the cause. This would be a permanent online tribute to all who helped with the effort, and would document our efforts.

    I think that's it for the update. If I missed something, or you have other questions or comments, of course feel free to make your thoughts known.


  • Anticipating that we may not reach our initial goal of $2500, we thought we should add a poll of the movie titles that are available with the purchase of a $1500 granite block. That way, our members can offer up an opinion. If our donations hit $2000, I will adjust the poll accordingly.

    So scroll to the top of this thread, look over the titles in the poll, and vote for the one you would like to see immortalized along with the JWMB name.

    Thanks for your input!

    Chester :newyear:

  • I chose The Alamo because it was closest to Duke's heart and he put so much into making it.

    In looking over the list, I was trying to decide how to choose, and I came upon the same reason as you, Cindy. The Alamo was a labor of love for John Wayne, and honestly, even before I read your post, the words "near and dear to his heart" were what came to my mind.

    Now we just need to get together the rest of the $$$ to pull this off.

    If there happens to be a rush of money at the end :hyper:, we could be in the enviable position of having to decide whether to go for the bigger block (where the poll indicates the choice would be Red River), or go for the smaller block (The Alamo so far) and just donate the balance of the money. Hm-m-m-m-m . . . decisions, decisions, decisions.

    Chester :newyear:

  • I was considering the Alamo and went instead for Donovans Reef. I think some of his non western or war films show the depth of character of the man. Any one will be fine though.

    Greetings from North of the 49th

  • Hi Ya'll,

    Chester, given the choices of Red River and The Alamo, it not hard for me to choose. I'd much rather have one Duke was passionate about. So I'd have to say in this situation, size does not matter....:wink_smile:

    Go for The Alamo and donate the rest. Or get The Alamo and a few small bricks simply with JWMB Forever True To The Duke on them...Just a suggestion...I think it'd be cool to have more than one brick/block from us....:hyper:

    WHITE GRANITE $2,500
    BLACK GRANITE $2,000
    RED GRANITE $1,500
    I hope we can get the 1,500 dollar one with the Alamo as I also believe it was his act of love.

    ''baby sister i was born game and intend to go out that way.''