Duke's Deleted Scenes and Missing Footage

There are 89 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 53,753 times. The latest Post () was by ethanedwards.

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  • Hi Rough Rider

    That is quite interesting, you mentioned that the documentary featured many snippets that were not included in the final movie, can you elaborate on this a little, what scenes do you refer to?

    Thanks in advance


  • Quote

    Originally posted by Robbie@Dec 18 2006, 04:15 PM
    That is quite interesting, you mentioned that the documentary featured many snippets that were not included in the final movie, can you elaborate on this a little, what scenes do you refer to?


    In a nutshell, the 1998 documentary is comprised of -- among other things -- slate markers as scenes are about to be filmed, some with John Ford in front of the camera. These, of course, came right from the VistaVision camera although there is behind-the-scenes stuff, much of which looks to be 8mm home movies. The 33-minute documentary is very well done, brimming with wonderful footage and a pleasing narrative style. But don't expect to find any substantial deleted sequences except for what I assume to be how the film initially opened (more of Ethan riding through the desert in longshot before arriving at the ranch). Someone who has seen the film many, many times might find a few very brief revelations from the VistaVision footage, though. John Ford was known to be a very efficient director who knew what he wanted -- less of a mess on the cutting room floor.

  • Hi Rough Rider

    I was afraid you would say that, I think the general conclsuion is that the 6 seconds of footage in the trailer for the Searchers along with an alleged sighting of John Wayne in the Alamo killing a mexican there are no further scenes in existance. Its a great shame but thats life.



  • Michael Munn's book John Wayne the man behind the myth discusses how Duke directed a scene in the Quiet Man of Maureen O'haras character walking along a beach. This scene was evidentally cut from the movie prior to the films release.



  • Michael Munn's book John Wayne the man behind the myth discusses how Duke directed a scene in the Quiet Man of Maureen O'haras character walking along a beach. This scene was evidentally cut from the movie prior to the films release.


    Every film has a story about cuts -- it's the nature of the business.

    Just think of all those cut scenes in Stagecoach, none of which I know anything about. The John Wayne Filmography lists the film as 105 minutes, with no mention of the standard 96-minute version.

  • I have started one or two similar threads in the past, however I have been eager to start a new topic due to the fact I have as of late discovered two gems, deleted from two separate John Wayne movies.

    The first is a picture from a deleted scene in "McQ," the image seems to involve McQ interrogating small time drug dealer Rosie for information, the image and some additional reading can be found here.

    The second one comes courtesy of our very own GT12PAK when he posted the trailer for "Hondo". I am almost 100% certain that the scene between Mrs Lowe and Hondo was not in the final cut of this movie. I really hope I'm not proved wrong.

    Has anyone else discovered any deleted footage from Dukes movies?



  • I don't know if was the same then as it is now, but a lot of times they create footage exclusively for the trailers. And sometimes there are as you know promo shots for the movies.
    Thank you for the link to the McQ photo, I will see if I can be of any use to this thread.

  • I took another look at the "Hondo" trailer and there is a scene within it which shows John Wayne on his horse riding fast during which he fires a snap shot behind him with his handgun, this is also not in the actual movie.



  • It's been a while since I watched this one, so I can't comment on the deleted scene. Perhaps we should have watched this movie with 3-D glasses to see the scene.:wink_smile:

    Stay thirsty my friends.

  • I just viewed my copy of "Hondo" and I can confirm the scenes I mentioned above are NOT in the final cut, this was a great find on your behalf Gt12pak.



  • I'll answer that, if you don't mind, Robbie. The part in the trailer where Duke kisses Mrs. Lowe and telles her "A woman like you ought to be kissed like that...befor she dies." Nope, I don't remember that being in the film at all. Has to be a deleted scene. Good catch, Robbie.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Nice find, Robbie on the McQ picture, though I must confess when I went to the link the first thing I noticed was the picture of Elke Sommer to the immediate right of the McQ pic. WOW!!!!!!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wink_smile: :thumbs_up:

    Nevertheless it was interesting to see the pic from McQ (when I finally got around to seeing it!) and to speculate about where this potential scene could have fit into the plot of the movie.

    It was interesting to see the pictures from The Great Escape, as well.


    "I am not intoxicated - yet." McLintock!

  • Robbie,

    Which scene between Mrs. Lowe and Hondo was not in the movie?

    You guessed it - I haven't seen it in quite awhile.

    Hi Chester

    As Mark pointed out above its the scene in which Hondo tells Mrs Lowe "A woman like you outta kiss a man before she dies", after some analysis I have discovered it is defiantly not in the film.

    Since joining the board I have been searching for this, I was told that such scenes didn't exist and now my search has resulted in triumph, I was truly ecstatic when I first watched the trailer so much so that I almost fell off my seat.



  • I retrieved information on my original search for deleted scenes within John Wayne's movies, it actually began with my first post within this forum on April 15th 2003.

    Its taken almost five years to find anything, I feel like Ethan Edwards at the end of his long search, for anyone that's interested here is my first post.

    As Jim has pointed out my English was terrible, I truly hope it has improved a little since then.



  • As Jim has pointed out my English was terrible, I truly hope it has improved a little since then.

    Rob, my friend, your language skills have improved ten thousand percent since I first came on the board. Hell, you could probably give me some pointers now and I'm pretty vain about my proficiency in the English language. :teeth_smile:

    De gustibus non est disputandum

  • Hello Robbie.
    I think that collectting deleted scenes is sure interresting.
    In the book"The Official John Wayne Refference Book",
    there is a contents Wayne on the cutting room floor,
    The scenes pictured are from The Alamo,El Dorado,The Undefeated,
    The Cowboys and McQ.
    But, deleted scene is deleted scene.There some moments that were never used.
    These moments only dropped down on the cutting room floor.
    Publicity still,press kit photos and trailers seem to me that had taken by the staff
    besides the original photography members and by another angle, by another time
    to promote the film work.
    It should appreciate this as a work besides the original though DVD of director's cut
    long version is often released on the market later.
    What is important is deeply affection when watch the film (the final cut) in the theatre,
    i think.
    Robbie, if i made a rude things because of my poor English, I'm sorry.


    Sometimes kids ask me what a pro is. I just point to the Duke.
    ~Steve McQueen~

  • . . . if i made a rude things because of my poor English, I'm sorry.


    Thank you so much for your pertinent comments in this thread, and letting us know about the part regarding deleted scenes in The Official John Wayne Reference Book.

    And please . . . don't ever apologize for your English skills . . . I wager they are 1000 times better than the Japanese skills of anybody here! :teeth_smile: I know I would not be able to participate on a Japanese message board.


    Chester :newyear:

  • O.K.Jim,
    From The Official John Wayne Reference Book
    I don't have a scanner,so I'll post the transcription .

    The Alamo:Wayen,Chill Wills,Hank Worden and Widmark look to see the merchant Emil and his men enter the church.Emil's plan is to kill all of the above because they have discovered his secret of stored powder and guns.

    The Green Berets:This scene with Vera Miles was also dropped. Miles portrays Wayne's wife.During the course of the film they met in this brief sequence.

    The Undefeated:Wayne and John Agar part ways in this scene.Agar seemed to appear when tthe script needed him but his disappearance was a mystery.
    Wayne refers to two comrades that won't live by Christmas.Perhaps Agar's character was one of them.

    El Dorado:Charlene Holt,Wayne,Robert Mitchum and Paul Fix appear to be having a good time.This sequence occurs befire Wayne leaves.El Dorado after being shot by Michele Carey. (I missed this good scene!!.like Rio Bravo,they are singing?)
    This scene with Wayen and MIchele Carey is also missing,She is holding the rifle she shot Wayne with.

    The Cowboys:Wayne takes a fall,perhaps from "Crazy Alice". and Wayne and A.Martinez encounter a bear while checking the trail ahead . The bear had disappeared from the final print.

    McQ: Wayne encounters a woman at the reception desk at the hospital. Diana Muldaur looms over the woman's shoulder. I suspect Wayne is trying to find where his partner is after being shot.Muldaur plays the wife of the wounded detective.In the final version,Wayne and Muldaur are in the hospital room.


    Sometimes kids ask me what a pro is. I just point to the Duke.
    ~Steve McQueen~

  • The scene from The Alamo you mentioned can be seen in The Directors Cut of The Alamo. And the only way to get that is either a VHS double cassette or a DVD you can probably buy off of E-Bay. And there is more to that scene. Emil Sand and his two cohorts get the drop on Crockett, Bowie, Beekeeper, Smithy and, Parson but, he ends up with Bowies famous knife in his chest to close it out. There are about at least another 6-8 scenes that were deleted from the film that most everybody has seen. The bad part about that, though is, none of them are battle scenes. And believe me, there were battle scenes filmed that ended up on the cutting room floor and are probably gone forever.