Rest in Peace Charles-and the others. I best remember Charles Napier in movies like; Rambo, and Star Trek episodes.

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I remember Napier in that long-ago Star Trek episode as well as "Silence of the Lambs" and many other movies and guest-starring parts that I cannot name at the moment.
I remember Cilento in "Shalako" that starred Connery but little else.
R.I.P. to both! -
I remember Napier in that long-ago Star Trek episode as well as "Silence of the Lambs" and many other movies and guest-starring parts that I cannot name at the moment.
I remember Cilento in "Shalako" that starred Connery but little else.
R.I.P. to both!
Cilento was also in Hombre with Paul Newman. And Napier was always one of those actors you saw in alot of movies and tv but you never knew his name. He could play it straight like Rambo: First Blood II or comedy like The Blues Brothers. -
Jack Garner, 84, older brother of James Garner, died Septemper 13 after breaking his hip. After a minor league baseball career and time as a golf pro teacher, Garner came to Hollywood and was seen on his brother's series "Nichols", "New Maverick", "Bret Maverick" and "Rockford Files
Jack Garner, 84, older brother of James Garner, died Septemper 13 after breaking his hip. After a minor league baseball career and time as a golf pro teacher, Garner came to Hollywood and was seen on his brother's series "Nichols", "New Maverick", "Bret Maverick" and "Rockford Files
Rest in Peace Jack.
RIP Jack
Actress Pat Breslin died Oct 12. She co-starred with Jackie Cooper on the old THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE tv series in the 50s, guested on The Virginian, Bonanza, Stoney Burke, Twilight Zone (the Wm Shatner episode Nick of Time), and many others-also some William Castle films. A real Beauty-
She was married to Art Modell.
Rest in Peace.
Rest in peace, Pat Breslin. As I am a Baltimore native, My heart goes out to Art Modell (Art owned the Ravens), and their family.
Mark -
Garner came to Hollywood and was seen on his brother's series "Nichols", "New Maverick", "Bret Maverick" and "Rockford Files
He was also in the movie "Maverick" where after the big card game on the riverboat, he brings out the satchel with the winnings right before James Colburn draws his gun and robs all the money on his own riverboat. He was in several other of brother James' movies over the years but I don't remember them offhand. R.I.P. Jack Garner. -
Actress Pat Breslin died Oct 12. She co-starred with Jackie Cooper on the old THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE tv series in the 50s, guested on The Virginian, Bonanza, Stoney Burke, Twilight Zone (the Wm Shatner episode Nick of Time), and many others-also some William Castle films. A real Beauty-
R.I.P. Pat Breslin -
Bill Hale, approximately 90, died of cancer October 29 in Rowlett, TX. The brother of B-western star Monte bill hale
Tommy Doss, long-time member of the Sons of the Pioneers (1949-1967) who was recruited in 1949 to replace Bob Nolan, died of heart failure at 91 on October 25
Barbara Kent, 103, who began her career in silent films of the '20, died October 13 in Palm Desert, CA. Co-starred in silents with Fred Humes and Neal Hart and in Tom Keene's "Freighters of Destiny" in '31.
It's sad but inevitable that many of the actors and actresses of our generation are passing on often now in groups rip to all of them.
It's sad but inevitable that many of the actors and actresses of our generation are passing on often now in groups rip to all of them.
I echo Arthur's sentiments -
Character actor Leonard Stone died. You'll know the face.
Character actor Leonard Stone died. You'll know the face.
Oh yea, very familiar face. Check out IMDB and look at how many sitcom he has been in He has had bit parts in just about every popular TV shows from the 1960's thru to the 90's.
RIP. Leonard