I recently learned of the passing of Sir Charles Mackerras last week. He was a noted classical conductor known for his interpretations of Czech composers - Dvorak, Janacek, etc.. Born in Australia, based in London, but frequently conducted the Czech Philharmonic as well as other Czech orchestras.

General "RIP" announcements that might be of interest
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Euro-western star, Aldo Sambrell, 79, born in Spain, died July 10. Seen in "Fistful of Dollars", "For a Few Dollars More", "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly", all with Clint Eastwood; "The Texican" with Audie Murphy
Band leader Mitch Miller has died at 99. I have no desire to live into my 90's but if I make it to 99 I want to hit 100, even though I probably won't know it.
My dad used to watch Mitch Miller every Monday night, I believe on NBC at 10 pm. And of course, back in those days, there was no such thing as having multiple tv's in your house. Probably lucky you had the one you did. So, it was watch Mitch Miller with my dad or go do something else. I watched and glad I did. It was a very good show and Millers way of doing all those old songs was quite entertaining.
R.I.P. Mitch
Aw man, sorry to hear he passed away. Rest in Peace Mitch.
My parents used to have an album of his music. My favorite at that time was The Yellow Rose of Texas. Me and my brother used to make a fort like we saw in the movies, put the record on and marched around the table. Must've drove my mom nuts! RIP Mitch Miller
Sad news
R.I.P. Mitch Miller
Stuntman Jerry Wills, 63, son of legendary stuntman/actor Henry Wills, died July 12
Rest in Peace Mr Wills.
R.I.P. Jerry
Patricia Neal just passed away - she was 84, and grew up in Knoxville, TN - right by my hometown of Oak Ridge - and where I graduated from the University of Tennessee...
The Fort Sanders Hospital Rehabilitation Center bears her name. Rest in peace, Mary Stuart (Operation Pacific), and Nurse Maggie (In Harm's Way).
I just watched In Harm's Way 2 days ago and thought to myself that she was still alive after all these years. Then I check here and find I was close to being wrong. She was good with Duke and I am sorry to hear she passed. Rest in peace, Patricia.
Mark -
Just getting on the computer this evening, and saw the headline regarding Ms. Neil's death . . . and was pretty sure I'd read about it here.
May she rest in peace.
Its just been announced on our breakfast TV another link gone
Arthur -
I agree, another important link to Duke,
sadly passes away.
I have also copied these posts to our dedicated
Pals Of The Saddle- Patricia Neil..
Her performance in Hud is one of my all time favorites.
Long ago, when I was in high school and very fat, a sales clerk told me I looked like Patricia Neal. Sadly, I don't think I did.
sad news on the death of patrica neal.she was a good actress,may she rest in peace
I concur with all your thoughts on Patricia Neal. One question I have though is she had a series of strokes at a young age, I believe she was 39 when the first one happened. Was In Harm's Way filmed before or after she had the strokes? If you watch the movie it is tough to tell if she did or didn't show some signs.
I concur with all your thoughts on Patricia Neal. One question I have though is she had a series of strokes at a young age, I believe she was 39 when the first one happened. Was In Harm's Way filmed before or after she had the strokes? If you watch the movie it is tough to tell if she did or didn't show some signs.
Todd this is from our profile
She had finished In Harm's Way (1965) and had begun work on7 Women when she suffered a series of paralyzing strokes. Neal went through years of rehabilitation and made a triumphant comeback as the mother of a returning war veteran in The Subject Was Roses (1968), earning another Best Actress nomination.So it looks like it was just after she was with Duke