General "RIP" announcements that might be of interest

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  • R.I.P. Patricia Neal

    I think she and the Duke had one of the best sex scenes ever...

    In Harms way, when Duke calls his roommate and tells him to sleep out tonight and then Patricia bends down and unties her shoe... that's where the scene ends... but we all KNOW what was going to go on in the dark... Thank you Patricia and Duke for having some class....

    You can roll a turd in powdered sugar but that doesn’t make it a doughnut.

  • I know that nobody here has heard of the gent im about to mention but, this Gentleman was one I met about 12 years ago on a military history forum and he, his wife and I, became good friends.

    His name was Bernard, in WWII he was in the German Army as an Artillery Officer who served his entire war carreer on the Eastern Front. Bedo, never did anything that was not correct-so I dont want anyone to think so.

    During his long "walk" back to his Parents home, he traded away all but one of his Medals for shelter and for food. The one Medal he kept all these years till he gave it to me, was his Eastern Front Medal. It meant more to him than all his other decorations combined. Well, shortly after we met, he gave me his East Front medal and it is one I will never sell-not at any price. On learning that he had earned several other awards, I gave him one of the 2-3 Iron Crosses I had in my colection at that time. His wife will be sending the cross back to me on Bedos wishes. Even though this was not the cross he was originally awarded, to me it will also always be his.

    In 1950, he was in England and fell in love with a beautiful lady (still alive thank God) and then they migrated here to the USA and he found work working for Werner von Braun on our Rocket program. They retired in the 1980s and Bedo and his wife in retirement, went on historical lectures.

    Well, I lost touch with them for a few years, and was only fairly recently back in touch. I learned he had terminal Cancer and was in a Hospice. The staff at the hospice made his final weeks more bearable. Well, today I had been sent word that he had passed away.

    Rest in Peace Bedo-from a person who is greatful to have had the chance to call you, a friend.

    Anyway, Bedo-at wars end, had told his soldiers to disband and or to surrender. He chose to make his way home successfully doing so and taking over half a year to do so. He has the distinction of never having been a surrendered German Soldier

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

    Edited once, last by The Ringo Kid ().

  • Hi Tenneessee, Et,

    TN, I am not sure if they ever lived in Alabama, but I do know they lived in West Virginia at least for about the last 12 or so years. Its possible they could ahve lived in Alabama, but I dont ever recall either of them as ever mentioning living there. I could always ask Souzana when she gets back from Germany which will be in around a month.

    Et, quite welcome. These two people are fantastic people and im glad to have known them for the past decade and then some.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • I just asked, because Von Braun built the space program starting at Marshall Space Flight/Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville after WWII, and died there in 1970...the Civic Center Auditorium is named for him.

    Hi TN/ definately no problem. Ill ask Souzana when she gets back from Germany and see if they did live there. Im sure they were whereever von Braun was-at least till he passed away.

    Take care-Carl.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Character actor George DiCenzo,who portrayed prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi in "Helter Skelter," died Aug. 9 in Newtown, Pa. He was 70 and had been in failing health since a near-fatal accident a few years back.

    He toplined as the author of the book, Bugliosi, in the 1976 telepic on investigation and trial of cult killer Charles Manson.

    Thesp, who attended the Yale School of Drama, led a career that spanned more than three decades.

    DiCenzo appeared in series, including "Gunsmoke," "The Waltons," "Hawaii Five-O," "Police Story," and "NYPD Blue."

    In pics he was featured in pics such as "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," "Back to the Future," and "A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints," which was his last outing.

    He also did voiceover for toons "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe," "Animaniacs" and "Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven," among others.

    In 1992, DiCenzo appeared with Nathan Lane in the Broadway production of George C. Scott-helmed "On Borrowed Time."

    In addition to acting, DiCenzo's voice could be heard on numerous commercials and in later years, he was an acting instructor in New York and Philadelphia.

    Survivors include wife, Donna, a son, three grandchildren and a sister.

    ***in Back to the Future, he was the guy who hit Marty McFly with his car***

  • Rest In Peace Penny. I cought a few episodes of the show when the Christian Broadcasting Network used to show bunches of old westerns and western TV series for most of the day on Sunday. 30 years ago.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Blonde actress Ahna Capri, 66, died August 20, from injuries sustained in a car accident August 9. Seen in "Outlaw's Son" and dozens of TV westerns rip in peace